The Dutch are drinking less milk and eating more cheese (2024)

In the course of the first two decades of the 21st century, the Dutch were drinking less milk but eating more cheese. This is shown by an overview of per capita consumption figures of dairy products and eggs during 2005-2022, made by Wageningen Economic Research on behalf of Wakker Dier. Consumption figures for butter (oil) and eggs show less pronounced changes over the same period.

Discussions about a less animal and more plant-based diet often focus on the (excessive) consumption of meat and its reduction. But the consumption of animal-based proteins in the form of milk and milk-based foods is also important here. While 21st century meat consumption figures for the Netherlands as a whole show relatively little change so far (Dagevos et al., 2022), consumption figures for dairy products are more dynamic. The figures for milk and milk products show a clear decrease in consumption over time: a reduction of about 20% in volume between 2005 and 2021. This downward trend is offset by an upward trend for cheese and quark cheese products: an increase by about 40% over the same period. Apparently, many Dutch people find it easier to forgo a glass of milk or drinking yoghurt than a block of cheese or a tub of quark cheese.

From liquid to solid form

Based on these changes, it can be seen that a relative 'de-milking' is taking place in the Netherlands without there being any direct 'de-dairyfication'. After all, milk is the basic ingredient of cheese and quark cheese products. Dairy is and remains an important product category in the Dutch diet. This does not alter the fact that the total amount has decreased over time. Milk (products), cheese/quark cheese and butter (oil) added up to almost 129 kilograms per person/per year in 2005. For 2022, the counter currently stands at around 110 kilograms per person/per year. This is a decrease of about 19 kg (about 15%).


The methodology used to determine per capita consumption for dairy products amounts to deriving consumption in a given year from the production of drinking milk, drinking milk products, cheese and butter (oil) in that year. Production figures are combined with import and export figures to arrive at consumption per capita.

The Dutch are drinking less milk and eating more cheese (2024)


The Dutch are drinking less milk and eating more cheese? ›

The Dutch may be known for their cheese but their consumption of milk and most other dairy products is going down steadily, broadcaster NOS reported on Wednesday.

Why do Dutch eat so much cheese? ›

Due to the availability of water and flat grassland, the Dutch diet contains many dairy products such as cheese and butter, and is relatively high in carbohydrates and fat.

How much cheese does a Dutch person eat in a year? ›

Cheese fact

Did you know that the Dutch eat an average of 17 kilos of cheese per person per year? They really do love their cheese!

Do Dutch people drink lots of milk? ›

Regardless of the meal (breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner), Dutch people will drink a HUGE glass of milk with their food.

How much dairy do Dutch eat? ›

In 2021, the average Dutch person consumed more than 100 kilos of dairy.

Why are the Dutch so healthy? ›

Dutch people are eating more plant products, like fruit and vegetables, unsalted nuts and legumes. They are eating less red and processed meat. They are also drinking fewer sugary drinks. Both children and adults are eating and drinking more healthily.

What nationality eats the most cheese? ›

The International Dairy Federation estimates that France holds the title for the most cheese consumed in a year per capita, but Italy boasts a close second.

What time do the Dutch eat dinner? ›

Dutch dinner

The Dutch eat relatively early starting from 5 to 7 p.m., families mostly eat together around the dinner table. A typical Dutch dinner meal consists of potatoes, meat and vegetables, served with gravy. Dinner is often followed by a dessert in the form of yogurt or coffee.

What does a typical Dutch person eat in a day? ›

Dutch food culture is heavily based on meat, bread and potatoes. It is not unusual for the Dutch to eat bread in the morning and afternoon, and end the day with potatoes, vegetables and meat.

How rich is the average Dutch? ›

The Netherlands

In 2021, the average net worth was $377,090 for this nation. In 2019, the Dutch people had approximately 223,000 millionaire households.

What country drinks the least milk? ›

The countries that consume the least amount of milk are:
  • Laos - 2.92 kg/capita.
  • Liberia - 3.04 kg/capita.
  • Cambodia - 3.47 kg/capita.
  • North Korea - 3.79 kg/capita.
  • Burundi - 4.6 kg/capita.
  • Mozambique. - 4.79 kg/capita.
  • Ivory Coast - 6.36 kg/capita.
  • Sierra Leone - 7 kg/capita.
Nov 1, 2023

Are Dutch healthier than Americans? ›

And the U.S. didn't even make the top 20. The Netherlands came out on top because of low diabetes rates, low food prices and nutritional diversity.

Do the Dutch eat a lot of bread? ›

Bread plays the star roll here. An average Dutch family might go through multiple loafs of bread a day. One man could eat 6-8 slices of bread for breakfast and again for lunch.

What is the most eaten food in the Netherlands? ›

Traditional Dutch food is meat and potato or fish based for dinner and bread and cheese based for everything else. Beef stew and stamppot are two of the more common, hearty Dutch meals. Raw herring and other North Sea fishes are commonly consumed as well.

Do Dutch eat a lot of potatoes? ›

The Netherlands is considered a real potato country. The Dutch eat 53 kilos of 'normal' potatoes a year. If you also add all the potato products such as crisps & fries, you end up with 81 kilos of potatoes per person per year.

What culture eats the most dairy? ›

List of countries by milk consumption per capita
RankChange in rank 2013/2007Country
96 more rows

What is the Dutch tradition of cheese? ›

Cheesemaking traditionally was a woman's task in Dutch culture, with farmers' wives passing their cheesemaking skills on to their daughters. Most Dutch Gouda is now produced industrially.

What is the Netherlands most eaten food? ›

Traditional Dutch food is meat and potato or fish based for dinner and bread and cheese based for everything else. Beef stew and stamppot are two of the more common, hearty Dutch meals. Raw herring and other North Sea fishes are commonly consumed as well.

Why is there so much cheese in Amsterdam? ›

With so much fertile farmland that's perfect for dairy cows, the Netherlands is a proud cheese producing nation. Be it at breakfast, on sandwiches, cut into cubes and served with mustard, or even deep-fried, the Dutch will find an excuse to eat cheese any time of day, making Amsterdam a haven for cheese enthusiasts.

What is the main diet of the Dutch? ›

The classic Dutch food is called AVG, which stands for 'aardappelen, groente en vlees' or potatoes, vegetables and meat, the main ingredients for a classic Dutch meal. Especially in winter, stamppot is a very popular dish. It is potatoes mixed with vegetables, gravy and a piece of meat to go with it.


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