Phantom Imp: Helluva Ghost (Danny Phantom/Helluva Boss Crossover) (2024)

Chapter 3​


Ember McClain promised herself that everyone remembered her name. Everyone would cheer when they heard her music. They would cheer for her once they saw her. They would cheer for her when her name was spoken.

But no one has spoken her since. At least not since she last fought with a certain ghost boy, which was a couple of years ago as she recalled.

She (along with her other fellow ghosts) had a special hatred for Danny Phantom. For her, he was the cause of her decline. She had the entire town eating at the palm of her hands when she first arrived. She even had the ghost boy under her spell, but alas it was broken and he had defeated her. Then she tried partnering up with that ghost child who either played cowboy or pirate, but that failed as well.

In recent times, she shacked up with the Hunter extraordinaries himself Skulker. However even together, Danny Phantom still managed to defeat them.

However, a new thorn in her side came about that wasn't Danny Phantom.

The rocker ghost girl was currently walking down a dirty and dimly lit alley way, her ghostly glow being the only form of light. Currently she was lighting up a cigarette. She was dead already, so cancer didn't really matter to her. As she continued walking with cigarette in mouth, she paused and turned her head to the left side of the alleyway and frowned at the poster that she was looking at. The poster was that of a curvaceous young woman with blond hair and pink highlights and a pink cleavage revealing dress with a gold sequenced coat layers over her.

Verosika Mayday
Live in Megaville
Coming September 22nd

Ember balled up her black gloved fist and greeted her teeth in rage. She thought she had it bad with Danny Phantom, but then came along this Verosika Mayday woman stealing her spotlight. With her beauty and singing talent that rivaled that of Ember herself, she took the entire world by storm! Soon all the simps were worshiping her! Everywhere Ember went, humans and mortals couldn't stop talking about Verosika!

It just wasn't fair! Everyone should be talking about her! Everyone should know her name! Everyone should be remembering her name! Ember McClain.

Ember furiously tore the poster from the brick wall. She lowered her brow and glared at the poster as her arms were shaking in anger. Then she began burning the poster as blue fire soon engulfed it until it was nothing but ash in her hands.

She lowered her head and smirked with sinister intent.

" Enjoy the fame while it lasts, Verosika Mayday!" She said, "I'm going to make sure your concert on Saturday is gonna be your last!"

Megaville Community College

Danny phased through the roof and onto the quiet and empty campus hallway. Landing on the floor with his white boots. Then from head to toe, he was surrounded by two glowing white rings that elevated up and down. His costume had changed to a grey polo shirt. His hair had changed from white black and eyes from green to blue.

He glanced to the right to see the door to his current class. Andre Phillius, Astronomy it read. He quietly grabbed the knob of the door and walked in. He was met with the disappointed lavender eyes of Professor Goetia from across the room and behind his desk. On his desk was birdcage with three or so birds in it. One was red and perched on a wooden stand, while the other two were red and green. Danny glanced to the right to see various indifferent looking students behind their desks.

"Mr. Fenton" Andre glared at him, "You're late."

"I know." Danny nervously replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Then take a seat." Andre pointed at an empty desk to the right hand corner.

"Yes sir." Danny tiredly said, walking towards the desk and taking a seat.

As he sat down and Andre turned around and began his lecture on the Crab Nebula, Danny felt his phone vibrate from his right pocket. Lowering his head, he grabbed his phone and looked at what was texted to him.

Sam: Nice one hero.

Danny smirked, before putting his phone back in his pocket and glancing back at his professor.

Sam Manson sat aside her cellphone as she paid attention to what her paranormal professor was saying. Currently, she was wearing black combat boots and knee socks, purple skirt, and black sweater. Over the years she had ditched the pony tail and just let her raven black hair loose. It was a pretty good look for her, all things considered.

"Now on the lower end of the demon hierarchy." Her professor said, a thin man with glasses and a small ponytail on his back, "We have imps and hellhounds." With the press of his remote, the diagram of the demon hierarchy switched to two photos. One was an illustration of an imp with dear antlers and a tail, the other a demonic looking dog breathing fire from its maw.

The Hellhound is not to be confused with the werewolf" The professor turned to the class and adjusted his spectacles, "Though both can transform into human form".

On the desk beside Sam, was an orange haired young woman wearing blue pants and a black shirt. She lifted herself up and raised her right hand.

"Yes, Ms. Fenton!" The professor pointed to Jazz.

"Perhaps the two creatures have a common root" She suggested, "Like the Beast of Gévaudan?"

"Perhaps" The professor adjusted his glasses, "But most experts agree that the Beast of Gévaudan was wolf-dog hybrid."

"What about the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Professor?" Jazz said.

The Professor smirked in amusem*nt. "Ms. Fenton, Little Red Riding Hood was an invention of the Brothers Grimm" He said, pointing to the two images behind him, "And most these are products of myths and superstition."

Jazz raised her eyebrow and folded her arms. "Sir, we live in a town constantly hassled by ghosts." She countered, "At this point, the existence of either werewolves or hellhounds is not off the table."

"Please let me continue my lecture, Ms. Fenton." The professor sneered.

"Yes sir" Jazz sat back down and pouted.

"Don't listen to him" Sam muttered to Jazz, "He's just in this for his tenure."

Jazz then heard a slight hissing noise to her left. She turned to see a raven haired young man with a sleeveless shirt, a black collar, black pants, and ruby red eyes.

"I…uh, kinda believe you." The young man nervously said as he bounced his pencil around.

"You do?" Jazz smiled.

"Hey like you said." The young man said, "This is a town full of ghost, so I'm open minded." He smiled, noticing e canines bared, "By the way, my names Talbot." He introduced.

"Jazz. Jazz Fenton." The oldest sibling of the Fenton family happily replied.

Seated on Jazz's right, was an African American young woman sternly glancing around the room whilst jotting down notes on her notebook. Then she dropped her pen and proceeded to stand up, right hand raised high.

"Yes, Ms. Grey?" The professor turned around and answered.

"What are the weaknesses of these creatures?" Valerie asked.

"Holy weapons, the usual….." The professor casually said before turning back to his board.

Valerie Grey slowly sat back down, and continued jotting down her notes.

Imp City, Second Ring, Pride Circle, Hell

I.M.P's meeting room was smoke filled as Blitzo walked towards the chalk board, lit cigar in mouth. Moxxie was coughing from the second hand smoke emanating from his boss. Next to him, Millie was polishing some Japanese throwing stars while whistling some country tune. On the left side of the meeting room table Loona was (what else) on her phone.

The long horned Imp moved aside the chalkboard (which contained some writing one of which said "f*ck Moxxie" as well as a crude drawing of a penis) and slid down the projector sheet from the ceiling.

"Millie, turn on the f*cking projector!" Blitzo ordered whilst turning off the lights (the only other light being from Loona's phone), cigar still in mouth.

"Yes sir!" Millie cheerily saluted. The female Imp got up from her chair and walk towards the projector, stepping on a stool in order to reach it. With the press of a button, light emitted from the project alongside an image.

"Alright!" Blitzo began speaking again, taking the cigar out of his mouth and blowing a puff of smoke which made Moxxie cough again, "So as a reminder this is Ja……"

Blitzo turned around and was taken aback in shock and surprise of what was being projected. Instead of Jack Fenton it was a picture of Stolas in nothing but a tight speedo and doing a seductive "Draw me like one of your French girls" type poses on a bed. To the right side of the risqué photo where the words "For Blitzy" written in marker. Blitzo gritted his teeth in embarrassment.

"Heh…How did that get here?" He said with an awkward chuckle and smile as he turned to see a wide eyed and and flustered looking Moxxie and a giggling blushing Millie behind the projector, "Next slide!" Blitzo barked.

The projector finally changed to that of Jack Fenton in his favorite orange jumpsuit and with the same jovial look from the photo given to them by their anonymous client.

"This is Jack Fenton!" Blitzo pointed.

"Oh, like we didn't know that before." Loona remarked, eyes still firmly on her phone. Until that is she decided to take a glance at hefty human that they were targeting before moving her eyes towards Moxxie. "Never thought I'd see anyone as a fat as Moxxie." She smirked at Moxxie, who was giving her a glare whilst shaking his fists in frustration.

"Um, any way" Blitzo interjected, ignoring the insulting comment made by his adopted daughter at the expense of one of his employees, "This guy lives in Amity Park, USA and is some kind of dumb ass ghost Hunter or something."

"Ghost Hunter?" Moxxie thought, raising a single brow. "Um, sir" Moxxie balled up his fist towards his mouth and coughed out.

"The f*ck is it Moxxie?" An impatient Blitzo turned to Moxxie.

"Um…since this particular mortal is a ghost hunter" Moxxie nervously said as he twiddled his thumbs together, "Maybe we should approach this particular target with more……..caution?"

"Why's that?" Blitzo took his cigar out of his mouth.

"Well…..he might have experiences in fighting the supernatural" Moxxie calmly explained, "Basically us."

"He's just scared of meeting someone fatter then him." Moxxie growled as he heard Loona.

"Nothing to worry about Moxxie!" Blitzo smiled, taking another smoke of his cigar, "He's a ghost hunter, not a demon hunter!"

After Blitzo dismissed Moxxie's suggestion, Millie switched to the next slide and this time it showed Jack Fenton in a family photo which consisted of his wife in a blue jumpsuit, an older orange haired sister, and a younger raven haired brother.

"This is his f*cking ugly ass family and sh*t" Blitzo commented, "Apparently his wife is also is a retarded ass ghost hunter and our client is all pissy about tons of fun in the center f*cking her before he can!"

"Looks like an entire family of losers." Loona commented, "Especially that dorky looking guy in the white shirt."

The projector then switched to the next slide showing a large two story building with a massive sign reading "Fenton Works".

"This is their house that they all sleep, eat, piss, and sh*t in." Blitzo explained last, before walking towards the switch and flicking the light on. Millie stopped the projector as Blitzo lifted the sheet back up and quickly dragged the chalk board back in center frame. Millie hopped off the stool and sat right back down with her husband. Flinging his finished cigar towards the waste basket to the right, he grabbed the chalk and began drawing on it.

"This is the house!" Blitzo pointed at the poorly drawn picture of the Fenton Works building that he had just made, "And this on the left is the building where I'll take the fat bastard out with that AWP that I ordered from Mammazon, which should be here in…" Blitzo then looked at his rolex that he stole from a casino owner once. He could still remember that thrilling car chase that ensued that day.

Then crashing through the window was a drone carrying a certain high caliber model of sniper rifle of team based FPS infamy.

"Right on cue!" Blitzo smirked as he rubbed his hands together.

Moxxie's eyes darted towards the gun carrying drone that was hovering towards him. Then before he could react, the drone dropped the heavy rifle on to him causing him to collapse and break the chair that he was sitting on. He groaned in pain as the rifle lay on top of him.

"You ok Hun?" Millie bended over to ensure her husbands safety, only to be met by thumbs up.

"Thanks for holding it for me Moxxie!" Blitzo grabbed the rifle while still leaving Moxxie still lying in pain on the ground.

As he carried the rifle by the butt, he walked back towards the chalkboard and grabbed the chalk with his left hand and drew a crude stick figure of himself with a rifle and then one of Moxxie, Millie, and Loona.

"M&M, you watch my back like Stolas does when he's had too much Brandee and Looney…" Blitzo turned to the Hellhound and gave a fatherly smile, "I want you to watch Daddy do the voodoo that I do so well for when you'll takeover the family business when I'm gone".

"Riveting" Loona sarcastically replied as she continued scrolling through Sinstagram on her Hellphone in disinterest of what her father was saying.

Blitzo then fled his Hellphone vibrate from his right pocket. Quickly getting it out, he placed it on his ear and responded.

"Hello?" He grinned.

"Blitzy" A familiar voice that was both regal and flamboyant appeared from his phone speaker.

"Oh, uh….." Blitzo nervously sweated as he adjusted his collar, "Hey there Stolas."

"Just wanted to make sure that you and the rest of your group are coming to Octavia's 18th birthday this Sunday?" Stolas asked.

"Uh, yeah sure whatever." Blitzo scratched the back of his head.

"Splendid!" Stolas excitedly exclaimed from across the line, "Oh and by the way, are you doing a job this afternoon?" Stolas asked.

"Yeah I have to kill some fat ghost hunter guy, why?" Blitzo said, looking down at his expensive watch that he snatched from some winged cat like sinner last week while at a casino.

"My precious starfire has always wanted to visit the living world" Stolas explained, "Could you perhaps bring her with you?"

"Uh…." Blitzo nervously looked down, "Sure, I guess."

"Wonderful!" Blitzo was taken aback as Stolas happily shouted from across the line, "Oh Blitzy my big dick imp! You are the best imp lover a bird like me could have!" Stolas then continued, "By the way, when you comeback from your mission, why don't you come to my mansion and you can let me f*ck your imp bussy?"

Blitzo then heard the faint yet loud sound of what could only be Octavia from the other line.

"OMS dad! You're so f*cking cringe!"

Blitzo awkwardly glanced around with his yellow eyes before proceeding to hang up.

Blitzo sighed, lowering his phone from his ear and hunching over. "Great" He said in an annoyed tone, "Now I gotta babysit!" Blitzo then glanced at Loona (still looking at phone) and smiled.

"Loony!" He jumped onto the table and walked towards Loona whilst clasping his hands together, "Stolas wants us to bring Ophelia".

"Octavia" Moxxie corrected.

"Whatever" Blitzo replied, "Any way Stolas wants us to take Octavia with us." He explained in an almost condescending tone, "Do you think you can hang out with her for a little?"

Loona lowered her phone and replied. "Eh, why not." She shrugged.

"Great!" Blitzo smiled, "Then when you two are done, you can drop by and see daddy do his thing!" Blitzo shoved his face close to Loona, who moved her head slightly to the right and clenched her teeth in annoyance.

"Yippie" She sarcastically and unenthusiastically said.

"I knew you'd agree!" Blitzo raised his head back, allowing Loona room to breath.

"Well at least hanging out with 'Tavia won't be so bad." She smirked, "Just hope we don't run into any freaks or anything,"

Phantom Imp: Helluva Ghost (Danny Phantom/Helluva Boss Crossover) (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.