Dutch people generally feel healthy (2024)

Dutch people generally feel healthy (1)

The majority of the Dutch population perceive their own health as good or very good. Women and older people less often feel healthy. Health perception also depends on the number of chronic diseases. People suffering from back problems less often feel healthy.

Eight in ten healthy or very healthy

Eight in ten Dutch evaluated their own healthas good or very good last year. Only just under 4 percent (635 thousand people) evaluated their health status as poor or very poor. Older people are less positive about their health than young people. In general, women feel less healthy than men; 82 percent of men reported their health was good or very good versus 78 percent of women. One of the reasons is that women live longer, so their average age is higher. Women also more often suffer from chronic diseases than men.

Perceived health, 2010

Dutch people generally feel healthy (2)

Feeling unhealthy related to chronic diseases

People with chronic diseasesmore often feel unhealthy, in particular those who suffer from more than one chronic condition. Only 37 percent of people with three or more chronic conditions, for example, assess their own state of health as good or very good. There is no difference between men and women in this respect. People without chronic diseases generally feel much healthier; 95 percent in this category say their state of health is good or very good.

Perceived health and chronic diseases, 2010

Dutch people generally feel healthy (3)

People with back problems less often feel healthy

The six most common chronic conditions last year were migraine (14 percent in the population), hypertension (13 percent), arthrosis (11 percent), back problems (9 percent), neck or shoulder problems (9 percent) and asthma (8 percent). People with backache are the least happy with their state of health. Only 46 percent of people with back problems evaluate their state of health as (very) good. Back problems rarely come alone, 63 percent suffer from two or more chronic conditions.

Health perception and the six most common chronic diseases, 2010

Dutch people generally feel healthy (4)

Marieke Houben-van Herten

Dutch people generally feel healthy (2024)


Why are Dutch people so healthy? ›

Dutch people are eating more plant products, like fruit and vegetables, unsalted nuts and legumes. They are eating less red and processed meat. They are also drinking fewer sugary drinks. Both children and adults are eating and drinking more healthily.

How healthy are people in the Netherlands? ›

In 2019, about 75 % of Dutch people reported that they were in good health – a greater share than in the EU as a whole (69 %).

Why are Dutch people so happy? ›

Our country is ranked fifth in the World Happiness Report 2023. In the newspaper AD, happiness researcher Ruut Veenhoven says we are so happy because we can make choices. "There is a sense of choice. You have to be able to choose to know who you are.

What are the Dutch people known for? ›

Originally the Dutch are known for their cheese and tulips. Every year, the Netherlands exports approximately 600 million kilos of cheese and more than 5 billion Euros worth of flowers and plants.

What are the Dutch health beliefs? ›

The philosophy underpinning the Dutch health care system is based on several more or less universal principles: access to care for all, solidarity through medical insurance (which is compulsory for all and available to all) and high-quality health care services.

Why are the Dutch so clean? ›

Between 1500 and 1800 numerous travelers reported on the habit of housewives and maids to meticulously clean the interior and exterior of houses. We argue that it was the commercialization of dairy farming that led to improvements in household hygiene.

Why is Netherlands the healthiest country? ›

According to the index "Good Enough to Eat," the Netherlands emerged the leader thanks to relatively low food prices, low prevalence of diabetes, and better nutritional diversity than its European rivals.

Is obesity a problem in the Netherlands? ›

Half of Dutch adults are overweight, the same as in 2018, when the government pledged to lower the amount to 38 percent of adults and 9 percent of children by 2040.

Why is the Netherlands life expectancy so high? ›

We show that the recent upturn of life expectancy in the Netherlands can plausibly be ascribed to an expansion of health care, particularly for the elderly.

Why are Dutch so rich? ›

The Netherlands has had steady natural gas resources since 1959, when a wellspring was discovered. Currently the Netherlands accounts for more than 25% of all natural gas reserves in the European Union. Over the following decades, the sale of natural gas generated a significant rise in revenue for the Netherlands.

What is the Dutch mindset? ›

Dutch people value honesty, so they're known to be frank and speak their minds. Some expats may interpret this directness as being rude. However, to the Dutch, being direct allows them to communicate more clearly and efficiently.

What is the Dutch way of thinking? ›

Dutch directness

We are used to speaking our minds. Please do not take it personal or misunderstand it as rude. We see being direct as efficient - you do not have to guess what we mean - and as a great way of openness. As a matter of fact we expect the same from you, so don't be afraid of speaking your mind.

What is the Dutch lifestyle? ›

Dutch people are usually very open, friendly and welcoming. In the Netherlands, only parents and children live together. In general, they do not live with grandparents, aunts, and uncles. During meals, Dutch families usually share their adventures of the day. In Dutch homes, all family members share chores.

What is a Dutch breakfast? ›

Dutch breakfast can vary. Most common are bread slices with sweet or savoury spreads, as well as muesli and yogurt. Dairies such as cheeses, milk and eggs often play a role in the first meal of the day in the Netherlands.

What are Dutch values? ›

Dutch culture values industriousness, social responsibility, democratic principles, education, and tolerance. They believe everyone has a voice—and they will share their opinion. (They will expect you to do the same.) The Dutch have a universally powerful sense of community and the environment.

What is the best diet for Dutch people? ›

Essentially, you should be loading up on vegetables, fruit, dairy, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, and unsaturated fats—and limiting saturated fats, red and processed meat, sugar-containing beverages, alcohol, and salt, Croll says.

Do the Dutch eat early? ›

Unlike many of their European counterparts, the Dutch eat their evening meal relatively early; most often around 18:00. Again, the Dutch also typically eat dinner at home with their families and enjoy spending leisurely time together afterward. While het diner can vary by culture, a favorite Dutch recipe is stamppot.

Do Dutch people live longer? ›

The life expectancy of Dutch men now stands at 79 years and it rates amongst the highest in the European Union. The average life expectancy of women is 83 years, which is in the middle range in the EU due to relatively high rates of smoking by Dutch women in the past.

Do Dutch people eat a lot of meat? ›

So the vast majority of Dutch people do eat meat, but by no means every day: 22 percent eat meat, but choose a main meal without meat or fish three or more days a week (those in this group are also known as 'flexitarians'). A further 43 percent eat a vegetarian main meal once or twice a week.


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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.