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Department of the ArmyPamphlet 25–33

Military Publications

User’s Guidefor ArmyPublicationsand Forms

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC15 September 1996

DA PAM 25 -33 - US Army Center Of Military History - [PDF Document] (2)

SUMMARY of CHANGEDA PAM 25–33User’s Guide for Army Publications and Forms

This revision consolidates DA PAM 25-32, 14 August 1987; DA PAM 25-33, 1 June1988; DA PAM 310-10, 1 October 1982; and revises DA Form 12-R, DA Form 12-99-R,and DA Form 4569-1-R. It also provides updated information about the StandardArmy Publications System.

Specifically, this pamphlet--

o Contains instructions for determining initial distribution quantities forpublications (para 3-2).

o Establishes the use of on-line initial distribution (ID) subscriptionschanges (para 3-3).

o Provides information and instructions for the new automated ordering system(DA Form 4569) (para 3-11).

o Establishes the initial distribution number (IDN) in lieu of the DA Form 12-series form and block numbers (para 4- 1).

o Establishes the use of memorandums for resupply ordering of controlledpublications in lieu of DA Form 4569-R (para 6-9).

DA PAM 25 -33 - US Army Center Of Military History - [PDF Document] (3)

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC15 September 1996

Military Publications

User’s Guide for Army Publications and Forms

*Department of the ArmyPamphlet 25–33

b. History. This is a complete revision ofthe 1988 edition of this pamphlet.Summary. This pamphlet has been exten-s i v e l y r e w r i t t e n t o i n c l u d e n e w o r d e r i n gmethods and systems, to explain changes tothe Standard Army Publications System, and

to provide the user with a guide that is easierto read and comprehend than the publicationsit replaces.Applicability. This pamphlet applies to theActive Army, the Army National Guard, andthe U.S. Army Reserve customers who orderand use Army published materials, and needan understanding of the Standard Army Pub-lications System and the support it provides.It is also applicable to our Foreign MilitarySales customers, to other military/DOD serv-ices and agencies, DOD contractors, and anyo t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s a u t h o r i z e d t o r e c e i v eArmy published material. This pamphlet ap-plies during partial and full mobilization.P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y .The proponent of this pamphlet is the Officeof the Director of Information Systems forC o m m a n d , C o n t r o l , C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , a n dComputers. The proponent has the authorityto approve exceptions to this pamphlet thatare consistent with controlling law and regu-lation. Proponents may delegate the approval

authority, in writing, to a division chief undertheir supervision within the proponent agencywho holds the grade of colonel or the civilianequivalent.

Suggested Improvements. Users are in-vited to send comments and suggested im-p r o v e m e n t s o n D A F o r m 2 0 2 8(Recommended Changes to Publications andBlank Forms) directly to Commander, U.S.Army Publications and Printing Command,ATTN: ASQZ-LM, 2461 Eisenhower Ave-nue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0302.

Distribution. Distribution of this publica-tion is made in accordance with Initial Distri-bution Number (IDN) 040017, intended forcommand level A for Active Army, ArmyNational Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1Introduction, page 1

Section IGeneral, page 1Purpose • 1–1, page 1References • 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1

Section IIThe Standard Army Publications System (STARPUBS), page 1General description • 1–4, page 1Major management roles • 1–5, page 1

Chapter 2Publications Accounts, page 1Who is authorized a publications account? • 2–1, page 1Establishing your publications account • 2–2, page 1Upgrading your account for classified service • 2–3, page 2Authorization to receive blank forms • 2–4, page 2Test material • 2–5, page 3Interservice accounts for DA publications • 2–6, page 3National Guard accounts • 2–7, page 3Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) accounts • 2–8, page 3Publications accounts for contracting officers • 2–9, page 3

Closing accounts • 2–10, page 3

Chapter 3Distribution and Ordering Systems, page 3

Section IThe Initial Distribution System (ID), page 3How the ID system works • 3–1, page 3Determining publications quantities • 3–2, page 4Establishing and maintaining your ID requirements using DA Form

12-99-R • 3–3, page 5Initial distribution of explosive ordnance and nuclear weapons

publications • 3–4, page 5Submitting the DA Form 12-99-R, DA Form 12-29-R, and DA

Form 12-35-R • 3–5, page 6Establishing ID requirements for FMS customers (See chap 8.)

• 3–6, page 6Requesting an ID requirements listing • 3–7, page 6Clarification of ID and resupply systems. • 3–8, page 6

Section IIThe Resupply Ordering System, page 6How the resupply or replacement copy system works • 3–9,

page 6Submitting requests for resupply copies • 3–10, page 6Understanding data fields of the electronic DA Form 4569 • 3–11,

page 6

*This pamphlet supersedes DA PAM 25-32, 14 August 1987; DA PAM 25-33, 1 June 1988; and DA PAM 310-10, 1 October 1982.

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Information about the STARPUBS Defense Data Network (DDN)Interface System (SDIS) • 3–12, page 7

Processing requisitions • 3–13, page 7

Chapter 4How to Use DA Pamphlet 25-30 (Consolidated Listing of

Army Publications and Blank Forms) to Establish YourPublication Requirements, page 11

Understanding the publications index • 4–1, page 11Understanding administrative publication distribution levels • 4–2,

page 11Consolidated reprints and changes • 4–3, page 11Initial distribution (ID) data • 4–4, page 11

Chapter 5Managing and Maintaining Your Account, page 12Publications management plan • 5–1, page 12Specialized publications, indexes, and forms useful for managing

an account • 5–2, page 12Keeping account information current • 5–3, page 12Submitting requisitions, and tracking due-in, and due-out stock

quantities • 5–4, page 12Operational stockage of blank forms • 5–5, page 13Keeping ID requirements current • 5–6, page 14Changing initial distribution (ID) requirements • 5–7, page 14Validating account information • 5–8, page 14Reconciling requisitions and receipts for classified shipments

• 5–9, page 14Compromise or loss • 5–10, page 14Accountable and sensitive forms • 5–11, page 14Excess items • 5–12, page 15Obsolete items • 5–13, page 15

Chapter 6Special Procedures, page 15Instructional material • 6–1, page 15Allied Communications Publications and Joint Army-Navy-Air

Force publications (ACPs and JANAPs) • 6–2, page 16Army and DOD Microfiche Publications • 6–3, page 16Federal and Department of the Army supply catalog identification

lists • 6–4, page 17Publications in large quantities • 6–5, page 17Professional bulletins (PBs) • 6–6, page 17Center of Military History (CMH) publications • 6–7, page 17Joint publications of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

• 6–8, page 17Multi-service Nuclear Weapon Publications System (MNWPS)

• 6–9, page 17Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) publications • 6–10, page 18Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) publications • 6–11, page 18Publications of other Government agencies • 6–12, page 18

Chapter 7Export Control and Distribution Restriction, page 18Technology transfer • 7–1, page 18Markings on technical manuals • 7–2, page 18Procedures for determining whether TM data is subject to export

controls • 7–3, page 18Rationale for selecting distribution restriction statements • 7–4,

page 19

Chapter 8Foreign Military Sales Publication Support, page 20General • 8–1, page 20Which FMS customers can get a publications account? • 8–2,

page 20Establishing a publications account • 8–3, page 20Using initial distribution • 8–4, page 20

Requesting initial distribution (Preparing DA Form 12-99-R) • 8–5,page 20

Resupply copy system • 8–6, page 21Preparing the DA Form 4569-1-R • 8–7, page 21Reject error reports • 8–8, page 22Advice of supply actions • 8–9, page 22Requisition transaction status codes • 8–10, page 22Publications provided FMS students • 8–11, page 22Account management • 8–12, page 22

Appendix A. References, page 26

Table List

Table 3–1: Equipment publication maintenance levels, page 4Table 3–2: Equipment publication lettering, page 4Table 3–3: Authorized abbreviations for publications and forms,

page 7Table 3–4: Unit of issue codes, page 8Table 3–5: Reject error codes, page 8Table 3–6: Advice of supply codes, page 9Table 8–1: Reject error codes applicable to FMS, page 22Table 8–2: Advice of supply action codes applicable to FMS,

page 23Table 8–3: MILSTRIP status codes applicable to publications,

page 24

Figure List

Figure 3–1: Example of a completed DA Form 12-99-R, page 11Figure 8–1: Example of a completed DA Form 4569-1-R, page 26



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Chapter 1Introduction

Section IGeneral

1–1. PurposeThis pamphlet will help you order and manage the requirements forpublications and blank forms stocked and issued by the Departmentof the Army (DA). Stockroom managers will also find guidance onmaintaining stock levels for DA forms at their organizations. Thispamphlet also explains in detail how to—

a. Establish and maintain your publications account.b . E s t a b l i s h r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r n e w p u b l i c a t i o n s , p u b l i c a t i o n s

changes, or revised publications, to be distributed to you as they arepublished (the initial distribution system).

c. Prepare and submit orders for existing publications to replacelost or worn-out books or for a publication that you would not needon a recurring basis (the resupply or replacement copy system).

d. Order blank forms.

1–2. ReferencesRequired and related publications are listed in appendix A. Pre-scribed and referenced forms are also listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this pamphlet are refer-enced in the glossary.

Section IIThe Standard Army Publications System (STARPUBS)

1–4. General descriptionSTARPUBS and its subsystems provide for the printing, storage,issue, distribution, and disposal of Department of the Army publica-tions and blank forms Army-wide. STARPUBS also generates man-agement data that assists the U.S. Army Publications and PrintingC o m m a n d ( U S A P P C ) i n t h e e x e c u t i o n o f t h e A r m y I n t e g r a t e dPublishing and Printing Program (AIPPP).

1–5. Major management rolesa. USAPPC—(1) Develops and recommends printing, publishing, and distribu-

tion policies.(2) Determines the distribution requirements for publications and

blank forms.(3) Directs the operation of the U.S. Army Publications Distribu-

tion Center (USAPDC).b. The USAPDC stocks and distributes classified and unclassified

departmental administrative, training and doctrinal, technical andsupply publications, and all blank forms, including sensitive andaccountable blank forms.

c. Continental United States (CONUS) installation publicationsstockrooms and outside continental United States (OCONUS) publi-cations distribution centers (PDCs) —

(1) Serve as an extension of the USAPDC to provide departmen-tal blank forms storage and distribution support to units located at,or supported by, the installation or OCONUS PDC.

(2) Redistribute excess or misrouted departmental publicationsbut will not order or maintain stock of these items.

((3) Stock and issue command, agency, installation, and localpublications and blank forms, as appropriate.

d. Deputy chiefs of staff for information management (DCSIMs),d i r e c t o r s o f i n f o r m a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t ( D O I M s ) , a n d i n f o r m a t i o nmanagement officers (IMOs)—

(1) Manage command/installation publications.(2) Enforce departmental policies, regulations and instructions

governing publications and printing.( 3 ) A p p o i n t f u n c t i o n a l m a n a g e r s t o e x e r c i s e p u b l i c a t i o n a n d

forms management responsibilities, such as the publication stock-room manager (PSM), publication control officer (PCO), and formsmanagement officer (FMO).

e. National Technical Information Service (NTIS)—( 1 ) P r o c e s s e s r e q u e s t s f r o m t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c f o r D A

publications.(2) Sells DA publications to general contractors and the general

public.f. U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC), is the

single point of contact for Army publications and blank forms sup-port to the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Program. (See chapter 8.)

Chapter 2Publications Accounts

2–1. Who is authorized a publications account?a. Active Army table of organization and equipment (TOE) units

that are battalion size with a personnel administrative center (PAC).b. Active Army TOE units that are detachment size and larger,

and not organized under a (PAC).c. Army TDA activities may have accounts established at the

commander, director, or chief level.d. Army schools may establish separate accounts for the refer-

ence library, the staff, and student texts.e. Army Civilian Personnel Offices.f. U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) activities that are company size or

larger, and staff sections at division level.g. The Army National Guard (ARNG) units that are company

size or larger, designated by the State adjutant general (see para 2-7).

h. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), including Seniorand Junior ROTC units (see para 2-8).

i. Recruiting activities.j. Test control activities (see para 2-5).k . O t h e r U . S . m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e s a n d D e p a r t m e n t o f D e f e n s e

(DOD) agencies and activities, in accordance with AR 25-36, (seepara 2-6).

l. Contractors and businesses providing services under DOD con-tract that require Army publications support (see para 2-9).

m. The National Technical Information Service.n. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers (see chapter 8).

2–2. Establishing your publications accounta. To receive publications and or blank forms from the USAPPC,

you must have a valid publications account. If you are opening anew account, prepare DA Form 12-R (Request for Establishment ofa Publications Account) according to instructions below. DA Form12-R will be locally reproduced on 8 1/2-inch by 11-inch paper. Acopy for reproduction is located at the back of this pamphlet. Addi-tionally, DA Form 12-R may be electronically generated. The elec-tronically generated form must contain all data elements and followthe exact format of the existing printed form. The form number ofthe electronically generated form will be shown as DA Form 12-R-Eand the date will be the same as the date of the current edition ofthe printed form.

b. The account identification information you provide on the DAForm 12-R must be as accurate as possible. Your account informa-tion is used for the distribution of publications specifically intendedfor your organization, in addition to your initial distribution require-ments, and enhances the publications support you receive fromUSAPPC.

c. Instructions for completing DA Form 12-R are as follows:(1) Block 1 (Account Number). Leave this block blank if this is

your initial request to establish a publications account. If you areupdating account information, you must enter your account numberin this block.

(2) Block 2 (Date). Enter the date you are preparing the form.(3) Block 3 (Type of Submission). If you are submitting the form

for the first time, mark box "a" (Initial). If you are updating an

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existing account, mark box "b" (Change). If you want to close youraccount, mark box "c" (Close) and include the date of closure inSection III, block 12b, "Effective Date."

(4) Block 4 (From). Enter your complete mailing address in thisblock. The address must conform to the following:

(a) Address must not exceed four lines.(b) Each line must not exceed 24 characters, including spaces.(c) Authorized abbreviations should be used wherever possible.(d) The attention line, if used, will contain an office name such

as Director of Logistics or Resource Management Office. Try toavoid the use of office symbols since they change often. Do not usenames of individuals.

( e ) E n t e r t h e c o m p l e t e s t r e e t a d d r e s s , i n c l u d i n g b u i l d i n g a n droom numbers, if applicable. Do not use post office box numbers.

(f) Enter your nine-digit ZIP code.(5) Block 5 (Thru). Activities must adhere to the routing and

approval requirements contained in paragraphs 2-6 through 2-9 be-low and your local procedures. Your DA Form 12-R will normallybe routed through the installation PCO or the PSM, as determinedby the installation DOIM.

(6) Block 6 (To).(a) If you are an Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National

Guard customer, enter U.S. Army Publications Distribution Center,ATTN: New Account Processing, 1655 Woodson Rd., St. Louis,MO 63114-6181.

(b) All other users, enter U.S. Army Publications and PrintingC o m m a n d , A T T N : A S Q Z - L M , 2 4 6 1 E i s e n h o w e r A v e n u e ,Alexandria, VA 22331-0302.

(7) Block 7a (Type of Publications Service). Check the appropri-ate block(s) to indicate the type of service you need.

(a) If you want authorization to receive blank forms, and do notmeet the criteria in para 2-4 below, include a short justification inblock 7b explaining why you cannot receive forms from a support-ing installation stockroom.

(b) If you want to establish an account to receive test controlmaterial, a separate DA Form 12-R must be completed and submit-ted in accordance with paragraph 2-5 below.

(8) Block 8 (Unit Description Data).(a) Block 8a (Component). Check the block that applies to your

organization. If you check the contractor box, you must also com-plete block 8e and or block 8f.

(b) Block 8b. (TOE or TDA Number - Army customers only) Ifyou are an Army customer, enter your TOE or TDA number in thisblock. This information may be found on your TOE or TDA docu-ment or you can obtain it by contacting your supply or personneloffice.

(c) Block 8c (Unit Identification Code (UIC)). If you are anArmy customer, enter your UIC here. You can find your UIC in theheader of the TOE or TDA document that applies to your organiza-tion. If your TOE or TDA document is not available, you can obtainthis information from your supply or personnel office.

( d ) B l o c k 8 d ( M i l i t a r y A s s i s t a n c e P r o g r a m A d d r e s s C o d e(MAPAC)). If you are a FMS customer, contact your case managerto obtain your MAPAC and enter it here.

( e ) B l o c k 8 e ( C o m m e r c i a l a n d G o v e r n m e n t E n t i t y C o d e(CAGE)). Contractors performing work for the Army will entertheir CAGE code here. You must either have a CAGE code or aspecific contract number to cite in block 8f to be authorized apublications accounts. If you do not know your CAGE number,contact your Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer Representa-tive. See paragraph 2-9.

(f) Block 8f (Contract number). If you are performing work forthe Army under a specific contract, enter the contract number here.If you do not know your contract number you should contact yourContracting Officer or Contracting Officer Representative. See para-graph 2-9.

(g) Block 8g (DOD Activity Address Code (DODAAC)). If youare a non-Army customer, enter your DOD Activity Address Code(DODAAC). Navy users often refer to the DODAAC as a UIC (not

to be confused with the Army UIC). If you do not know yourDODAAC, contact your supply or personnel office.

(9) Block 9a, b, c (Publication Officer). The person responsiblefor the maintenance of this account will complete these blocks.

(10) Block 10 (Classification level). Indicate the classificationlevel required for your account. If you are requesting classifiedservice, blocks 11a, b, and c must be completed. If you do notrequire a classified account, skip the instructions for Block 11 be-low. (Note: Some Army published matter is marked "For OfficialUse Only." This material is authorized for release to unclassifiedaccounts and higher classification of your account is not required.)

(11) Block 11 (Security statement). Your security officer respon-sible for safeguarding classified material will complete blocks 11a,b, and c. By completing these blocks, you are indicating compliancewith the security statement shown.

(12) Block 12a and b (Old and New address). Complete andsubmit this section at least 30 days prior to the effective date of thechange. If you can’t meet the 30 day deadline, you may fax orphone the information to USAPPC at (703) 325-6260 or DSN 221-6260. Mail that is addressed to your account that has been returnedas undeliverable will cause a suspension of service until updatedinformation is received. If you are submitting this form to change anaddress only, complete blocks 1, 3 and 9. Enter the old address inblock 12a and the new address, with a nine-digit ZIP code, in block12b. Enter the effective date of the change in the bottom of block12b.

(13) Block 13a, b, and c. Your unit commander, or an installa-tion, agency, or command-level officer will complete these blocks.

(14) Block 14a, b, and c. Your PCO, PSM or DOIM-designatewill complete these blocks after review and approval. The installa-tion PCO, PSM, or DOIM-designate will forward the approvedforms to: U.S. Army Publications Distribution Center, ATTN: NewAccount Processing, 1655 Woodson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63114-6181.

d. You must maintain a publications management file containinga copy of all completed forms that are submitted. When you receiveyour approved or revised DA Form 12-R, replace the outdated DAForm 12-R in your publications management file with the revisedand approved form.

e. Upon receipt of your DA Form 12-R, USAPPC will send youmaterials and instructions to get you started establishing your initialdistribution requirements and/or submitting resupply requests. Fol-low the directions carefully.

(1) Once you have determined your publications subscriptionsand/or resupply requests, you may forward them to USAPPC afterfollowing any additional procedures that may affect you. For exam-ple, your PCO may have established procedures to review andforward approved actions to USAPPC for processing. With the abil-ity to change requirements and order electronically, you may needto ask your PCO for approval to submit your subscription changesa n d o r d e r s d i r e c t l y t o U S A P P C w i t h o u t a d d i t i o n a l a p p r o v a lprocedures.

(2) USAR units under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army ReserveCommand (USAR) will send completed forms to the appropriateMajor U.S. Army Reserve Command (MUSARC), ATTN: PCO, forreview and approval.

2–3. Upgrading your account for classified servicea. If you have an established account, it is not necessary to

request a separate account number to obtain classified service. Youmust, however, submit a DA Form 12-R requesting that we upgradeyour account classification level.

b. A classification upgrade will also require the completion ofSection II of DA Form 12-R if you have not previously done so.

2–4. Authorization to receive blank formsa. Normally, only the following activities are allowed to order

blank forms from the publications distribution center:(1) Installation publications stockrooms.(2) Overseas publications centers.(3) Medical department activities.

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(4) Active Army service schools.(5) ARNG State adjutants general.b. Exceptions:(1) Schools will be allowed a blank forms account, provided that

they cannot be supported by a local stockroom.(2) Any organization may be allowed a forms account if it uses

an unusually large number of forms or is in an isolated location.c. Some blank forms are sensitive and accountable and may be

susceptible to misuse for fraudulent purposes (example: ID cards).These types of forms are footnoted in DA PAM 25-30. If yourequire these types of forms, they must be safeguarded and youraccount must be authorized to receive classified materials in addi-tion to your authorization to receive blank forms. If you are notauthorized classified materials, you must upgrade your account clas-sification level, as described in paragraph 2-3 above.

d. If you have an established publications account, it is not neces-sary to request a separate account to obtain blank forms service.You must, however, submit a DA Form 12-R requesting that weupgrade your account so that blank forms service will be establishedfor your account.

e. Send the DA Form 12-R to your installation PCO who willcomplete it and forward it to the Commander, U.S. Army Publica-tions and Printing Command, ATTN: ASQZ-LM, 2461 EisenhowerAvenue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0302.

2–5. Test materiala . T e s t m a t e r i a l a c c o u n t s a r e m a n a g e d s e p a r a t e l y f r o m o t h e r

types of accounts and will be used only for test material service.b . T e s t m a t e r i a l m a y o n l y b e o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h t h e r e s u p p l y

system.c. To establish a test material account, you must submit a com-

pleted DA Form 12-R routed through the Commander, U.S. TotalA r m y P e r s o n n e l C o m m a n d , A T T N : T A P C - P D E ( T C O P r o g r a mManager), 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0472.This address must appear in block 5 of your DA Form 12-R. YourDA Form 12-R submission must also include:

(1) A copy of the test officer’s assignment orders.(2) A memorandum of justification, including a list of units or

organizations to be supported by the test control officer.d. The TCO Program Manager will forward the approved DA

Form 12-R to the USAPDC for the establishment or change to aTCO account.

2–6. Interservice accounts for DA publicationsa. Interservices include the Departments of the Air Force, the

Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)and other DOD agencies. (See AR 25-36.)

b. If you need to establish an account for a Department of the AirForce installation or unit, coordinate your request with the Depart-ment of the Air Force, OC-ALC /TISUB, 7851 2nd St., Suite 201,Tinker AFB, OK 73145-9147.

c. If you need to establish an account for a Department of theNavy installation or unit, coordinate your request with the AviationSupply Office, Naval Publications and Forms Directorate, (Code)1013, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098.

d. If you need to establish an account for a U.S. Marine Corpsunit, coordinate your request with the Commandant of the MarineCorps, (Code) AREB, Washington, DC 20380-0001.

e. If you need to establish an account for a Defense LogisticsAgency (DLA) activity, coordinate your request with HQ DLA,DASC-WDM, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd. Room 1560, Ft. Belvoir,VA 22060-6220.

f. If you need to establish an account for any other DOD agency,coordinate your request with the U.S. Army Publications and Print-i n g C o m m a n d , A T T N : A S Q Z - L M , 2 4 6 1 E i s e n h o w e r A v e n u e ,Alexandria, VA 22331-0302.

2–7. National Guard accountsa. If you need to establish an account for a Army National Guard

activity, you must submit your DA Form 12-R through your State

a d j u t a n t g e n e r a l , a n d t h e n t h r o u g h t h e N a t i o n a l G u a r d B u r e a u ,Room 2C357-Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-2500 for approval.

b. After approval, forward your request to the U.S. Army Publi-cations Distribution Center, ATTN: New Account Processing, 1655Woodson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63114-6181.

2–8. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) accountsIf you need to establish an account for a ROTC unit, submit yourDA Form 12-R through your supporting installation, region head-q u a r t e r s , a n d U . S . A r m y T r a i n i n g a n d D o c t r i n e C o m m a n d(TRADOC) PCOs, to the U.S. Army Publications Distribution Cen-ter, ATTN: New Account Processing, 1655 Woodson Rd., St. Louis,MO 63114-6181.

2–9. Publications accounts for contracting officersa. The Army or other DOD service contracting officers are re-

sponsible for obtaining publications needed to support Departmentof the Army contracts. (Publications to support other services’ con-tracts must be obtained using interservicing procedures). (See para2-6.)

(1) If you are a contractor and need to establish an account, youmust prepare a DA Form 4790-R (Certification for Distribution ofPublication(s) in Support of Government Contract) and a DA Form12-R. Submit these forms to your contracting officer.

(2) The contracting officer will prepare the appropriate certifica-tions with the contract number and date of expiration.

b. The contracting officer will forward the approved forms andcertifications through the major Army command (MACOM) PCO toCommander, US Army Publications and Printing Command, ATTN:ASQZ-LM, 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0302.For additional information on requirements for contracting officers,refer to AR 25-30, paragraph 12-21.

2–10. Closing accountsIf you must close your publications account (such as for deactiva-tion), enter the account number on DA Form 12-R and in Block 3(Type of Submission), check "c" (Close). Submit the form to theU.S. Army Publications Distribution Center, 1655 Woodson Rd., St.Louis, MO 63114-6181, at least 90 days prior to the effective dateof closure. If you are a contractor, notify the contracting officer atleast 90 days prior to the contract’s expiration date when closing anaccount. For disposition of excess publications or forms, follow theguidelines in paragraph 5-12.

Chapter 3Distribution and Ordering Systems

Section IThe Initial Distribution System (ID)

3–1. How the ID system worksa. The ID system works somewhat like a magazine subscription.

When you subscribe to a magazine, new issues are automaticallysent to you as they are published. Similarly, when you subscribe toArmy publications through the ID system, your subscriptions ensurethat you will receive new publications, revisions to existing publica-tions, or separately published changes to existing publications, whenthey are published. (A note about terminology: "ID subscriptions"and "ID requirements" are used interchangeably in this pamphlet.)

b. The ID system is the most effective method for receivingpublications because it guarantees you will get the item when it ispublished, in sufficient quantities. Since residual stockage of itemsat the USAPDC cannot always be guaranteed, publications you needto order through resupply may not always be available to compen-sate for inadequate ID requirements.

c. It’s important to remember that the ID system is used todistribute newly published items only. If a publication already ex-ists, you must order it through the resupply/replacement copy sys-t e m d e s c r i b e d l a t e r i n t h i s c h a p t e r . I f y o u n e e d a n e x i s t i n g

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publication AND you want to receive future revisions or changes forthat publication, you must order the existing publication through theresupply system (and any existing changes, if necessary) and submitan ID subscription for the changes or revisions to the publicationthrough the ID system. Procedures on using these methods followlater in this chapter.

d. To receive effective support from the publications system, youmust establish accurate ID requirements and keep your requirementsc u r r e n t . C o n s u l t w i t h y o u r a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , t r a i n i n g , s u p p l y , a n dequipment maintenance personnel, and all others who rely on publi-cations obtained through your account. Ask someone in each area toreview DA Pam 25-30 and identify the publications and quantitiesthat they need to accomplish their functions. At least twice a yearyou should update your requirements, being sure to delete publica-tions that are no longer needed. After you’ve collected all yourrequirements, you will need to consolidate the publications numbersand quantities and prepare a DA Form 12-99-R (Initial DistributionRequirements for Publications) to update your account.

e. Contact your publications control officer (PCO) or appropriateDOIM-designated publications POC (at some installations, the pub-lications stockroom manager is your primary POC) for advice orassistance, and to inquire about automation solutions to help youmanage your account. Your PCO or DOIM-designate should beyour first contact if you need assistance on publications manage-ment matters. If you still need assistance, contact the customerservice staff at the Army Publications Distribution Centers or theLogistics Management Division at USAPPC.

f. If you need technical and equipment publications, you shouldknow the maintenance level of support you provide for a givenpiece of equipment. This helps you to determine the correct publica-tions you need to match your support mission. Further informationabout technical and equipment publications is provided below:

(1) Technical and equipment publication numbering. Technicaland equipment publications have a four-part number (for example,TM 55-1520-209-20). The last two digits of the number (-20 in theexample) represent the maintenance level supported by the publica-tion. Maintenance levels are shown in table 3-1.

Table 3–1Equipment publication maintenance levels

Number Description

-10 Operator/crew maintenance

-12 Operator and unit maintenance

-13 Operator through direct support maintenance

-14 Operator through intermediate general supportmaintenance

-20 Unit maintenance

-23 Unit and intermediate general support maintenance

-24 Unit through intermediate general support maintenance

-30 Intermediate direct support maintenance

-34 Intermediate direct support and intermediate generalsupport maintenance

-40 Intermediate general support maintenance

(2) Lettering. Some technical and equipment publications num-bers contain a letter suffix at the end of the publication numberindicating a special purpose. A "P" is sometimes added to an equip-ment publication number to indicate the manual is a repair parts andspecial tools list (RPSTL). A "&P" added to the last number indi-cates it is a maintenance manual that includes a repair parts andspecial tools list.

(3) Instead of ending in a two-digit number, some manuals (espe-cially for aircraft) end with letters. The meanings of these letters areshown in table 3-2.

Table 3–2Equipment publication lettering

Letter Description

-BD Battle damage repair

-CL Pilot and crewmember checklist(aircraft)

-HR Hand receipt

-L List of applicable publications

-MTF Maintenance test flight (aircraft)

-OP Operating procedures (CommunicationsSecurity Equipment)

-PM Phased maintenance inspection checklist(aircraft)

-PMD Preventive maintenance daily inspectionchecklist (aircraft)

-PMS Preventive maintenance services (aircraft)

-T Troubleshooting procedures (aircraft)

g. Initial distribution requirements for administrative publicationsshould include Department of the Army (DA) regulations, pam-phlets, circulars, posters, and other miscellaneous publications thatare required to support the administrative operations of your organi-zation. Administrative operations would encompass subjects such asstatutory and regulatory guidance, personnel, finance, logistics, se-curity, health, morale, safety, public affairs, etc. See chapter 4 aboutu s i n g t h e i n d e x a n d f i n d i n g t h e p u b l i c a t i o n s y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o nrequires.

h . I n i t i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t r a i n i n g a n d d o c t r i n a l(T&D) publications should be selected to match the Army Trainingand Evaluation Program (ARTEPs) that apply to your organization.Required and recommended T&D publications are listed in the ap-pendices of your ARTEP(s) and should be considered a startingpoint towards your total requirements.

i. In addition to your organization’s collective T&D publicationsin the ARTEP(s), you’ll need to determine requirements for individ-ual training publications, such as the Soldier Developmental Train-ing (SDT) and Military Qualification Standards (MQS) publications.Consult with your trainers and resource libraries to ensure you haveidentified the proper T&D publications. Consult with your personnelstaff for the MOSs and personnel densities needed to determine thecorrect individual soldier training publications your organizationrequires.

3–2. Determining publications quantitiesQuantities required for each publication will vary depending on thetype of publication and its application. Whenever possible, try toreconcile quantity requests from your users that seem unreasonable.For example, if you support 5 similar companies and 4 of the 5request 3 copies of an administrative publication, and the fifth com-pany requests 25 copies; you should attempt to reconcile the quan-tity request of the fifth company. Basic guidelines for quantitydetermination are as follows:

a. Administrative and miscellaneous publications. These quanti-ties will vary and are dependent on the missions and functions ofthe publication user. A reasonable quantity is the absolute minimumnumber necessary to support the user.

b. Collective training and doctrinal (T&D). In most cases, T&Dpublications will be required by training personnel, libraries, learn-ing resource centers and schools. Most other users should reference

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T&D publications at learning resource centers and organization li-braries and should not be ordering the publications for their ownpersonal copies.

c. Individual soldier training publications. Quantity requirementsfor these publications should be based on your organization’s per-sonnel density for the MOS each publication supports. This infor-mation is available from your MTOE.

d. Technical and equipment publications. The guidance belowshould be used as a minimum quantity recommendation only. Localpolicies and directives must be followed and may require additionalcopies.

(1) Ground equipment operator-level (-10 to -15) publicationsquantities: one per piece of equipment, plus one copy for supplysergeant and one copy for the motor pool. If you support the head-quarters staff, add one additional copy per line item (not per eachpiece of equipment) for the S4 and two copies per line item for theBattalion Maintenance Officer (BMO). For example, if you had 10Bradley Fighting Vehicles, you will require 12 copies of the opera-tor-level publications. If your account supports the Headquartersstaff, you should have a requirement for 15 copies.

(2) Ground equipment organizational-level (-20 to -35) publica-tions quantities should be at least two copies per line item (not pereach piece of equipment) for the BMO.

(3) Aviation equipment operator-level (-10 to -15) publicationsquantities will vary based on airframe and organizational supportstructure. However, you will require at least one copy for eachaircraft, and one copy for each aviator, crew member, and mainte-nance section. You will require several copies of each organization-al-level (-20 to -35) publication per line item (not per each aircraft)to meet the needs of your maintenance sections.

3–3. Establishing and maintaining your ID requirementsusing DA Form 12-99-R

a . M o s t i n s t a l l a t i o n s n o w p r o v i d e a n a u t o m a t e d c a p a b i l i t y t otransmit ID requirements and changes via the STARPUBS DDNInterface System (SDIS). You may also make ID changes throughUSAPPC’s World Wide Web (WWW) site. Submitting ID transac-tions electronically is the preferred and fastest method available inkeeping your requirements current. If you do not have this capabili-ty, contact your PCO or DOIM for further information, or contactt h e I n f o r m a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t D i v i s i o n , U S A P P C . E l e c t r o n i c I Dtransactions are submitted in a format comparable to the DA Form12-99-R. Complete instructions for entering ID requirements viaSDIS and WWW are provided with the SDIS software package andat the WWW site.

b. The DA Form 12-99-R (for Explosive Ordnance Disposal andNuclear Weapons technical publications, see paragraph 3-4 below)is the form used for manual submission of new ID requirements orchanges. DA Form 12-99-R will be locally reproduced on 8 1/2-inchby 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduction is located at the back ofthis pamphlet. Additionally, DA Form 12-99-R may be electroni-cally generated. The electronically generated form must contain alldata elements and follow the exact format of the existing printedform. The form number of the electronically generated form will beshown as DA Form 12-99-R-E and the date will be the same as thedate of the current edition of the printed form.

c. Completion instructions for the DA Form 12-99-R and for theelectronic DA Form 12-99-R data fields in SDIS are as follows (seeFigure 3-1 for an example of a completed DA Form 12-99-R):

(1) Block 1 (Date). Enter the date the form is completed.(2) Block 2 (Account number). Enter your Army publications

account number here.(3) Block 3 (From). Enter your organization’s complete mailing

address.(4) Block 4 (Thru).(a) With the exception of Allied Communications Publications

( A C P s ) a n d J o i n t A r m y - N a v y - A i r F o r c e P u b l i c a t i o n s ( J A N A P s )s t a t e d b e l o w , t h e a d d r e s s o f y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ s P C O w i l l b eentered here.

(b) ACPs and JANAPs subscription requirements will not be

intermingled on the same DA Form 12-99-R with other publicationrequirements. Enter the following address and forward through theinstallation PCO via memorandum to: Chief, USA C-E ServicesOffice, ATTN: SFIS-FAS-M, MCEB Branch, RM 9S65, 200 StovallStreet, Alexandria, VA 22332-2200.

(c) European-based units subscribing to ACPs and JANAPs mustforward DA Form 12-99-R, via memo, through their headquartersand Commander in Chief of United States Army, Europe (CIN-CUSAREUR)/ 7th Army, ATTN: ASQE-PL-PD, APO AE 09056.CINCUSAREUR will then forward the form and cover memo to theTHRU addressee.

(5) Block 5 (To). Commander, U.S. Army Publications Distribu-tion Center, 1655 Woodson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63114-6181.

(6) Publication ID number (IDN). Enter the IDN (formerly, the12-series form number and publication block number) as shown inthe example entry on the form. The IDN for each publication can befound in DA Pam 25-30.

(7) Quantity Required. Enter the number of copies your organiza-tion requires for each publication. To delete existing subscriptionrequirements enter the word "none" if completing the form manual-ly, or enter a dash "-" in the SDIS data field.

3–4. Initial distribution of explosive ordnance and nuclearweapons publicationsInitial distribution of explosive ordnance and nuclear weapons pub-lications is authorized only with the proponent’s approval. DA Form1 2 - 2 9 - R ( S u b s c r i p t i o n f o r E x p l o s i v e O r d n a n c e D i s p o s a l ( E O D )Technical Publications) and DA Form 12-35-R (Subscription forNuclear Weapons Publication) are included in TM 39-0-1A if youneed to establish ID requirements for these publications. Additionalguidance is provided below:

a. DA Form 12-29-R (Subscription of Explosive Ordnance Dis-posal (EOD) Technical Publications). Note: Your account must becleared for classified service up to and including SECRET to sub-scribe to publications on this form. Special approval is required.Send the completed form to the address preprinted in block 6 (To)of the form. Refer to TM 39-0-1A for additional information.

(1) Enter the total quantity required to support your organiza-tion’s requirements in the block provided to the right of each publi-c a t i o n t i t l e . K e y p e r s o n n e l s h o u l d f o c u s o n t h e i r m i s s i o n a n dequipment density and be able to justify their requirements for thesepublications on a need-to-know basis.

( 2 ) E l i m i n a t e p u b l i c a t i o n s n o t n e e d e d f o r y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ smission and functions and adjust any excess quantities the same asyou would in the quantity field of the DA Form 12-99-R.

b. DA Form 12-35-R (Adjustments of Nuclear Weapons Publica-tions). Note: Distribution of publications for nuclear weapons isstringently controlled. Failure to adhere to the instructions for theform will result in the form being returned without action. Youraccount must be cleared for classified service up to and includingSECRET. In addition, you must complete SECTION V to establishor change any subscription requirements. You must be able to jus-tify in writing any requirements for these publications based on amission-oriented need-to-know basis. The completed form and justi-fication will be forwarded to the address preprinted in block 6 (To)of the form.

(1) SECTION I: This section is pertinent to all organizationshaving a nuclear weapons mission. Enter the total quantity requiredto support your organization for the Indexes or Reports in the blockprovided to the right of the subject.

(2) SECTION II: This section is pertinent to direct support (DS),general support (GS) and depot ordnance units having a nuclearweapons mission. Enter the total quantity required to support theunit’s requirements for any given subject listed, in the block pro-vided to the right of the subject.

(3) SECTION III: This section of the form reflects weapon sys-tems and their maintenance levels. Enter the quantity required in theappropriate block(s) to the right of each system, based on the levelof maintenance your unit is authorized to provide for each weaponsystem. Refer to TM 39-0-1A.

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(4) SECTION IV: Special application literature. Enter the quan-tity your organization requires for the subject areas listed, in theblock provided to the right of the subject.

(5) SECTION V: (Refer to TM 39-0-1A) Read and complete thestatement; if there are no exceptions, enter "none" in the spaceprovided. Both signature blocks must be completed, as stated on theform. DSN and commercial numbers are required for the duty tele-phone number of the "requisitioner."

3–5. Submitting the DA Form 12-99-R, DA Form 12-29-R,and DA Form 12-35-R

a. Prepare the forms in three copies and forward all copies to thePCO.

b. DA 12-series forms will be reviewed by the installation PCO.After review and approval, the PCO will forward the original copyof the DA Form 12-99-R to the St. Louis Publications DistributionCenter for processing and forward DA Forms 12-29-R or 12-35-R tothe addresses provided in paragraph 6-9. The second copy of theforms will be returned to the account holder for their publicationsmanagement file. The third copy should be retained by the PCO.

3–6. Establishing ID requirements for FMS customers(See chap 8.)

3–7. Requesting an ID requirements listingIt will be necessary to periodically request an ID requirementslisting for your account to keep in your publications file. The listingshows all the publications that you currently have a subscription forand the quantity you’ve requested. You may request an ID require-ments printout via the DDN and WWW electronic systems or bycontacting USAPPC or USAPDC customer service personnel byphone or fax. If you can send and receive DDN ID or WWWresupply transactions, your listing can be routed to your electronics y s t e m . B e s u r e t o i n f o r m c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e i f t h i s i s y o u rpreference.

3–8. Clarification of ID and resupply systems.It is important to reiterate the function of the ID system and how itworks. Adding a publication to your ID requirements is a subscrip-tion that ensures that you will automatically receive future changesto the basic (original) publication, or a revision of the publication,when they are published. Adding a publication to your ID require-ments will not generate an order for the publication if it has alreadybeen distributed and is in stock at the USAPDC. To order existingpublications from stock, see the instructions for using the resupplysystem that follow.

Section IIThe Resupply Ordering System

3–9. How the resupply or replacement copy system worksa. The resupply system is used to order existing publications

from USAPPC. These are publications that have already been issuedthrough the ID system and are stocked at the USAPDC so that youmay—

(1) Replace lost or worn-out publications.(2) Order publications you need on a one-time basis for which an

initial distribution subscription should not be established.(3) Obtain additional copies of publications, pending change of

subscription.(4) Order blank forms.b. Excessive use of the resupply system may indicate that your

ID requirements are inadequate. Check the publications you’re requ-esting against your ID requirements listing.

(1) If you need to order a publication and it is on your IDrequirements listing, consider increasing the quantity requirement.This ensures that future changes or revisions will be distributed toyou in adequate quantities when they are published, and you avoidhaving to reorder additional copies later.

(2) If you order a publication that is not on your ID requirements

listing, and will require future changes or revisions, you should addthis item to your ID requirements.

3–10. Submitting requests for resupply copiesa. The SDIS and World Wide Web provides an automated way

to order publications and blank forms. To get a copy of the SDISsoftware and the functional user’s manual, send a request to theC o m m a n d e r , U . S . A r m y P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d P r i n t i n g C o m m a n d ,A T T N : A S Q Z - I M , 2 4 6 1 E i s e n h o w e r A v e n u e , A l e x a n d r i a , V A22331-0302. You may also find this software on the CD version ofDA PAM 25-30.

b. If your account does not have DDN access but you have amodem, you can order a PC packet from USAPPC (same address asin paragraph a above. It will include a communications package andpassword.

c. You may also order publications on USAPPC’s World WideWeb site. Just browse to the site and follow the instructions.

d. The paper version of DA Form 4569 (Requisition Code Sheet)is no longer accepted by the USAPDC for resupply ordering. Theform is totally electronic, meaning that the familiar structure anddata fields of the paper form are duplicated in the electronic order-ing systems. The data fields are explained below. If you have noelectronic means to order publications, you must contact the cus-tomer service personnel at the USAPDC for further instructions.

e. Use DA Form 17 (Requisition for Publications and BlankForms) and DA Form 17-1 (Requisition for Publications and BlankForms Continuation Sheet) to order command publications or blankforms from installation stockrooms and overseas centers ONLY.Submit your DA Form 17 using local procedures. (DA Form 17 andDA Form 17-1 are available through normal publications and formssupply channels.)

f. Test control officers will cite their special account numbers andsubmit their requests for test control material as cited above. Thesespecial test control accounts must only be used to obtain test controlmaterial.

g. Recruiting/Retention Publicity Items (RPI) will be requested asindicated below.

(1) U.S. Army Cadet Command units must submit their requisi-tions for ROTC RPIs through their region headquarters or to theCommander, U.S. Army Cadet Command, ATTN: ATCC-MM, FortMonroe, VA 23651. Requisitions sent directly to the USAPDC willbe returned without action.

(2) Army Reserve units must order RPIs via the SDIS or WWWordering systems.

(3) U.S. Recruiting Command activities must order RPIs fromUSAREC Headquarters at Fort Knox, KY.

h. Handbooks that contain administrative publications will notnormally be available through the resupply system. Handbook userswho do not receive enough copies under initial distribution, mustsubmit a DA Form 12-99-R that cites the appropriate IDN to in-crease their handbook requirements.

i. FMS Customers submit requisitions on DA Form 4569-1-R(Security Assistance Publication Requisition Code Sheet). (See para8-6 for complete instructions.)

3–11. Understanding data fields of the electronic DA Form4569This paragraph explains the data fields used to order publicationsand forms. At the time of publication, this information was correct.However, your best source of information is provided with thecurrent edition of the ordering system or software you use to placeyour order.

a. Account number. This is a five character field, usually startingwith an alphabetic character followed by four numerics - no spaces.NOTE: Make sure you enter all zeroes as the numeric zero on yourkeyboard and not the letter "o." This provides system recognitionbetween the numeric zero and the alphabetic "o."

b. Subaccount number. The subaccount number is a single char-acter field assigned by you so that you know which part of yourorganization ordered a particular publication or form. You mayassign any single character code and enter it in this field. You are

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encouraged to establish a subaccount number or code to suit yourinternal distribution needs. For example, the unit may want to use"1" for S-1; "2" for S-2; "H" for the headquarters company; and "A"for company A. If two subaccounts need the same publication, listthe publication separately for each subaccount. When the items youordered are received from the USAPDC, the subaccount numberwill be printed on the address label next to the account number, (fore x a m p l e , E 0 7 7 3 A ) . E n t r y o f a s u b a c c o u n t d e s i g n a t o r i s n o tmandatory.

c. Type of Requisition. You may disregard this field.d. Publication or Form Category and Number. This is a 28

character alphanumeric field. Enter the category of publication orform needed (examples: TM, FM, AR, DA, DD) and its number(also referred to as the nomenclature). Be sure to check the publica-tions index (DA Pam 25-30) to see if the item is listed and availa-ble. The publication or form category and number must be enteredexactly as it appears in the index. (Future changes to the systemmay eliminate entering the full publication or form category andnumber. Stay alert to USAPPC’s Web site and your publicationsbulletin for future changes.) See table 3-3 for abbreviations andexplanations of each publication and form category.

e. Changes Requested. This is a three-character field. Use thisfield for publications only: If ordering forms, leave it blank. Useone of the following codes:

(1) 000 - Ship only the basic publication, no changes. This entrywill also be used to order publications that have been reprinted withchanges included (also referred to as a consolidated basic publica-tion). DA Pam 25-30 will show which changes were consolidated ina basic publication. If the change that you want is not included in aconsolidated basic publication, you must order it separately.

(2) 001 through 899 - Ship only the change that is shown: Do notship the basic publication. To order changes, enter the basic publica-tion number in the appropriate field and enter the three-digit code inthis field.

(3) If DA Pam 25-30 states that there is a separate change one as"C1," the number entered in this field is "001." For change ten,"C10," the number entered is "010."

(4) 901 through 999 - Use these numbers for interim changes, forexample, interim change I01 is ordered as "901", interim change I03is ordered as "903." To order an interim change, enter the basicpublication number and enter the three-digit code in this field.

(5) ALL - Ship the basic publication, all changes, and all interimchanges. Enter the basic publication number in column 11 through38. Enter the code "ALL" in this field.

f. Quantity Required. This field allows you to input up to fivecharacters. Enter the number of copies needed. The software willverify that the input data meets the proper field requirement.

g. Unit of Issue. This field allows alphanumeric input up to fivecharacters. Enter the unit of issue code applicable to the item you’rerequesting, as shown in DA Pam 25-30. See table 3-4 for a list ofauthorized unit of issue codes.

h. ZIP Code. Enter your ZIP Code. The ZIP Code entered heremust match the ZIP Code for your account.

3–12. Information about the STARPUBS Defense DataNetwork (DDN) Interface System (SDIS)Requisitioning publications via SDIS is at least 4 weeks faster thanthe old method of mailing the DA Form 4569 to the USAPDC. ASDIS order will go directly from the customer into the processingsystem. SDIS was developed to give STARPUBS customers thecapability to electronically prepare their requirements for Depart-ment of Army (DA) publications and forms, and submit them viaDDN. Three major components make up the SDIS: the CustomerSupport Subsystem (CSS), the DDN telecommunications network,and the STARPUBS DDN Subsystem (DSS).

a. The Defense Data Network (DDN) is a computerized generalcommunications system which provides the e-mail transmission ve-hicle and includes all hardware, software, and data processing of theDDN communications infrastructure.

b. The Customer Support Subsystem (CSS) provides an interface

for automated input of STARPUBS requisitioning data updatingpublications subscription data and feedback on the status of submit-ted requisitions. The CSS component includes all hardware, soft-ware, and STARPUBS data processing on the customer (end user)side of the DDN telecommunications network.

c . T h e S T A R P U B S D D N S u b s y s t e m ( D S S ) p r o v i d e s S T A R -PUBS requisition processing and status message feedback. The DSSi n c l u d e s a l l h a r d w a r e , s o f t w a r e , a n d d a t a p r o c e s s i n g o n t h eUSAPPC side of the DDN telecommunications network.

3–13. Processing requisitionsa. When your requisition is processed, it is edited to ensure that

the account information (account number, address, etc) is correct.Further editing matches the items ordered against those available inour master computer files. The correct format and numbers forpublications and blank forms are in DA Pam 25-30, which may beordered as "Pam 25-30" with unit of issue as "fiche or CDROM." Ifyour requisition contains errors, USAPPC will send you a rejecterror report which indicates the errors in the requisitions. The com-puter report lists all publications that were ordered incorrectly. Ont h e p r i n t o u t , t h e n o m e n c l a t u r e o f e a c h i n c o r r e c t p u b l i c a t i o n i sshown. Following that, is an error code that explains why the requi-sition was incorrect. The error codes and their explanations arelisted in table 3-5.

b. When valid requisitions are processed, an advice of supplycode "BP" will be returned to you for each item that has beenprocessed to the warehouse for shipment. If publications or formsare backordered or unavailable, an advice of supply listing is pro-vided. This listing indicates advice of supply codes that inform youof the status of your order within the system and whether you needto take any special actions to obtain requested publications or forms.Advice of supply codes and their explanations are in table 3-6.

Table 3–3Authorized abbreviations for publications and forms

Abbreviation Description

ACP Allied Communications PublicationAR Army regulationARTEP Army Training and Evaluation ProgramASUBJSCD Army subject scheduleATP Army training programATT Army training testC Federal supply catalogs, DOD sectionCIR Department of the Army circularCTA Common Table of AllowanceDA Form Department of the Army formDAGO Department of the Army general orderDA Label Department of the Army labelDA Poster Department of the Army posterDD Form Department of Defense formDLI Form Defense Language Institute formDOD Department of Defense publicationDOD Form Department of Defense test formFM Field manualFSC Federal Supply Catalog Identification ListFSG Federal Supply Group Identification ListFT Firing tableFTR Firing table regulationJCS Joint Chiefs of Staff publicationJTA Joint table of allowanceLO Lubrication orderMWO Modification work orderPAM Department of the Army pamphletPB Professional bulletinSB Supply bulletinSC Supply catalogSF Standard formTB Technical bulletinTC Training circularTDA Tables of distribution and allowanceTJC Trajectory chartTM Technical manualTOE Tables of organization and equipment

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Table 3–4Unit of issue codes

Code Explanation

BK BookBK25 Book of 25 formsBK30 Book of 30 formsBK50 Book of 50 formsBKL BookletBKL15 Booklet of 15 formsBKST Book setBOTH fiche and ea/printed copyCART Cartridge used in test and evaluation of

equipmentCASS CassetteCCERT Certificate continuous formCD Card (not tab card)CD2 Card with 2 formsCD3 Card with 3 formsCD4 Card with 4 formsCD5 Card with 5 formsCD40 Card with 40 formsCDC Card continuous formCDROM Compact disk, read only memoryCDWRM Compact disk write once read manyCERT CertificateCERT4 Certificate (4 per package)CERT6 Certificate (6 per package)CHARTCP Computer Printout (ADP USE ONLY)CS Cut sheetCS2 Cut sheet with 2 formsCS3 Cut sheet with 3 formsCS4 Cut sheet with 4 formsCS5 Cut sheet with 5 formsCS6 Cut sheet with 6 formsCS10 Cut sheet with 10 formsCTN CartonDBASE Electronic publishing systemDECALEA EachFDS5L Floppy diskette, set, 5 1/4, low-densityFDS5H Floppy diskette, set, 5 1/4, high-densityFDS3L Floppy diskette, set, 3 1/2, low-densityFDS3H Floppy diskette, set, 3 1/2, high-densityFD5L Floppy diskette, set, 5 1/4, low-densityFD5H Floppy diskette, 5 1/4, high-densityFD3L Floppy diskette, 3 1/2, low-densityFD3H Floppy diskette, 3 1/2, high-densityFICHEEN EnvelopeFL FolderLabel Labels (gummed)MTR Magnetic tape recordingOM Offset masterOMC Offset master continuous formOMST5 Offset master(EN)5(EN)part setPD25 Pad of 25 formsPD50 Pad of 50 formsPD60 Pad of 60 formsPD75 Pad of 75 formsPD100 Pad of 100 formsPD150 Pad of 150 formsPDST Pad setPK100 Package of 100 formsPOST PosterPTC1 One-part continuous formRL RollRL100 Roll with 100 formsSM Stencil masterSMC Stencil master continuousST2 Set-2-partST3 Set-3-partST4 Set-4-partST5 Set-5-partST6 Set-6-partST7 Set-7-partST8 Set-8-part

Table 3–4Unit of issue codes —Continued

Code Explanation

ST9 Set-9-partST10 Set-10-partST12 Set-12-partST15 Set-15-partST18 Set-18-partST19 Set-19-partST20 Set-20-partST27 Set-27-partST29 Set-29-partSTC2 Set-2-part continuous formsSTC3 Set-3-part continuous formsSTC4 Set-4-part continuous formsSTC5 Set-5-part continuous formsSTC6 Set-6-part continuous formsSTC7 Set-7-part continuous formsSTC8 Set-8-part continuous formsSTC9 Set-9-part continuous formsSTC10 Set-10-part continuous formsTAPE Magnetic reelTCBX Tab card box (2000 cards)TCC Tab card continuous formsTCST3 Tab card-3-part setTG TagTGST2 Tag-2-part setTGST4 Tag-4-part setTP Tape reelUNITUSF Unit set folderVCT Video cassette tape

Table 3–5Reject error codes

Code: ERExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedcould not be identified by the USAPPC. Review DA Pam 25-30, ensuringthat spacing, slashes and dashes are included as listed for required item.

Code: LR (Applicable to Blank Forms Accounts)Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the formrequested must be locally reproduced. Check DA Pam 25-30 for theprescribing directive. Consult the directive for a copy of the form you canreproduce.

Code: MQExplanation: The quantity entered on the requisition exceeds theauthorized maximum issue quantity for requested item. The request hasbeen forwarded to USAPPC’s item manager to determine the quantity tobe issued. In some instances the entire requisition may be canceled.

Code: NAExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedhas been superseded, rescinded, or made obsolete. Check DA Pam 25-30 for superseding publications or rescission notice.

Code: NMExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedcould not be found in the current USAPPC inventory. Check DA Pam 25-30 for current publications status.

Code: NSExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedis not stocked by the USAPPC. Check DA Pam 25-30 for appropriatesource of supply.

Code: RPExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the changerequested is no longer stocked separately but has been incorporated inthe basic publication and reprinted as a consolidated publication.Request must be resubmitted for the publication.

Code: R4Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because there is an error in

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Table 3–5Reject error codes—Continued

the changes requested field of your request. This error can have severalcauses. A change must have been ordered that either does not exist orthat may have been included in a reprinted consolidated basicpublication.

Code: R5Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because either the quantity-required field contains letters or the field was left blank. This field must benumeric.

Code: R6Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the accountnumber entered on this request is not on file at USAPPC. Accountnumbers must begin in card column 1 and contain an alphabeticcharacter followed by four numeric characters.

Code: R7Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the accountnumber entered on this request was established for initial distributionand is not authorized to order resupply copies.

Code: R8Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the accountnumber entered on this request is not authorized to order blank forms.

Code: R9Explanation: (No longer being used by USAPPC).

Code: UIExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the unit of issueentered on this request is incorrect. Check DA Pam 25-30 for the correctunit of issue.

Code: UPExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the publicationrequested is no longer printed as a standalone publication but has beenprinted as part of a handbook. Check DA Pam 25-30 to determine whichhandbook contains this required publication, and submit a newrequisition for that handbook.

Notes:1 Contact your installation, MACOM, or HQDA staff publications control officer forany assistance related to the information provided in this table.2 Special instructions for FMS customers. See table 8-1 for Reject Codesapplicable to FMS customers.

Table 3–6Advice of supply codes

Code: BPExplanation: Requisition has been received and item is beingprocessed for shipment.

Code: DCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the item on backorder has been superseded, rescinded, made obsolete or the back orderfor this item reached the 270 day automatic cancellation limit.

Code: DOExplanation: The item requested is due-out. Your requisition is backordered awaiting receipt of stock. When stock is received at the Armypublications distribution centers the item will be shipped to you.

Code: DRExplanation: The due-out (back order) has been released for shipment.

Code: DSExplanation: The request will be satisfied with a direct shipment from aprinter not with a shipment from stock at a USAPDC.

Code: IDExplanation: The item requested is a new publication or form; however,initial distribution has not yet been completed and the item is not yetavailable through resupply. If you have not established initial distribution

Table 3–6Advice of supply codes—Continued

requirements for this item, reorder when issue of the item is announcedin DA Pam 25-30.

Code: ILExplanation: The issue of requested item is limited. The request hasbeen forwarded to USAPPC’s item manager to consider Army proponentguidance which will result either in subsequent issue or cancellation witha "PA" advice of supply. (See explanation of "PA" code in a subsequentparagraph).

Code: NCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the itemrequested is classified and the account number entered on the request isnot coded to receive classified publications support.

Code: NRExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the publication isout-of-print. The requested item is current but is no longer stocked orissued as determined by the Army proponent.

Code: PAExplanation: Requisition has been canceled. The item is controlled andmay be released only by written authority from the proponent.

Code: RCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requesteditem has been rescinded. All stock has been destroyed; copies are notavailable from any source.

Code: SSExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requestedpublication has been superseded. Check the DA Pam 25-30 todetermine the superseding new publication and submit a new requisitionif needed. The resupply publication will not be sent to you automatically.

Code: TCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the materialrequested is for use by U.S. Army test control officers only. This materialis not authorized for sale to foreign military sales customers.

Code: URExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requestedpublication is under revision by the proponent and is not available. If youhave established initial distribution requirements for this publication youwill automatically receive the revision when it is printed. If you have notestablished initial distribution you must reorder the publication whenissue of the item is announced in DA Pam 25-30.

Notes:1 Contact your installation, MACOM, and HQDA staff publications control officer forany assistance related to the information provided in this table.2 Special instructions for FMS customers. See table 8-2 for advice of supply codesapplicable to FMS customers.

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Figure 3-1. Example of a completed DA Form 12-99-R

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Chapter 4How to Use DA Pamphlet 25-30 (Consolidated Listingof Army Publications and Blank Forms) to EstablishYour Publication Requirements

4–1. Understanding the publications indexDA Pam 25-30 lists published materials managed under the ArmyIntegrated Publishing and Printing Program and is commonly re-ferred to as the publications "Index." The index is produced inmicrofiche and CD-ROM. Each DA publication and form is listed,along with other relevant information, and includes an initial distri-bution number (IDN), formerly referred to as a DA Form 12-seriesand block number. The IDN is the number you will use to identifyyour recurring publications requirements when you complete DAForm 12-99-R (Initial Distribution Requirements for Publications).Information about the index is provided below:

a. The microfiche index is divided into 13 sections. The narrative(text) portion at the beginning of the index provides clear, conciseinformation about how to use the index, definitions of acronymsused, footnote explanations, and updates on current improvements inordering and subscription services.

b. On each sheet of the microfiche index are pages called frames;each frame has two numbers at the bottom. There is a grid coordi-nate located at the bottom center of each frame, and the pagenumber located at the bottom right corner of each frame. The gridand page number are used to navigate to coordinates listed in theindex frame which is located at the bottom right corner of eachmicrofiche sheet. The index frame provides a grid coordinate loca-tion for each subject area on the microfiche sheet.

c. The CD-ROM index comes with basic printed instructions thatwill assist you in its installation and use. After you review the basicinstructions, load the CD-ROM and follow the imbedded instruc-tions and drop-down menus to guide you through the index. TheCD-ROM index also offers keyword search capabilities that willassist you in quickly identifying and locating the publications andforms that you need. The index may be used on a single personalcomputer or may be installed on a local area network. Contact yourinstallation PCO or DOIM if you need additional information orassistance.

d. Two notations that are used throughout the index are explainedas follows:

(1) S&U. This means "stocked and used by." It is followed by anorganization acronym (for example, "S&U TAPC" means that theitem is stocked and used by the U.S. Total Army Personnel Com-mand (PERSCOM). Items that have the notation "S&U" cannot berequisitioned from the USAPPC. If you require these items, sendyour request, with justification, to the organization that stocks theitem.

(2) S&I. This means "stocked and issued by." It is followed bythe name of an agency or activity (for example, "S&I AMC" meansthat the item is stocked and issued by the U.S. Army MaterielCommand). Items that have the "S&I" notation can only be requisi-tioned from the agency that is listed.

4–2. Understanding administrative publicationdistribution levels

a. Although you may still rely on distribution levels to determinecommand and local publications that are applicable to you, DA useof these levels is no longer relevant to you in ordering or subscrib-ing to a DA administrative publication. Distribution of DA adminis-trative publications has been simplified so that each publication hasits own IDN and is not solely dependent on multiple levels ofdistribution.

b. There are currently five levels of applicability for the distribu-tion of administrative publications. The levels are as follows:

(1) Level "A" publications are applicable to company and similarorganizational levels.

(2) Level "B" publications are applicable to battalion, brigade,regiment, group and battle group levels.

(3) Level "C" publications are applicable to installations, activi-ties and commands down to and including headquarters of divisionsand comparable commands.

(4) Level "D" publications are applicable to major Army com-mand (MACOM) subordinate installations and activities.

( 5 ) L e v e l " E " p u b l i c a t i o n s a r e a p p l i c a b l e t o M A C O Mheadquarters.

c. Distribution levels are used by publications writers (propo-nents) to indicate the appropriate command level to which an ad-ministrative publication applies. You will use these levels to identifyadministrative publications that apply to you. Again, although DAproponents may still use distribution levels, and you may see refer-ence to the levels in a DA publication’s distribution statement, itwill not affect the way you subscribe to DA publications.

d. In addition to the distribution levels, there are other word orletter combinations used by proponents to indicate the intendedaudience of certain administrative publications. The standard wordor letter combinations are —

( 1 ) " N G " p u b l i c a t i o n s a r e a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e A r m y N a t i o n a lGuard.

( 2 ) " U S A R " p u b l i c a t i o n s a r e a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e U . S . A r m yReserve.

(3) "SPECIAL" publications are applicable to organizations spe-cifically identified by the proponent. These publications are notavailable from the publications distribution center via initial distri-bution or resupply procedures.

(4) "CONTROLLED" publications are distributed to addresseesand accounts provided by the proponent. Generally, prior proponentapproval is required if you need these publications.

e. When the words and letter codes are used in combination, agood deal of information about the intended audience of a publica-tion is conveyed. For example, a distribution statement denoting "A,NG:B;USAR:C" indicates that the publication is intended for "A"level Active Army units (a single letter or group of single letterswhen used alone indicates the publication is intended for ActiveArmy accounts only), and "B" level Army National Guard units, and"C" level U.S. Army Reserve units.

4–3. Consolidated reprints and changesa. A consolidated reprint is a publication that has been reprinted

to include the basic publication (the most current edition) and thesubsequent published changes. In the index, the changes included ina consolidated reprint are listed after its title. For example, "Re-printed w/basic incl C1-4" means the publication is reprinted andnow includes changes 1 through 4. To order this publication throughthe resupply/replacement copy system (a one-time or nonrecurringrequirement), enter "000" in the "changes required" field of yourorder as you would any other basic publication. (To automaticallyreceive a publication and its changes or revisions as they are ini-tially published, submit an initial distribution requirement using theprocedures described in chapter 3.)

b. Changes that have been consolidated into the basic edition areonly available by ordering the consolidated reprint and may not beordered separately. Ordering a change that has been consolidated ina reprint will result in an "RP" error code. Conversely, if you needany change not shown as part of the consolidated reprint, you mayorder them individually. For example, by entering "003" in the"Changes required" field of your resupply order, you would receivechange 3 to the basic publication.

c. If you wish to receive a publication and all current changes,enter "ALL" in the "changes required" field of your resupply order.

4–4. Initial distribution (ID) dataThe index provides data you will need to determine ID availabilityof a publication, as described below:

a. "IDN." This is a six-digit number shown in bold type after thetitle of each publication. The IDN is also shown in the NationalStock Number Reference List in Section 12 under the heading of"IDN." Enter this number on your DA Form 12-99-R if you needthe publication through the ID system.

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b. "UPDATE HDBK." This is an information entry only. It indi-cates that the publication is printed as part of an handbook and isnot available separately. A complete listing of handbooks and theircontents can be easily located in your index, including each hand-book’s IDN. Use the handbook IDN as you would any other publi-cation IDN.

c. "PROPONENT ID." This is an information entry only. It indi-cates that the publication is distributed by the proponent activity anddoes not have an IDN. Requirements for these publications are to beaddressed to the proponent activity via memorandum or message.

d. "RESUPPLY/NO ID". This is an information entry only. Itindicates that the publication is not distributed through the ID sys-tem and it does not have an IDN. If you need a publication with thisnotation you must order it through the resupply system.

e. "RESC/ACTIVE ARMY". This is an information entry only. Itindicates that this publication has been rescinded for Active Armyuse and is not available through the ID system. You must order thispublication through the resupply system, if required.

Chapter 5Managing and Maintaining Your Account

5–1. Publications management planTo effectively manage a publications account, you must have aplanned method of tracking and recording the receipt and issue ofpublications. This plan should be part of your standing operatingprocedures (SOP) for publications management. Along with lists ofthe key personnel that helped you determine your account require-ments, and the rationale used in determining your organization’s IDsubscription requirements, you should include any local publicationsmanagement guidance set down by your commander. At a mini-mum, USAPPC recommends that you maintain the following dataf o r t r a c k i n g y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ s I D a n d r e s u p p l y s y s t e mrequirements:

a. A USAPPC-provided listing of your ID requirements, anno-tated with your own internal distribution information showing eachsubaccount’s quantity.

b. Copies of ID requirements/changes or resupply orders pending,including subaccount orders.

c. Information showing items you have received and the internaldistribution made.

d. Your current DA Form 12-R and DA Form 12-99-R.e. Copies of your DA Forms 12-29-R and 12-35-R, if applicable.f. Copies of previous DA Forms 12-99-R you have submitted.g. Documentation of the last biannual ID requirements review.h. Copies of any other special documentation that may have been

required to maintain your account, such as justifications for blankforms accounts, test control officer verifications, etc.

5–2. Specialized publications, indexes, and forms usefulfor managing an account

a. In addition to AR 25-30 and DA Pam 25-30, your organizationmay require specialized publications, indexes, and forms to accom-plish your mission. The following are examples of these specializedpublications-related items:

(1) DA Pam 25-35, Index of Communications Security (COM-SEC) Publications.

(2) DA Pam 25-37, Index of Graphic Training Aids.(3) Da Pam 75-5, List of Storage and Outloading Drawings for

Ammunition.(4) DA Pam 310-13, Posting and Filing Publications.(5) DA Pam 310-16, Numerical Index and Requirement Table:

Joint Nonnuclear Explosive Ordnance Disposal Publications.(6) DA Pam 310-17, Joint Interest List of Technical Manuals

(JIL).( 7 ) D A P a m 3 1 0 - 3 5 , I n d e x I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n

Agreements.(8) DA Pam 611-16, Handbook of Army Personnel Tests.

(9) DA Pam 750-10, U.S. Army Equipment Index of Modifica-tion Work Orders.

(10) FSG 7600, Identification List (IL): FSG 7600; Books, Maps,and Other Publications

(11) TM 39-0-1A, Numerical Index to Joint Nuclear WeaponsPublications. (Including related publications.)

b. DA Pam 25-30, appendix D, contains a list of installationpublications control officers. Your installation PCO is your firstsource of information and guidance on publications managementmatters. It is the PCO’s responsibility to assist you with maintainingyour account. If your account belongs to a USAR activity and is notsupported by an installation PCO, contact your MUSARC PCO forassistance. As usual, if you need help and cannot get it locally,contact the customer service personnel at USAPPC.

5–3. Keeping account information currentAs discussed in chapter 2, the information submitted on DA Form12-R is important to get the best support from the USAPDC. Atleast twice yearly, check to ensure that information about youraccount is current and that account identification data such as yourUIC, DODAAC, and address is correct. You should update theinformation on your account when there is a change in any one ofthe following—

a. Type of service (Section I, Block 7a).b. Unit description data (Section I, Block 8a through g).c. Publications officer (Section I, Block 9a through c).d. Classification level (Section II, Block 10 through 11c).e. Change of address (Section III, Block 12a and b).

5–4. Submitting requisitions, and tracking due-in, anddue-out stock quantitiesThese procedures are provided for manual maintenance of stockrecord cards and are applicable to stockrooms and units authorizedblank form accounts. (Manual inventory control recordkeeping hasbeen replaced by automated systems in many locations. If you arestill using manual methods, consult with your DOIM about automa-tion tools that may be available to you.) Use DA Forms 479 (Publi-cation and Blank Form Stock Record Card (Vertical File)) and 479-1 (Publication and Blank Form Stock Record Card (Visible File)) toform the basis of your blank forms stock control system. Theyprovide the information needed to determine the demand for formsand help you spot trends in usage that are valuable in calculating theappropriate quantity of stock to maintain and requisition. Theserecords must be kept accurately. Both DA Forms 479 and 479-1 area v a i l a b l e t h r o u g h n o r m a l p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d b l a n k f o r m s s u p p l ychannels.

a. The key factor in running an effective and efficient supplyoperation is the timely submission of requisitions. The stockroommanager or blank forms account holder must know whenever a formreaches a balance at or below the reorder point, and a replenishmentrequisition must be submitted within 72 hours. DO NOT "batch"your requisitions for submission on a cyclic basis (every 2 weeks,once a month, or similar scheduled submissions). Doing so will leadto frequent zero balances and backorders.

b. Keep stock records current and make accurate postings so thatthe records always show the true balance of stock. Pre-posting andpost-posting are acceptable. The stockroom manager should selectthe posting system that most easily permits keeping current andaccurate records.

c. Stockroom managers are authorized to order and maintain ad-ditional stocks to meet the needs of the reserve component unitsduring annual training, or for other nonroutine or nonrecurring re-quirements. When these requirements have been met, stock will bebrought back to the authorized level. It is recommended that non-routine and nonrecurring requirements be managed separately fromthe routine demands of a given item. Mixing nonroutine or non-recurring and routine demands for an item will skew the demanddata for the item, causing excessive reorder quantities and earlierreorder points than are necessary.

d. The above guidance applies when forms are available for issuef r o m t h e U S A P D C . H o w e v e r , w h e n a n i t e m a t t h e U S A P D C

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reaches zero balance and a due-out (backorder) notice is sent to theinstallation stockroom, different procedures must be used. (The term" d u e - o u t " a n d " b a c k o r d e r " a r e u s e d i n t e r c h a n g e a b l y i n t h i spamphlet.)

(1) When a stockroom receives a due-out from USAPPC, andthen runs out of forms, a requisition must immediately be submittedto USAPPC for the safety level quantity, if applicable.

(2) If there is no safety level (or if a requisition for the safetylevel has already been submitted), and the shipment has still notbeen received, you should continue to requisition to keep up withyour incoming orders. It is recommended that you submit a requisi-tion every 30 days for orders accumulated during that 30-day peri-od. Continue submitting new requisitions every 30 days until theshipment is received. Do not order on a cumulative basis; that is, inthe second and latter 30-day periods, do not include stockroomb a c k o r d e r s t h a t w e r e i n c l u d e d i n a n e a r l i e r r e q u i s i t i o n t o t h eUSAPDC. By using this method, the stockroom will stay within itsauthorized stock level.

e. Currently, due-outs may be canceled for one of the followingreasons:

(1) The due-out was on file for over 270 days.(2) The publication or form was placed in an "under revision"

(UR) or "will not reprint" (WNR) status by the proponent.(3) The publication or form is no longer current.(4) The publication or form was replaced by another item.f. If the stockroom’s due-out was canceled because it was on file

for over 270 days at the USAPDC, the stockroom should cancel anydue-outs affected by this cancellation and record the stock level atzero. Ask users whose due-outs were cancelled to revalidate theirneed and resubmit their current requirement for the item. If neces-sary, repeat the procedure in paragraph 5-4d(2) above until theshipment is received.

g . S t o c k r e c o r d s s h o u l d b e a n n o t a t e d t o s h o w t h e a v e r a g emonthly usage (AMU), acquisition lead time (ALT), reorder point(ROP), and quantity to order (QTO). This information should beplaced in the blank space on the stock record card under "EditingInformation." The entries should be made in pencil as they aresubject to change. Without this information, it will be difficult forthe forms clerk to determine when a requisition should be submit-ted, and it will be difficult to gather statistical data when needed.

h. Blank forms for mobilization are not covered in this pamphlet.Mobilization stocks are in addition to the normal 120-day or 180-day stockage level. This mobilization quantity should take into con-sideration those forms that are also in the 120-day stock level, localreproduction authority upon mobilization, and the regular replenish-ment cycle. Therefore, stockrooms should not use unit requirementsin the computations for mobilization stocks. Upon mobilization, allforms in stock will be used to meet the needs of deploying units.

5–5. Operational stockage of blank formsThe key to effective blank forms support for your account is tomaintain accurate demand (usage) data for each item and to keepaccurate records so that the organization’s supply of forms is neitherexcessive or insufficient.

a. A blank forms stock level is the sum of three quantity ele-ments: operating level quantity, acquisition lead time requirement(quantity), and an optional safety stock quantity. The operating levelis the quantity of stock needed to sustain operations from the timeyou receive stock of an item until the next reorder point. The overallstock level or requisitioning objective (qty on hand + qty on order)authorized for stockrooms is as follows:

(1) Every publications account is authorized a 60-day supply ofblank forms that are used for normal operations, to prevent frequenttrips to the installation stockrooms. To obtain a 60-day stock level,you need to know how many forms have been used over the last 12months. Divide this annual quantity by 6 to obtain an approximate2-month or 60-day quantity.

(2) Continental United States (CONUS) publications stockroomsare required to maintain large enough stocks to meet normal needs

for 120 days, and mobilization requirements. Divide your annualquantity by 4 to obtain an approximate 120-day quantity.

(3) Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) publicationscenters are required to maintain large enough stocks to meet normalneeds for 180 days. Divide your annual quantity by 2 to obtain anapproximate 180-day quantity.

(4) If your demand data does not cover a 12-month period, deter-mine the demand data for the lesser period and divide the quantityby the number of months of data you have to get your averagemonthly usage. Multiply your average monthly usage by 2, 4, or 6,depending on whether you are ordering a 60, 120, or 180-day stockof forms, respectively.

b. The acquisition lead time (ALT) requirement is the quantity ofstock needed to sustain operations between the time a requisition issubmitted and the resulting shipment is received.

(1) The ALT is first measured in days, by using the three mostrecent requisition receipts and determining the average number ofdays required from the point of placing your requisition until thetime you received the requisitioned stock.

(2) Determine ALT quantity, by dividing the average monthlyusage of an item by 30 calendar days to get your daily usage, andmultiply the daily usage by the acquisition lead time number ofdays. Here’s an example that assumes a 47 day acquisition leadtime:

• AMU = 2,700• Average daily usage = 90• 47 day ALT quantity = 4,230 (47 x 90)

(3) The ALT quantity and operating stock together form youroverall stock level or requisitioning objective.

c. Continuing the example from b(2) above, an OCONUS stock-room would stock 16,200 forms (2,700 (AMU) x 6 months (180days)) Once stock level reaches 4,230 forms on hand, it has reachedthe reorder point.

d. Reorder quantity is the requisitioning objective less ALT quan-tity. From the example, the reorder quantity is 11,970 (16,200 - 4,230).

e. Safety stock is strongly encouraged for forms that, if they goto zero balance, would cause serious operational repercussions. Ex-amples could be soldier or dependent ID cards, or aircraft mainte-nance and flight record forms. The safety level is the quantity ofstock needed to sustain operations, in the event of unusually highdemands, or when acquisition lead time is longer than expected andyou reach zero balance of your operational stock level. The itemsthat you decide will need a safety stock level should be chosenjudiciously.

(1) At CONUS installations, you may establish a safety stocklevel for "critical" items of 30 days supply, in addition to youroverall stock level.

(2) At OCONUS installations, you may establish a safety stocklevel of 60 days supply.

f. Continuing the example from cabove, an OCONUS stockroomwould stock 16,200 forms plus safety stock of 5,400 forms (2,700(AMU) x 2 (60 days)) for a total of 21,600 forms as the requisition-ing objective.

g. The reorder point for the example item, now including safetystock, is the sum of the acquisition lead time requirement and thes a f e t y l e v e l w h i c h e q u a l s 9 , 6 3 0 ( 4 , 2 3 0 ( A L T ) + 5 , 4 0 0 ( s a f e t ylevel)).

h. The amount to requisition, for an item with safety stock, is therequisition objective of 21,600 forms, less the safety stock quantityof 5,400, which equals 16,200. In this example, the requisitionshipment should arrive when stocks approach the safety level.

i. In the case of the example of a form at an OCONUS stock-room, with safety stock; if the reorder point is computed accurately,the stockroom should have, on hand and on order, a 240-day stocklevel.

j. If a form shipment is received (no safety stock) and the newbalance on the stock record card exceeds or is less than the 120-day

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or 180-day stock level by 10 percent or more, check the calculationof your average monthly usage and acquisition lead time quantity.An incorrect calculation of your AMU or acquisition lead timenumber of days are the variables that are the likely cause of thediscrepancy.

k. Whenever the quantity of stock on hand, plus any due-inquantity, minus any back order quantity equals or is less than ther e o r d e r p o i n t , i t i s t i m e t o s u b m i t a n o t h e r r e q u i s i t i o n f o rreplenishment.

5–6. Keeping ID requirements currenta. You must notify USAPPC of any changes in your ID require-

ments. For example, if you are getting unneeded publications, notgetting needed publications, not getting the correct quantities, orusing the resupply system excessively, you probably need to updateyour ID requirements. Go back to chapter 3 for more information onupdating and maintaining your ID requirements.

b. Review your requirements at least twice a year. Determine theeffect of changes in your organization’s mission, equipment, orpersonnel on publications requirements. Coordinate your current IDrequirements with the organization’s publications key personnel andask them if all the publications listed in the files are still needed andif there are some not listed that are needed.

c. USAPPC can help you keep your requirements current. Youmay request a computer printout of your requirements by contactingUSAPPC customer service personnel. As discussed in chapter 3, thisprintout will list all of your ID requirements recorded in USAPPC’sdata base. You can check the printout against your files to see if allof their requirements are correctly recorded. Also, USAPPC willperiodically send you a printout and ask that you verify the informa-tion. (See para 5-8.)

5–7. Changing initial distribution (ID) requirementsa. Most adjustments should be submitted as instructed in para-

graph 3-3.b . I D r e q u i r e m e n t s c h a n g e s f o r E x p l o s i v e O r d n a n c e D i s p o s a l

(EOD) (DA Form 12-29-R) and nuclear weapons technical publica-tions (DA Form 25-35-R) must be submitted according to paragraph3-4.

c. ID requirements for ACPs and JANAPs must be submittedaccording to paragraph 6-2.

5–8. Validating account informationUSAPPC will periodically send you a computer printout requestingthat you verify that the information on file at USAPPC for youraccount is correct. The printout has two parts:

a. The first part of the printout contains your account profile (forexample, your organization’s address), and shows the classificationlevel authorized for your account. You must validate your need forclassified service, annotate and return the first part of the printout asfollows:

(1) Review the information contained in this part.(2) Have your organization’s publications control officer review

it.(3) Have your organization’s commander review and sign a state-

ment on the printout that review has been completed.(4) Return the first part of the printout through the PCO to

USAPPC. Be sure to return it by the date requested.b. The second part of the printout is a list of your ID require-

ments as they are recorded in USAPPC’s data base. This part mustbe reviewed to see if the listed requirements are correct.

(1) Compare the printout against copies of the DA Forms 12-99-R from your publications management file, or the last validatedaccount printout.

(2) Your organization’s publications control officer and key per-sonnel should review the printout to determine if the listed publica-tions are needed and if the number of copies is correct.

(3) Annotate the printout with the results of this validation.( a ) I f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o n t h e p r i n t o u t a r e c o r r e c t , t h e n o t e

should read: "This ID printout for account (number), dated (date), iscorrect."

(b) If the requirements on the printout need to be changed, thenote should read: "This ID printout for account (number), dated(date), does not show the correct requirements. The attached DAForm 12-99-R has been submitted to make the needed changes.

(4) Attach copies of the DA Forms 12-99-R to the printout. Placethe verified account printout in your publications management file.Discard the old printout and all the old DA Forms 12-99-R that arereflected on the new printout.

5–9. Reconciling requisitions and receipts for classifiedshipments

a. Classified Publications. Procedures for the control, storage,and transfer of classified documents are in AR 380-5 and AR 380-15. Answers to questions about handling classified publications canbe found in these regulations. The procedures discussed in the re-mainder of this paragraph are additional procedures for handlingclassified publications.

b. Receiving SECRET publications. When the USAPDC sendsSECRET publications to an account holder, two receipts are sentwith them. One is a registered mail receipt. This receipt must besigned before publications can be delivered. The other receipt is forthe contents of the package. This receipt is inside the package. Thereceipt should be handled as follows:

(1) Compare the number of copies shown on the receipt with thenumber actually received. The receipt is never altered. If you didnot receive the number of copies shown, you must immediatelynotify the security control officer, the PCO, and the USAPDC.

(2) If the number of copies shown on the receipt is correct, youmust sign the receipt and return it promptly to the USAPDC.

c. Recordkeeping and inventories. You must keep accurate re-cords of all classified publications. When a classified publication isreceived, it will be listed on the DA Form 3946 (Classified Docu-ment Accountability Record) or DA Form 455 (Mail and DocumentRegister). Once an entry is started, keep it current. For example,when a publication is transferred, the transfer will be recorded; if apublication is destroyed, record its destruction. By keeping theserecords current, you can always account for the classified publica-tions you are supposed to have. Although not required for classifiedpublications provided by USAPPC, periodic inventories will alsohelp you identify possible compromises, losses, or clerical errors.

5–10. Compromise or lossAR 380-5 gives the procedures to follow when a classified publica-tion is lost or compromised. In addition to following these proce-dures, you will immediately notify your security control officer andthe PCO.

5–11. Accountable and sensitive formsa. Accountable forms are blank forms that have consecutive se-

rial numbers for recordkeeping purposes. These forms are identifiedin DA Pam 25-30 by footnotes. For example, SF 1169 (US Govern-ment Transportation Request).

b. Sensitive forms are blank forms whose recorded informationcould be forged and used for fraudulent purposes. Like accountableforms, these forms are identified in DA Pam 25-30 by footnotes.For example, DD Form 256A (Honorable Discharge Certificate).

c. Receiving accountable and sensitive forms(1) Stockroom and blank forms account managers must have

procedures in place to track serially-numbered accountable forms,by recording the range of serial numbers issued to a requester, andobtaining a signature from the requester for receipt of the form.Control the transfer of these forms using DA Form 410 (Receipt forAccountable Form). DA Form 410 is available through normal pub-lications and forms supply channels. Handle this receipt (DA Form410) as follows:

(a) When the forms are issued, the serial number range(s) will benoted on the receipt.

(b) When forms are received, compare the serial number of eachone with the serial numbers listed on the receipt. If the forms

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received are not the ones listed on the receipt, report this factimmediately to the organization’s security control officer, the PCO,and the forms supply source. The receipt will not be changed exceptby direction of the supply source.

(c) If the forms are the same as those listed on the receipt, theoriginal copy of the receipt will be signed and returned to the supplysource, and the second copy will be filed. Then recipient of serially-numbered forms must maintain tracking of the forms at all times.

(2) Receipts are not required when sensitive forms are transferredor issued, but the stockroom or blank forms account manager mayask requesters to sign one. If a receipt is signed, the recipient mustmake sure the number of forms received is the number shown onthe receipt. If the number is not the same, the recipient must notifysupply source of the discrepancy.

d. Recordkeeping and inventories.(1) Stockroom and blank forms account managers must be able

to track accountable forms issued to a requestor. They must be ableto show, at any time, either the form itself or proof of its disposi-tion. To track these forms, accurate records must be kept.

( 2 ) T r a c k i n g a n d r e c o r d k e e p i n g i s n o t r e q u i r e d f o r s e n s i t i v eforms, but these forms must be safeguarded. It is recommended thatrecords be kept on sensitive forms the same as for accountableforms.

( 3 ) P e r i o d i c a l l y , a p h y s i c a l i n v e n t o r y o f a c c o u n t a b l e f o r m sshould be conducted and records audited, according to AR 25-30.Conducting these inventories will help maintain the inventory man-agement integrity of the stockroom, the blank forms account manag-er, and the recipient of the forms.

e. Storage, destruction, compromise, and loss.(1) The procedures for storage and destruction of unusable or

obsolete accountable forms are the same as those used for CONFI-DENTIAL documents. These procedures are given in AR 25-30 andAR 380-5.

(2) The procedures to be followed when an accountable or sensi-tive form is lost or compromised are the same as those for CONFI-D E N T I A L d o c u m e n t s . T h e s e p r o c e d u r e s a r e i n A R 3 8 0 - 5 . I naddition to those procedures, immediately contact the local securitycontrol officer and PCO.

5–12. Excess itemsa. Causes of excess publications/blank forms. Excess publications

and blank forms are caused either by requisitioning more copiesthan are needed or by incorrect ID requirements. If an organiza-tion’s excess is caused by requisitioning too many copies, specialcare must be taken in the future to order only the quantity needed. Ifan organization’s excess is caused by incorrect ID requirements,these requirements must be changed.

b. Disposal of excess items. If you need to dispose of excessitems, contact your installation stockroom (for internal redistributionof one carton or less) for disposition instructions. Do not sendexcess stock to the Publications Distribution Center or stockroomsbefore receiving their instructions. Upon contacting the USAPDC,provide the following information:

(1) The publication/form number of the excess stock. If an itemis a change it must be identified as a change.

(2) The date and PIN number of the publication/form.(3) The quantity on hand at the activity/unit.(4) The USAPDC will not accept less than full carton quantities.

Less than full carton quantities may be disposed of by local disposi-tion procedures without instructions from USAPPC.

5–13. Obsolete itemsa. When a publication or blank form is rescinded or superseded,

it becomes obsolete. Obsolete items must be disposed of immedi-ately using local disposition procedures. They need not be reportedto USAPPC, the USAPDC, or the installation stockroom.

b. Before disposing of classified and accountable items, you mustobtain instructions from your PCO and security control officer.

c. Make one final check with the current DA PAM 25-30 (Index)to ensure you are correctly disposing of an obsolete item. Check the

edition dates of the form or publication to confirm that they matchthe item intended for disposal. If you still aren’t sure about thecurrency of a form or publication, you should contact your localpublications control officer or the customer service representative atthe USAPDC.

d. Installation recycle programs should be used to the fullestextent to dispose of obsolete forms and publications.

Chapter 6Special Procedures

6–1. Instructional materiala. Publications accounts(1) Commandants of colleges and schools should establish publi-

cations accounts to meet their resident and nonresident instructionalneeds. These accounts will be used for instructional material onlyand not for administrative support.

(2) The term colleges and schools in (1) above includes, but isnot limited to:

(a) TRADOC service schools.( b ) N C O a c a d e m i e s , t o i n c l u d e A R N G a n d U S A R N C O

academies.(c) ARNG and USAR schools.(d) Health Services Command medical activities.(e) AMC colleges and schools.(f) Drill sergeants schools.(g) U.S. Military Academy.(h) U.S. Army War Colleges.(i) U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.(j) U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.(k) U.S. Army Element School of Music.b. Requisitioning publications.(1) Colleges and schools will send a projection of their annual

publications requirements through their principle supporting HQDAelement, MACOM, the numbered armies in the continental UnitedStates (CONUS), or State AG to, Commander, U.S. Army Publica-tions and Printing Command, ATTN: ASQZ-LM, Alexandria, VA22331-0302, not later than 1 June of each year. Supporting activitieswill monitor projections for excessive quantities and necessity. Pro-jections will be prepared as an attachment to the cover memoran-dum and consist of a listing showing the publication number andquantity as shown below:

• Publication number Quantity• TM 55-1425-429-14 45• TM 55-1425-429-10 100

(2) Colleges and schools will submit their actual publicationsrequirements via DDN to USAPPC, 90 days prior to the date theyare needed, following requisitioning procedures in chapter 3. Requi-sitions will be submitted throughout the school year; not on anannual basis.

(3) Special publications.(a) Handbooks containing administrative publications will be or-

dered through channels described in (1) above on DA Form 12-99-R. Handbooks are the only DA publications authorized to be or-dered through the ID system. All other instructional material will beobtained using the resupply system.

(b) Joint publications. (See para 6-8).(c) Center of Military History (CMH) publications. (See para 6-

7).c. Conserving publications.(1) Resident students will not retain DA publications or extracts

when courses of instruction are completed. Publications and extractswill be turned in for subsequent issue to new students.

(2) Nonresident students may keep DA publications and extracts.d. Using extracts.(1) Colleges and schools may locally reproduce portions of DA

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publications to use as extracts. Extracts will contain the followinginformation on the top margin of the first page.

(a) A statement that the extract was locally reproduced for in-structional purposes.

(b) A statement referencing this paragraph as the authority forlocal reproduction.

(c) The name of the college or school.(2) To conserve DA publications, extracts will be used to the

fullest extent possible in both resident and nonresident instruction.(3) Complete copies of DA publications will not be locally repro-

d u c e d u n l e s s a u t h o r i t y i s g r a n t e d f r o m U S A P P C . C o l l e g e s a n dschools will request local reproduction authority from the USAPDCor USAPPC. Normally, LRA is granted only when the publication isat zero balance in USAPDC.

e. Publications management. Colleges and schools must:(1) Use DA Forms 479 and 479-1 to control the issue and receipt

of DA publications or use locally approved automation methods.(2) Ensure they are using the most current edition of DA Pam

25-30 to requisition DA publications.(3) Obtain graphic training aids (GTAs) from their supporting

training and audiovisual support center (TASC). GTAs are not sto-cked at USAPDC.

( 4 ) D o n o t o r d e r a g e n c y a n d c o m m a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s f r o mUSAPDC.

( 5 ) C o n s i d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g s u g g e s t i o n s f o r c o n s e r v i n g D Apublications:

(a) Ensure students do not mark, tab, highlight, fold, or renderDA publications unserviceable.

(b) Place loose-leaf and 3-hole punched publications in binders,whenever possible.

(c) Allow students to store their publications in the classroom.This reduces the wear and tear and keeps the publications frombeing lost or misplaced.

(d) Treat DA publications as accountable items by requiring stu-dents (regardless of grade) to sign for them as part of in-processingand return them as part of clearing the installation or activity.

(e) Use student texts as a single volume containing all referencesrequired for an entire course.

f. Acquiring new and revised publications.(1) When new equipment publications are issued, the CG, Army

M a t e r i e l C o m m a n d ( A M C ) , w i l l e n s u r e t h a t t h e c o l l e g e s a n dschools receive them and also send them the Consolidated Equip-ment Publications Schedule. This schedule lists the dates when newand revised equipment publications will be submitted to USAPPCfor printing. After reviewing the schedule, the colleges and schoolswill contact the AMC MSCs that are the proponents of the newpublications. They will give the AMC proponent a list of the publi-cations and the number of copies needed. The AMC proponent willenter these colleges and school requirements on DA Form 260(Request for Printing of Publication), block 8, when submitting thepublications to USAPPC for printing.

(2) When colleges and schools receive draft manuscripts of otherpublications (such as field manuals (FMs) and general subject tech-nical manuals (TMs)), they will inform the proponent of the numberof copies needed for instructional purposes for the first year afterthe publication is issued. As in (1) above, the proponent will enterthese requirements on DA Form 260, block 8. Copies required inlater years will be obtained as described in b(2) above.

6–2. Allied Communications Publications and Joint Army-Navy-Air Force publications (ACPs and JANAPs)JANAP 201 gives the number, summary of content, and generalsubject matter of each ACP and JANAP.

a. A hardcopy (paper) version of DA Form 12-99-R will beprepared and submitted for ACPs and JANAPs since specific rout-ing and justification requirements preclude the use of electronic DAForm 12-99 data. The IDNs for these items are listed in DA Pam25-30. The quantity required will be entered in the appropriateblocks of the DA Form 12-99-R.

b. Supplements have unique IDNs. Account holders do not auto-matically receive supplements to the basic ACP. Subscribe to ACPsupplements using their separate IDNs as indicated in the DA Pam25-30. ACPs that have been supplemented are as follows:

(1) ACP 100 supplemented by ACP 100 US SUPP-1.(2) ACP 117 supplemented by ACP 117 CAN-US SUPP-1.(3) ACP 121 supplemented by ACP 121 US SUPP-1.(4) ACP 131 supplemented by ACP 131 US SUPP-1.(5) ACP 190 supplemented by ACP 190 US SUPP-1.c. ACP 110 series. Only ACP 110 of the ACP 110 series is

authorized for Army use. None of the supplements will be distrib-uted to Army activities. AR 105-64 is the prescribing directive foruse of tactical call signs within the Army.

d. ACP 110 supplements. As ACP 110 supplements are NOTapplicable to U.S. Army activities, the blocks are provided for useby other activities to indicate their requirements. AR 105-64 is theprescribing regulation for Army.

e. ACP 198 series. The ACP 198 US supplement, and ACP 198NATO Supplement are only issued to staff activities responsible forthe manuscript preparation and distribution management of ACPsand JANAPs.

f. Security requirements. Units must have adequate equipmentand properly cleared personnel to receive and safeguard publicationsclassified CONFIDENTIAL or higher, unless otherwise stipulated.ACPs and JANAPs are handled as controlled items regardless oftheir classification.

g . R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r s p e c i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n A C P s a n d J A N A P s .When a requirement for these items is determined, indicate thequantity required for each publication. A written justification statingthe mission-oriented need for each publication requested must ac-company the DA Form 12-99-R. When requesting NATO supple-ments, include a statement that adequate equipment and properlycleared personnel are available to receive material classified up toNATO SECRET. National Guard activities normally do not submitsubscription requirements for these items. It is not advisable for NGactivities to hold NATO supplements at normal duty stations inanticipation of deployment to Europe. The European Command ele-ment supplies these publications to NG activities upon arrival incountry.

h. Submitting DA Form 12-99-R for special distribution ACPsand JANAPs. Submission of the hardcopy version of DA Form 12-99-R will be coordinated with the appropriate higher headquarterspublications control officer via cover letter. Units must have ade-q u a t e e q u i p m e n t a n d p r o p e r l y c l e a r e d p e r s o n n e l t o r e c e i v e a n dsafeguard publications classified up to NATO SECRET, to requestor receive items on this form.

i. Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) and Military AssistanceAdvisory Group (MAAG) requirements. The Department of theArmy is responsible for distribution of ACPs and JANAPs to theArmy section of all ODCs and Military Assistance Advisory Group(MAAGs,) and to the Joint Staff of ODC and MAAG in Europe andTurkey. The DA Form 12-99-R submitted by chiefs, ODC, andMAAG in Europe and Turkey will include the requirements of JointStaff.

j. Foreign nations. The use and submission of DA Form 12-99-Rfor ACPs and JANAPs is NOT applicable to foreign nations. NATOmember nations receive these publications according to proceduresestablished by Standing Group, NATO, and the Joint Chiefs ofStaff. Requests for these publications from other than NATO na-tions will be forwarded to: Military Secretary, U.S. Military Com-m u n i c a t i o n s - E l e c t r o n i c s B o a r d , T h e J o i n t C h i e f s o f S t a f f , R m1B707 Washington, D.C. 20301-5000.

6–3. Army and DOD Microfiche PublicationsMicrofiche products stocked and issued by the USAPDC may befound by searching the CD-ROM version of DA PAM 25-30 usingthe unit of issue of FICHE. This search will produce a list of allavailable microfiche products. It will also help you stay aware of theongoing conversion of microfiche products to CD-ROM distributionmedia.

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6–4. Federal and Department of the Army supply catalogidentification listsFederal and Department of the Army supply catalog identificationlists are shown below. To subscribe to any one of the lists, submityour subscription using initial distribution procedures outlined inthis pamphlet.

a. Introduction to Federal Supply Catalogs and Related Publica-tions (C1).

b. Master Cross Reference List (MCRL).c. Identification List (IL) (Supply Catalogs).d. Management Data List for Medical Material only.e. Proprietary Item Identification List (PIIL).f. Qualified U.S. Contractors List.g. Supply Catalogs (SCs)/Hand Receipts (HRs) for Sets, Kits and

Outfits.h. List of Army Adopted/Other Items Selected for Authorization/

List of Reportable Items (SB 700-20).

6–5. Publications in large quantitiesRequirements of 250 or more copies of any publication must bejustified in writing before approval to distribute the publication isg r a n t e d . J u s t i f i c a t i o n m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d t o U S A P P C , A T T N :ASQZ-LM, Alexandria, VA 22331-0302 as prescribed below.

a . J u s t i f i c a t i o n s m u s t i n c l u d e t h e u n i t ’ s p u b l i c a t i o n s a c c o u n tnumber, its commercial and DSN telephone numbers, a primarypoint of contact, and an explanation of the need for the quantityrequested. A completed DA Form 12-99-R should accompany thejustification.

b. A justification must be submitted the first time a requirementof 250 or more copies is requested. Once the requirement has beenestablished, further justification is not required. However, the ac-count holder must submit a new justification with any request toincrease the quantity required.

6–6. Professional bulletins (PBs)The titles and series numbers of PBs are shown below. See DA Pam25-30 for IDNs.

a. Army Aviation Digest (PB 1-Series).b. Chemical (PB 3-Series).c. Engineer (PB 5-Series).d. Field Artillery (PB 6-Series).e. Infantry (PB 7-Series).f. Medical Bulletin (PB 8-Series).g. Ordnance (PB 9-Series).h. Quartermaster (PB 10-Series).i. The Army Communicator (PB 11-Series).j. Soldier Support Advocate (PB 15-Series).k. Military Chaplains Review (PB 16-Series).l. Armor (PB 17-Series).m. Military Police (PB 19-Series).n. The Army Historian (PB 20-Series).o. The Detective (PB 28-Series).p. Military Intelligence (PB 34-Series).q. Air Defense Artillery (PB 44-Series).r. Military Media Review (PB 46-Series).s. Resource Management (PB 48-Series).t. Transportation (PB 55-Series).u. Defense Language Institute (PB 65-Series).v. Army Research, Development, and Acquisition (PB 70-Series)w. Special Operations (PB 80-Series).x. Military Review (PB 100-Series).y. Parameters (PB 102-Series).z. Army Logistician (PB 700-Series).

6–7. Center of Military History (CMH) publicationsC M H p u b l i c a t i o n s a r e a v a i l a b l e t o A r m y p u b l i c a t i o n s a c c o u n tholders from the USAPPC through the resupply system. To ensure

adequate stock management, publications account holders must co-ordinate with CMH before requesting more than five copies of anyone title.

6–8. Joint publications of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs ofStaff (JCS)

a. Overview. Joint publications describe doctrine, tactics, tech-niques and procedures to guide joint force commanders in the exe-cution of operations during war and military operations other thanwar. They also link service component operations to joint forceoperations, providing common guidance and understanding. Widedistribution of JCS publications among the services is required toprovide necessary doctrinal guidelines.

b. Distribution and resupply. Information about new and existingJCS publications is provided in DA Pam 25-30.

(1) To ensure more effective and widespread dissemination ofJCS publications, units with a valid need may now establish theirrequirements for these publications using routine ID requirementsprocedures given in chapter 3.

(2) USAPPC maintains a limited number of copies of joint publi-cations which may be ordered using routine resupply procedures inchapter 3.

c. School requirements.(1) Schools should establish their requirements for faculty use

following routine ID requirements procedures.(2) Quantities of JCS publications for student use will be deter-

mined by proponent contact with each school prior to a pendingreprinting or ID. Student quantity procurements will be provided bythe proponent on a cost reimbursable basis. Questions regardingschool student requirements will be directed to HQDA, ODCSOPS(DAMO-FDQ), Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310-0460.

d. Security. Joint publications will be protected as required bytheir classification per AR 380-5 and AR 380-19.

6–9. Multi-service Nuclear Weapon Publications System(MNWPS)

a. Description.(1) The MNWPS provides instructions and data to supplement

the publications systems of the Department of Energy (DOE), De-f e n s e N u c l e a r A g e n c y ( D N A ) , a n d t h e m i l i t a r y d e p a r t m e n t s o fDOD.

(2) The MNWPS consists of—(a) TMs on nuclear weapons and associated material that are

designated and produced by DOE, as well as TMs on related com-ponents that are designed and developed by DOD agencies.

(b) Supplemental information or data that DOE or DOD deter-mined to be in or connected with the general field of nuclearweapons.

(3) TM 39-0-1A lists—(a) Manuals included in MNWPS.(b) MNWPS publications of interest to the Army.(c) Other Army nuclear weapon publications and safety rules for

operation of nuclear weapon systems.(4) DA Pam 25-30 lists those nuclear weapon and explosive

ordnance publications stocked and issued by the USAPDC.b. Initial distribution. Units and activities will—(1) Base their initial distribution requirements on their—(a) Need to know.(b) Mission and function.(2) Change or update initial distribution requirements for EOD

and nuclear weapon publications by submitting new copies of theproper DA 12-series forms.

(3) Request initial distribution of EOD publications as indicatedbelow.

(a) Units and activities will complete DA Form 12-29-R andsend it through command channels to the AMC EOD officer, U.S.Army Technical Detachment, Naval Explosive Ordnance DisposalTechnology Center, ATTN: DRDAR-ED, Indian Head, MD 20640-5040.

(b) The AMC EOD officer will approve initial distribution andchanges to distribution requirements based on the mission and need

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to know of the organization submitting the request. If the request isapproved, the AMC EOD officer will send the DA Form 12-29-R tothe USAPDC. If the request is not approved, the AMC EOD officerwill send the DA Form 12-29-R to the originator for cancellation orfurther justification.

(4) Request initial distribution of nuclear weapons technical pub-lications as indicated below.

(a) Units and activities will complete DA Form 12-35-R andsend it through command channels to the Commander, U.S. ArmyNuclear and Chemical Agency (USANCA), ATTN: MONA-SU,Springfield, VA 22150-3198, for approval.

(b) The Commander, USANCA, will approve all initial distribu-tion or changes to distribution requirements based on the missionand need to know of the organization submitting the request. If theDA Form 12-35-R, is approved USANCA will endorse the form,forward it to the USAPDC, and furnish a information copy to theCommander, AMCCOM, ATTN: DR-SAR-MAS-MN, Dover, NJ07801-5001. The USAPDC will also notify the requesting unit ofitems approved for initial distribution and when initial distributionwill begin. If USANCA does not approve the form, USANCA willreturn the form to the requesting unit with a notice of cancellationor a request for further justification.

(c) Requesting units must refer specific questions regarding can-cellation or the need for further justification directly to the Com-mander, USANCA, for resolution. In such cases, the Commander,U S A N C A , w i l l a d v i s e t h e U S A P D C o f a n y n e w l y a p p r o v e dchanges as prescribed in (b) above.

c. Resupply copy distribution.(1) Resupply copy distribution of EOD and nuclear weapon pub-

lications is restricted to those units and activities authorized initialdistribution through an approved DA Form 12-29-R or DA Form12-35-R. These activities will requisition copies of these publica-tions by submitting a memorandum with your account number,publication number, unit of issue and quantity required.

(2) If you do not possess EOD and nuclear weapon initial distri-bution authorizations, you must include a justification with yourmemorandum and send your request to the addresses shown below.

(a) EOD resupply copy requests. Send these requests throughcommand channels to the AMC EOD officer, U.S. Army Technol-ogy Center, ATTN: DRDAR-ED, Indian Head, MD 20640-5040.T h e A M C E O D o f f i c e r w i l l s e n d t h e a p p r o v e d r e q u e s t t o t h eUSAPDC, ATTN: ASQZ-SDC, 1655 Woodson Road, St. Louis,MO 63114-6181.

(b) Nuclear weapon resupply copy requests. Send these requeststhrough command channels to the Commander, USANCA, ATTN:MONA-SU, Springfield, VA. USANCA will send the approvedr e q u e s t t o t h e S t . L o u i s U S A P D C , A T T N : A S Q Z - S D C , 1 6 5 5Woodson Road, St. Louis, MO 63114-6181.

d. Controlled distribution.(1) The project manager for nuclear munitions at AMCCOM will

determine those nuclear weapon publications to be distributed ascontrolled items. These publications will be shown in TM 39-0-1Aas "CONT. DIST".

(2) MNWPS publications that have a controlled distribution willnot be requisitioned from the USAPDC. Requests must be addressedto the Commander, AMCCOM, ATTN: DRSAR-MAS-MN, Dover,NJ 07801-5001. AMCCOM will send the approved request to theSt. Louis USAPDC, ATTN: ASQZ-SDC, 1655 Woodson Road, St.Louis, MO 63112-6181.

6–10. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) publicationsUSAPPC will distribute DLA publications to Army organizations.As indicated below, distribution requirements will be established byeither DA or DLA depending on the DLA category of the publica-tion. (See AR 25-30, chap 8 for information on the various catego-ries of publications).

a. Categories A and B. After DA concurrence, the HQDA agencyor field element having primary coordination responsibility will rec-ommend distribution on a DA Form 260. When USAPPC receivesthe DA Form 260, it will send the distribution information to DLA.

b. Categories C and D. DLA will determine distribution.

6–11. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) publicationsDIA publications available for DA use are indexed in DA Pam 25-30. Initial distribution and resupply copies are controlled by theDeputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT). Send a requestwith justification of need to HQDA (DAMI-ZXM-A), Washington,DC 20310-1022. After approval, ODCSINT will forward the requestto USAPDC for processing.

6–12. Publications of other Government agenciesa. Some publications and forms of other Government agencies

are stocked by the USAPDC and may be requisitioned using theprocedures in chapter 3. DA Pam 25-30 lists these publications andforms.

b. Army organizations needing other Government agencies publi-cations and forms that are not stocked by the USAPDC will submittheir requests in writing to the agency that printed the publication orform. The request will include—

(1) Complete address where the item is to be shipped.(2) Nomenclature, title, and unit of issue of the item.(3) Number of copies needed.(4) Justification of need.

Chapter 7Export Control and Distribution Restriction

7–1. Technology transferThere has been a substantial transfer of US technology. This con-tributes significantly to the military potential of any country orcombination of countries, and may prove to be detrimental to thesecurity of the United States. The DOD has established policy toprevent this undesirable transfer by issuing:

a. DOD Directive 5230.24, 18 March 1987, implemented by AR25-30, which establishes policies and procedures for marking techni-cal documents to show that they are either releasable to the publicor that their distribution must be controlled.

b. DOD Directive 5230.25, 6 November 1984, implemented byAR 25-30, which establishes policies and procedures for the dissem-ination and withholding of unclassified technical data.

7–2. Markings on technical manualsa. All technical manuals (TMs) generated by Army organizations

and their contractors, regardless of its medium, physical form, orcharacteristics, must be marked with an export-control notice and adistribution restriction statement.

b. TMs whose distribution is limited through alternate methods,are exempt from these marking provisions.

c. All TMs must be marked with an export-control notice if theycontain export-controlled data. Determining whether or not technicaldata is subject to withholding under AR 25-30 is an integral part ofthe publication-marking process, and generally should be accom-plished before selecting a distribution restriction statement. Onlydistribution restriction statement D is permitted on export-controlledTMs.

d. The export-control notice and distribution restriction statementmarked on a technical manual is used by the USAPDC in determin-ing dissemination or distribution of the TM without referring to theoriginating or controlling office.

7–3. Procedures for determining whether TM data issubject to export controls

a. TMs may be withheld from public release if its technical datahas military or space application, cannot be exported without licenseor approval under the Arms Export-Control Act (AECA) or theExport Administration Act (EAA), and is not subject to a generallicense permitting export under the International Traffic In ArmsRegulation (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

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b. To determine if technical manuals may be withheld from re-lease, refer the data in question to a person, or series of persons,able to answer the following questions:

(1) Data Type: IS THE TECHNICAL DATA OF THE TYPETHAT CAN BE USED, OR BE ADAPTED FOR USE TO DE-S I G N , E N G I N E E R , P R O D U C E , M A N U F A C T U R E , O P E R A T E ,R E P A I R O R R E P R O D U C E S O M E P I E C E O F E Q U I P M E N T ?TMs, standards and specifications and training manuals related toparticular types of equipment contain this type data. All administra-tive and most doctrinal publications do not contain this type data. IFTHE ANSWER TO (1) IS POSITIVE, PROCEED TO (2). IF THEANSWER TO (1) IS NEGATIVE, THE DATA IS NOT SUBJECTTO WITHHOLDING UNDER EXPORT CONTROL LAWS.

( 2 ) G e n e r a l L i c e n s e E x e m p t i o n s : H A S T H E E X A C T S A M ETECHNICAL DATA BEEN PUBLICLY RELEASED, AND IS ITGENERALLY AVAILABLE? The Army controlling office mustdetermine whether the technical data has ever been cleared forpublic release, or whether it knows of any unauthorized release thathas led to wide circulation of the technical data. Points to considerin the evaluation are:

(a) The data released publicly must be the exact data contained inthe TM for the general license to be applicable.

(b) Release to perform a particular task with a constraint onfurther dissemination is not a public release.

(c) Release under DOD Directive 5230.25 as implemented by AR25-30, is not a public release. IF THE ANSWER TO (2) IS POSI-T I V E , T H E D A T A I S N O T S U B J E C T T O W I T H H O L D I N GUNDER EXPORT CONTROL LAWS. IF THE ANSWER TO (2)IS NEGATIVE, PROCEED TO (3).

( 3 ) M i l i t a r y C r i t i c a l T e c h n o l o g y L i s t ( M C T L ) : D O E S T H ET E C H N I C A L D A T A D I S C L O S E I N F O R M A T I O N R E C O M -MENDED FOR CONTROL IN THE MCTL? Note that this ques-tion does not ask "is the subject area mentioned or listed in theMCTL?" It is not enough to simply find a key word in the MCTLand assume that control is intended for a specific application of thegeneral area listed. For example, although the general area of LA-SER is listed many times in the MCTL, this does not mean that allLASER specific applications and subcomponents should be con-trolled; LASER technology for eye surgery would not be controlled.To properly use the MCTL you must understand whether control isr e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e M C T L f o r y o u r s p e c i f i c a r e a o f i n t e r e s t .MCTL, appendix C, is helpful in this regard. Points to consider inthis evaluation:

(a) The MCTL is sufficiently specific to guide the determinationof whether to control the export of arrays of know-how, keystoneequipment, keystone materials, and goods accompanied by sophisti-cated know-how.

(b) The technologies identified in the MCTL primarily contributeto the development, production, or use of items being controlled fornational security purposes on the current Commodity Control List(CCL) and the US Munitions List (ML) of the International Trafficin Arms Regulation (ITAR). The commodities described in this listare limited to equipment and materials identified as critical to thedevelopment, production, or use of end items of concern, or goodswhich convey information concerning these activities.

(c) The MCTL does not address end-items of intrinsic militaryutility; such items remain under the control of the CCL and the ML.Items identified on the MCTL are not possessed by the WarsawPact nations.

(d) The MCTL includes a brief description of the critical technol-ogy under consideration, rationale statement for inclusion on the list,and the explicit critical elements of that technology.

(e) The MCTL is itself not intended as a control list, nor is itintended as a substitute for, nor an addition to, the current exportcontrol lists. The MCTL is a detailed and structured technical state-ment of development, production, and use technologies which theDOD determines to be crucial to given military capabilities, and ofsignificant value to potential adversaries. As such, it is a technicalreference and source document to support export-control decisions.

(f) It is recommended that you check the MCTL before the ML

and CCL; the determination can then be made more easily. Pertinentportions of the MCTL are more closely related to the mission of theArmy program office involved. IF THE ANSWER TO (1) AND (3)A R E P O S I T I V E T H E T M I S S U B J E C T T O W I T H H O L D I N GUNDER EXPORT CONTROL LAWS. IF THE ANSWER TO (3)IS NEGATIVE, PROCEED TO (4).


(a) The ITAR prohibits the export of technical data relating toarms, ammunition, and implements of war without approval of theDepartment of State. The ML is a listing in the ITAR which enu-merates articles designated as arms, ammunition, and implements ofwar subject to export control.

(b) The term "article" is defined as any of the arms, ammunition,implement of war, and technical data relating thereto enumerated inthe ML.

(c) Generally, the articles listed are end items or components, andd o n o t d e s c r i b e s p e c i f i c m a t e r i a l s ( e x c e p t c h e m i c a l a g e n t s o rpropellants)

(d) Technical data is any unclassified information that can beused, or be adapted for use to design, produce, manufacture, repair,overhaul, process, engineer, develop, operate, maintain, or recon-struct arms, ammunition, and implements of war on the ML, or anytechnology which advances the state of the art or establishes a newart in an era of significant military applicability in the US. IF THEANSWER TO BOTH (1) AND (4) ARE POSITIVE, THE TM ISS U B J E C T T O W I T H H O L D I N G U N D E R E X P O R T - C O N T R O LLAWS. IF THE ANSWER TO (4) IS NEGATIVE, PROCEED TO(5). Check the munitions list before checking the CCL. Less techni-cal information and knowledge is needed to determine munitions listapplicability.

(5) Commodity Control List (CCL): DOES THE TECHNICALDATA DIRECTLY PERTAIN TO AN ITEM LISTED ON THECCL? Points to consider when using the CCL in this evaluation:

(a) The CCL is a listing prepared by the Department of Com-merce to control the export of goods or technologies which maysignificantly contribute to the military potential of foreign countries,thereby adversely affecting the national security.

(b) Only technical data relating to commodities on the CCL areprohibited from export without license.

(c) Technical data is defined as information of any kind that canbe used, or adapted for use, to design, produce, manufacture, orreconstruct articles or materials. The data may take a tangible form,such as a model, prototype, blueprint, or an operating manual ormay take an intangible form such as technical service. IF THEANSWERS TO (1) AND (5) ARE POSITIVE, THE TM IS SUB-JECT TO WITHHOLDING UNDER EXPORT-CONTROL LAWS.IF THE ANSWER TO (5) IS NEGATIVE, THE MANUAL ISN O T S U B J E C T T O W I T H H O L D I N G U N D E R E X P O R T - C O N -T R O L L A W S . I F D E T E R M I N A T I O N S T I L L C A N N O T B EMADE, REQUEST ASSISTANCE FROM THE JUDGE ADVO-CATE OFFICE OR FOREIGN DISCLOSURE POLICY OFFICE.

7–4. Rationale for selecting distribution restrictionstatements

a. Distribution Restriction Statement A. This statement applies toon unclassified Army departmental publications that do not containexport-controlled data, and have been approved for public releaseafter a security and policy review by the Public Affairs Office.

b . D i s t r i b u t i o n R e s t r i c t i o n S t a t e m e n t s . D i s t r i b u t i o n r e s t r i c t i o nstatements should be selected to denote the audience the data isintended for. Considering that all Army departmental publicationsare intended for U.S. Government agencies and their contractors theonly distribution restriction statement applicable to departmentalpublications is distribution restriction statement C. See AR 25-30

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for distribution restriction statements, export-control notice, and de-struction notice.

Chapter 8Foreign Military Sales Publication Support

8–1. GeneralThe U.S. Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC) is thesingle point of contact for Army publications and forms support tothe Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. USASAC manages FMSsales agreements, implemented by an approved United States ofAmerica Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA), and monitors allFMS publications matters.

8–2. Which FMS customers can get a publicationsaccount?Foreign countries participating in the FMS program that have agree-ments with the U.S. and DOD to purchase publications and blankforms may have a publications account.

8–3. Establishing a publications accounta. FMS customers are not required to fill-out a DA Form 12-R to

establish a publications account. However, foreign countries mustenter into agreements with the U.S. and DOD to purchase publica-tions and forms. The first step in becoming a FMS customer ofArmy publications is to determine what type of support is required.The three basic agreements available are:

(1) Standard FMS agreement. Under the Army total packageapproach, a publication line is added to each major item salesagreement. Two copies of each Department of the Army publicationmanaged by the USAPPC will be supplied unless you advise that agreater or lesser quantity is desired. Once the agreement is approvedonly those publications and forms listed in the agreement can beprovided. This agreement does not automatically provide changes orrevisions to publications ordered.

(2) Defined order agreement. The publications and forms re-quired are stated in the agreement. Once the agreement is approved,only those publications and forms stated in the agreement can beprovided. When the publication order is filled, the agreement isimmediately closed and may not be renewed. This one-time agree-ment does not automatically provide changes or revisions to publi-cations previously ordered.

( 3 ) B l a n k e t o r d e r a g r e e m e n t . T h e p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d f o r m s r e -quired are not specified in the agreement. The agreement stipulatesa dollar ceiling against which orders may be placed. This agreementmay be renewed. It allows the customer two methods for obtainingpublications; the resupply copy system and the initial distributionsystem, subject to certain conditions.

b. The second step is requesting the actual agreement. Customersmust provide a Letter of Request to the Commander, U.S. ArmySecurity Assistance Command (USASAC), 5001 Eisenhower Ave-nue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0001. This Letter of Request must spec-ify what support is desired and contain the name and address of theoriginator. The USASAC (Alexandria) will forward the request toU S A S A C ( N e w C u m b e r l a n d ) f o r t h e p r e p a r a t i o n o f t h e L O A .Depending upon the type FMS case, the LOA will list publications,estimated costs, and standard terms and conditions of the agreementor estimated costs and terms and conditions of the agreement.

c. The third step requires that upon receipt of the LOA, thecustomer have it signed by their designated official. This signaturetogether with applicable funding constitutes the agreement of thecustomer’s government to the offer. It also constitutes a contractualc o m m i t m e n t b e t w e e n t h e c u s t o m e r g o v e r n m e n t a n d t h e U n i t e dStates Department of Defense.

d. The fourth step implements the agreement. When DefenseSecurity Assistance Agency (DSAA) notifies USASAC (New Cum-berland) that all financial obligations have been satisfied and thecase implemented, a publications account is established for this

agreement which reflects the address to which the customer’s publi-cations and forms will be sent. The account number assigned to-gether with the country code and case designator shown on the LOAare used to identify the agreement. Both are very important becausethey must be used in all transactions with the USASAC (NewCumberland). Without both of these designators you cannot obtainpublications support.

e. All publications related communications should be directed tothe U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, ATTN: AMSAC-OL/C, 3rd Street & M Avenue, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5096.

(1) All FMS orders for publications and forms must be sent tothe USASAC (New Cumberland), office symbol of the central casemanager. USASAC will process orders and forward them to theUSAPPC to be filled and shipped. However, FMS customers shouldrefer all questions and problems to U.S. Army Security AssistanceCommand, ATTN: AMSAC/OLC, 3rd Street & M Avenue, NewCumberland, PA 17070-5096.

(2) When a blanket order agreement has been established, theUSASAC (New Cumberland), will notify the customer if, at anytime, funds on deposit fall too low to support continued purchase ofpublications. Due to the time lag between shipment of publicationsand billing of orders, the USASAC (New Cumberland) monitors thefinancial status of each agreement.

(3) When a defined order agreement for publications is madewith the USASAC (New Cumberland), the LOA normally will bethe only communication.

(4) Details of communications in the distribution process are dis-cussed in paragraphs 8-5 and 8-6.

f. Communications related to financial matters between the De-partment of the Army and FMS customers should be directed to theD e f e n s e F i n a n c e a n d A c c o u n t i n g S e r v i c e ( D F A S ) D e n v e r , C O80279-5000. DFAS will provide FMS customers with a quarterlyDD Form 645 (Foreign Military Sales Billing Statement). This bill-ing statement shows costs incurred. This statement along with theFMS Delivery Listing which shows, by document number, the itemsreported to DFAS as delivered through the end of the month of thebilling statement document a completed requisition.

8–4. Using initial distributiona. FMS customers can use initial distribution to obtain unclassi-

fied and unrestricted publications without submitting requisitionsthrough the resupply copy system. Initial distribution enables you toproject your needs for future publications and changes to currentpublications. It also allows you to receive them automatically whenthey are printed. You can project your needs by subject area or typeof equipment. This method reduces the number of resupply requisi-tions you would need to submit.

b. If you have a blanket order agreement that has a dollar valueof $5,000 or more, you can receive publications under the initialdistribution method. If you have an agreement that has a dollarvalue of less than $ 5,000, you must request an exception that willallow you to use the initial distribution method. Your request to useinitial distribution should be included in your Letter of Request andLOA. If initial distribution was not originally in your blanket orderagreement and you wish to use it, you may submit a request byletter to your country manager at the USASAC (New Cumberland).

8–5. Requesting initial distribution (Preparing DA Form12-99-R)

a. Completion instructions for the DA Form 12-99-R and for theelectronic DA Form 12-99-R data fields in SDIS are as follows (seefigure 3-1 for an example of a completed DA Form 12-99-R):

(1) Block 1 (Date). Enter the date the form is completed.(2) Block 2 (Account number). Enter your Army publications

account number here.(3) Block 3 (From). Enter your organization’s complete mailing

address.(4) Block 4 (Thru).(a) Enter Commander, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command,

ATTN: (Fill in the office symbol for USASAC central case manag-er), 3rd Street and M Avenue, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5096.

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(b) ACPs and JANAPs subscription requirements will not beintermingled on the same DA Form 12-99-R with other publicationrequirements. Enter the following address and forward through yourUSASAC central case manager via cover letter to: Chief, USA C-EServices Office, ATTN: SFIS-FAS-M, MCEB Branch, RM 9S65,200 Stovall Street, Alexandria,VA 22332-2200.

(5) Block 5 (To). Commander, U.S. Army Publications Distribu-tion Center, 1655 Woodson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63114-6181.

e. Publication ID number (IDN). Enter the IDN (formerly the 12-series form number and publication block number) as shown in theexample entry on the form. The IDN for each publication can befound in DA Pam 25-30.

f. Quantity Required. Enter the number of copies your organiza-tion requires for each publication. To delete existing subscriptionrequirements enter the word "none" if completing the form manual-ly, or enter a dash "-" in the SDIS data field.

8–6. Resupply copy systema. The resupply copy system is normally a back-up to initial

distribution. For FMS customers, however, it is the primary methodused to obtain publications under a blanket order agreement. Theserequisitions may be submitted as often as necessary as long assufficient funds are available.

b. Submit requests for all publications and blank forms, includingclassified and restricted, to the Commander, U.S. Army SecurityAssistance Command, ATTN: (Office symbol of the central casemanager), 3rd Street & M Avenue, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5096.

c. Requests for classified or restricted publications and sensitiveor accountable forms require special handling and approvals. There-fore, these requests must be separated from routine unclassifiedrequisitions. To facilitate this process, customers should not mixroutine unclassified orders with those requiring special handling;requests should be submitted on separate DA Forms 4569-1-R (Se-c u r i t y A s s i s t a n c e P u b l i c a t i o n R e q u i s i t i o n C o d e S h e e t ) . T h e D AForm 4569-1-R will clearly be marked " Classified Publications","Restricted Publications", or "Sensitive/Accountable Forms" in theremarks block.

d. Classified publications must be shipped to an address that hasbeen approved by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence. If acustomer’s freight forwarder has not been cleared to receive classi-fied publications, arrangements can be made to have classified pub-lications shipped directly to the customer’s military representative inthe continental United States.

e. No cover letter or transmittal form is required with the DAForm 4569-1-R unless the customer wants the requested publica-tions shipped to an address that is different from the one recorded inthe sales agreement. To change the "ship to" address, the customermust submit a cover letter with the DA Form 4569-1-R stating therequested address. This letter will not serve as notice of a permanentchange of the shipping address unless it is so stated.

8–7. Preparing the DA Form 4569-1-RThe DA Form 4569-1-R is used exclusively by FMS customers torequisition publications and blank forms and must be locally repro-duced. DA Form 4569-1-R will be locally reproduced on 8 1/2-inchby 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduction is located at the back ofthis pamphlet. Additionally, DA Form 4569-1-R may be electroni-cally generated. The electronically generated form must contain alldata elements and follow the exact format of the existing printedform. The form number of the electronically generated form will beshown as DA Form 4569-1-R-E and the date will be the same as thedate of the current edition of the printed form. (See figure 8-1 for anexample of a completed DA Form 4569-1-R). When completing DAForm 4569-1-R, remember that the information will be read by acomputer. Print all entries in ink; slash all zeros (0) so that they willnot be misread as the letter "O" and underline all ones (1) so theywill not be misread as the lower-case letter "L" or "i."

a. The top portion of the DA Form 4569-1-R will be completedas follows:

(1) Block 1 - Publications Account No: Enter the customer’spublications account number.

(2) Block 2 - Country/Case Designator: Enter the customer’scountry and case designator codes as assigned to the customer’spublications agreement by the USASAC (New Cumberland).

(3) Block 3 - Requisition Date: Enter the two-digit year, monthand date of the customer’s request (YYMMDD).

(4) Block 4 - Page ___of ___: Enter the number of each page andthe total number of pages for the request. For example, the firstpage of a two-page request would be PAGE 1 of 2.

(5) Block 5 - TO: Commander, U.S. Army Security AssistanceCommand, ATTN: (Office symbol of the central case manager), 3rdStreet & M Avenue, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5096.

(6) Block 6 - From: Enter the requesting customer’s address thatis currently recorded in the FMS publications sales agreement withthat customer.

(7) Block 7 - "Ship to" Address: Enter the address that is re-corded for the publications account number cited in block 1. Thisaddress should appear in the Military Assistance Program AddressDirectory and should be the address to which the customers wantsrequested publications or forms delivered. In some cases, this ad-dress will be the same as the address in the FROM block. If that isthe case enter SAME. (Be sure to include the full nine-digit ZIPcode).

b. Completing the remainder of the DA Form 4569-1-R.(1) "DOCUMENT NUMBER": (Columns 1-14) Enter the docu-

ment number. The document number is composed of three elements,the requisitioner number, date, and serial number. Before creatingthe document number, the customer will need a copy of the LOA.

(2) Complete the "Requisitioner" element (columns 1-6) with in-formation taken from their agreement.

(a) The requisitioner number is the first element of the documentnumber and begins with a "B" in column 1. The "B" is pre-printedon the form and denotes U.S. Army service.

(b) In columns 2 and 3, enter the customer’s abbreviated countrycode. This two letter code is shown at the top of the first page of theLOA along with the service code and case designator (Example:GY-B-TAA= GY (country code) -B (service code) -TAA (casedesignator).)

(c) In column 4, enter the "MARK FOR" code that customerenters on the first page of the LOA under Section "Information ToBe Provided By Customer". If there is no applicable code for thisitem, enter a zero. Note that all zeroes on this form must be slashed(0) so they will be recognized as a zero and not the letter "O."

(d) In column 5, enter the Delivery Term Code from Page 2,column 7 of the LOA.

(e) In column 6, enter the "TYPE OF ASSISTANCE " code fromPage 2, column 5 of the LOA. This completes the requisitionernumber entry which will be the same for all lines of the request. Assuch, it is not necessary to repeat the entry for every line. A linemay be drawn down the page to show that this entry is constant. Onthe last line of the page or request, enter the information as wasdone for the initial line.

(3) The second element of the document number is the date(columns 7-10). Enter the date that the request is prepared. This datemust be in Julian date format. For example, if the request had beenprepared on 11 Jan 96, the Julian date to be entered in thesecolumns would be "6011." This entry will be the same for all linesof the request. As such, it is not necessary to repeat the entry forevery line. A line may be drawn down the page to show this entry isconstant. On the last line of the page or request, enter the informa-tion as was done for the initial line.

(4) The third and last element of the document number is theserial number (columns 11-14). This number will be assigned sequ-entially, by the customer, to each line item requested. This willenable the customer to separately identify each item requested. Forexample, the first item requested on the first page of the requestwould be "1" and a "1" would be entered in column 14. It is notnecessary to fill in the blanks with zeroes. If the first page was filledand a second page was used, the first item requested on the secondpage would have a serial number of "21," with the "2" entered in

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column 13 and a "8" entered in column 14. Each new request willbegin with item number "1." If a line has been deleted, it is notnecessary to renumber subsequent items.

(5) "PUBLICATION OR FORM NUMBER": (Columns 15-42)Enter the type and number of the publication or blank form neededexactly as it is shown in DA Pam 25-30. Enter the authorizedabbreviation of the publication or form. For example, if the cus-tomer were ordering a TM, they would enter "TM." Skip one blockand enter the publication or form number, for example, "TM 9-1100...." On the DA Form 4569-1-R, publications and forms mustbe listed by their abbreviated names. Only the abbreviations listed intable 3-3 are authorized. REMEMBER THAT CLASSIFIED, RE-STRICTED, AND UNCLASSIFIED PUBLICATIONS CANNOTBE ORDERED ON THE SAME FORM: A SEPARATE FORMMUST BE PREPARED FOR EACH.

(6) "CHANGES REQ": (Columns 43-45) Enter the change re-quested. These columns are used only when ordering publications; ifblank forms are ordered, leave blank. One of the following changecodes must be used when ordering publications:

( a ) 0 0 0 - S h i p o n l y t h e b a s i c p u b l i c a t i o n . N o c h a n g e s a r e r e -quested. Use this code also to order publications that have beenreprinted with the changes included. DA Pam 25-30 will showwhich changes were included in a reprint. If a customer needsc h a n g e s n o t i n c l u d e d i n t h e r e p r i n t , t h e y m u s t o r d e r e a c h o n eseparately.

(b) 001 through 899-Ship only the change entered; but do notship the basic publication. To order the change, the customer mustlist the publication type and number that the change affects incolumns 15 through 42 on the same line or, in the case of orderingmultiple changes, a line may be drawn down through the columns asshown in the sample of completed DA Form 4569-1-R. The codemust consist of three digits. For example, if the publication shows"1,2" in the "Changes" column of the index, the customer wouldenter these changes as "001" and "002" in the changes requestedcolumns.

(c) 901 through 999-These numbers are used to identify interimchanges. For example if "I01" or "901" is shown in the "Changes"column of the index, that interim change would be ordered byentering "901" in these columns. The "I" and the "9" are usedi n t e r c h a n g e a b l y a n d d e n o t e s t h e s a m e i t e m . T o o r d e r i n t e r i mchanges, the publication type and number must be listed in columns15 through 42 on the same line or, in the case of ordering multiplechanges, a line may be drawn down through columns 15 through 42.

(7) "UNIT OF ISSUE (UI): (Columns 46-50) Enter the unit ofissue code for the item requested exactly as it is shown in the "Unit/Issue" column of the publication index. The unit of issue code muststart in column 46 (as indicated by the arrow on the form). If thecode is less than five digits, leave the remaining columns blank donot enter zeros. Publications are available as "EA" for hard copypublication and as "FICHE" for microfiche publications. When or-dering publications and forms on the DA Form 4569-1-R, unit ofissue codes must be used. Only the codes listed in table 3-4 areauthorized.

(8) "QUANTITY REQUIRED": (Columns 51-55) Enter the num-ber of copies the customer wishes to order; do not put zeros beforethe quantity entered. When entering the quantity, start in column 55(as indicated by the arrow on the form) and work left. For example,a quantity of 1 would be ordered by entering a "1" in column 55; 10copies would be ordered by entering a "1" in column 54 and "0" incolumn 55. Note: Blank forms are issued only in full package orcarton quantities. Quantities which do not constitute a full packageor carton will be rounded up to the next highest full package orcarton if the quantity ordered is greater than or equal to half acarton.

(9) Blocks 8 and 9 - Remarks/Signature: The designated repre-sentative signs in Block 9 of the form. See figure 8-1 for anexample of a completed DA Form 4569-1-R.

8–8. Reject error reportsWhen FMS requisitions are invalid, USAPPC generates reject error

reports. These error reports are not forwarded directly to the FMScustomer but instead they are forwarded to the country manager atthe USASAC (New Cumberland). See table 8-1 for a list of thereject codes which are applicable to FMS customers; customersshould contact the USASAC (New Cumberland) for any additionalinformation.

8–9. Advice of supply actionsUSAPPC provides status on valid requisitions using advice codes.These "Advice of Supply Action" codes are not forwarded directlyto the FMS customer but instead are forwarded to the countrymanager at the USASAC (New Cumberland). This status providesthe FMS requisition numbers, the nomenclature of the requestedpublication or form, and an advice of supply status code. See table8-2 for the advice of supply action codes which are applicable toFMS customers.

8–10. Requisition transaction status codesFMS publication customers may also receive normal Military Stand-ard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) status codeson their publications transactions. See table 8-3 for the explanationof these MILSTRIP codes.

8–11. Publications provided FMS studentsForeign students may keep DA publications and extracts under theprovisions of the Joint Security Assistance Training Program (AR12-35).

8–12. Account managementThe general principles and information concerning publications ac-count management provided in chapter 4 are valid for FMS custom-ers and could have significant impact if adapted by each customer.

Table 8–1Reject error codes applicable to FMS

Code: CD (Applicable to FMS ONLY)Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the casedesignator code entered on this request did not begin with a "B,J,M,T,orU through Z", or have three alphabetic characters. Refer to the foreignmilitary sales agreement for correct case designator code.

Code: ERExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedcould not be identified by the USAPPC. Review DA Pam 25-30, ensuringthat spacing, slashes and dashes are included as listed for required item.

Code: NSExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedis not stocked by the USAPPC. Check DA Pam 25-30 for appropriatesource of supply. Resubmit requisition in accordance with procedures forrequesting publications not managed by the USAPPC.

Code: RPExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the changerequested is no longer stocked separately but has been incorporatedinto the basic publication. Requisition must be resubmitted for basicpublication.

Code: R4Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because there is an error inthe change ordered or the change ordered has been incorporated intothe basic publication.

Code: R5Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the quantity-required field contains letters or blanks. This field must be numeric.

Code: R6Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the accountnumber entered on this request is not on file at USAPPC. The accountnumber did not contain an alphabetic character followed by four numericcharacters.

Code: R7Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the account

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Table 8–1Reject error codes applicable to FMS—Continued

number entered on this request was established for initial distributionand is not authorized to order resupply copies.

Code: R8Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the accountnumber entered on this request is not authorized to order blank forms.

Code: R9Explanation: Requisition has been rejected because the ZIP code orAPO number entered on this request does not agree with the ZIP coderecorded on the name and address on file for the account numberentered on this request. Verify this ZIP code or APO number. If an errorwas made, correct it and resubmit the requisition. If the ZIP code or APOnumber recorded in the name and address file is incorrect, change ofaddress notice must be submitted to the USAPPC.

Code: UIExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the unit of issueentered on this request is incorrect. Check DA Pam 25-30 for the correctunit of issue.

Code: UPExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the publicationrequested is no longer printed as a standalone publication but has beenprinted as part of an handbook. Check DA Pam 25-30 to determinewhich handbook contains this required publication. Handbooks havevery limited quantities available for resupply copies; therefore thisrequirement must be resubmitted using initial distribution proceduresprovided in chapter 3.

Table 8–2Advice of supply action codes applicable to FMS

Code: CNExplanation: Requisition has been canceled. If the item is still required,submit a new requisition.

Code: DCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the item on backorder has been superseded, rescinded, obsolete, or reached the 270day automatic cancellation limit.

Code: DOExplanation: The item requested is due-out. Your requisition is backordered awaiting receipt of stock. When stock is received at the Armypublications distribution centers the item will be shipped to you.

Code: DRExplanation: The due-out (back order) has been released for shipment.

Code: FKExplanation: You chose to bypass the back order system and askedthat the requisition be "killed" if the requested item was unavailable.Stock is unavailable, requisition has been "killed," and no back order hasbeen established.

Code: ILExplanation: The issue of requested item is limited. USAPPC,considering Army proponent guidance will subsequently issue or cancelwith a "PA" advice of supply code.

Code: NCExplanation: Requisition has been rejected because the item requestedis classified and the account number entered on the request is not codedto receive classified publications support. Foreign military salesrequisitions should be resubmitted in accordance with procedures forrequesting classified publications.

Code: PAExplanation: Requisition has been canceled. The item is controlled andmay be released only by written authority from the proponent.

Code: RBExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isauthorized to US Government agencies only. If publication is essential

Table 8–2Advice of supply action codes applicable to FMS—Continued

and still needed, submit a new requisition using restricted resupply copyprocedures.

Code: RCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requesteditem has been rescinded.

Code: RDExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isrestricted, and requires the approval of the US Army proponent prior torelease to foreign military sales customers. If publication is essential andstill needed, submit a new requisition using restricted resupply copyprocedures.

Code: REExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isauthorized to DOD components only. If publication is essential and stillneeded, submit a new requisition using restricted resupply copyprocedures.

Code: RFExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isonly as directed by the controlling DA office or higher authority. Ifpublication is essential and still needed, submit a new requisition usingrestricted resupply copy procedures.

Code: RGExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isauthorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only. Ifpublication is essential and still needed, submit a new requisition usingrestricted resupply copy procedures.

Code: RNExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isrestricted, no foreign dissemination of this publication is authorized.

Code: RRExplanation: Requisition is canceled because distribution is authorizedto DOD and DOD contractors only. If publication is essential and stillneeded, submit a new requisition using restricted resupply copyprocedures.

Code: RXExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because distribution isauthorized to U.S. Government agencies and private individuals orenterprises eligible to obtain export-controlled technical data inaccordance with regulations implementing Section 140 C, Title 10,United States Code (10 USC 140C). If publication is essential and stillneeded, submit a new requisition using restricted resupply copyprocedures.

Code: SHExplanation: Publication/form was shipped.

Code: SSExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requestedpublication has been superseded.

Code: TCExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the materialrequested is for use by U.S. Army test control officers only. This materialis not authorized for sale to FMS sales customers.

Code: UFExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requestedpublication is currently stockout and has been temporarily taken out-of-print by the proponent due to a shortage of printing funds. Submit a newrequisition in 180 days, if still required.

Code: URExplanation: Requisition has been canceled because the requestedpublication is under revision by the proponent and is not available. If youhave established initial distribution requirements for this publication youwill automatically receive the revision when it is printed. If you have notestablished initial distribution you need to order the publication whenissue of the item is announced in DA Pam 25-30.

Code: WRExplanation: This is a warehouse refusal. Stock of the item cannot be

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Table 8–2Advice of supply action codes applicable to FMS—Continued

located or has been temporarily exhausted. Item has been back orderedand a dueout established.

Table 8–3MILSTRIP status codes applicable to publications

Code: BAExplanation: Item being processed for release and shipment. Theestimated shipping date (ESD) is contained in cc 70-73 when provided inresponse to a follow-up.

Code: BBExplanation: Item back ordered against a due-in to stock. Theestimated shipping data for release of material to the customer is in cc70-73.

Code: BDExplanation: Requisition is delayed due to need to verify requirementsrelating to authorized application, item identification, or technical data.Upon completion of review, another status will be provided to indicateaction taken.

Code: CAExplanation: Rejected. Initial provision of this status will be "Weekly CARequisition Status Report" with remarks.

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Figure 8-1. Example of a completed DA Form 4569-1-R

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Appendix AReferences

Section IRequired Publications

AR 25–30The Army Integrated Publishing and Printing Program. (Cited in para2-9b.)

AR 25–36Interservicing of Technical Manuals and Related Technology. (Citedin para 2-1f.)

AR 380–5Department of the Army Information Security Program. (Cited in para6-9a.)

AR 380–15Safeguarding Classified NATO Information. (Cited in para 6-9a.)

DA Pam 25–30Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms. (Cited inpara 3-1.)

TM 39–0–1ANumerical Index of Nuclear Weapons Publications (Including RelatedPublications)(Army Supplement). (Cited in para 4-5.)

Section IIRelated PublicationsThis section contains no entries.

Section IIIPrescribed Forms

DA Form 12–RRequest for Establishment of a Publications Account. (Prescribed inpara 2-2.)

DA Form 12–29–RSubscription for Explosive Ordnance Disposal TechnicalPublications.(Located in TM 39-0-1A.) (Prescribed in para 3-3.)

DA Form 12–35–RSubscription for Nuclear Weapons Publications. (Located in TM 39-0-1A.) (Prescribed in para 3-4.)

DA Form 12–99–RInitial Distribution (ID) Requirements for Publications. (Prescribedin para 3-4.)

DA Form 17Requisition for Publication and Blank Forms. (Prescribed in para 3-10.)

DA Form 17–1Requisition for Publications and Blank Forms (Continuation Sheet).(Prescribed in para 3-10.)

DA Form 410Receipt for Accountable Forms. (Prescribed in para 5-11.)

DA Form 479Publication and Blank Forms Stock Record Card (VerticalFile).(Prescribed in para 5-4.)

DA Form 479–1Publication and Blank Forms Stock Record Card (Visible File).(Prescribed in para 5-4.)

DA Form 4569Requisition Code Sheet (This is a totally electronic form; no paperstock is available.) (Prescribed in para 3-10.)

DA Form 4569–1–RSecurity Assistance Publication Requisition Code Sheet. (Prescribedin para 8-7.)

Section IVReferenced Forms

DA Form 455Mail and Document Register

DA Form 3946Classified Document Accountability Record

DA Form 4790–RCertification for Distribution of Publication(s) in Support ofGovernment Contract

DD Form 173/2(OCR)Joint Message Form (RED)

DD Form 173/3(OCR)Joint Message Form (BLUE)

DD Form 645Foreign Military Sales Billing Statement

DD Form 1348–1DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Documents

SF 1169US Government Transportation Request

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Section IAbbreviations

ACPAllied Communications Publication

AECAArms Export Control Act

AIPPPA r m y I n t e g r a t e d P u b l i s h i n g a n d P r i n t i n gProgram

AMCU.S. Army Materiel Command

AMCCOMU.S. Army Armament, Munitions, and Chem-ical Command

AMUaverage monthly usage

ARArmy regulation

ARNGArmy National Guard

ARTEPArmy Training and Evaluation Program

ATPArmy Training program

ATTArmy training test

AUTODINautomatic digital network

AVIMaviation unit maintenance


CCLcommodity control list

CDACatalog Data Activity


CINCUSAEURCommander-in-Chief U.S. Army-Europe

CMHCenter for Military History

COMCENcommunications center

COMSECcommunications security

CONUScontinental United States

CONUSAt h e n u m b e r e d a r m i e s i n t h e c o n t i n e n t a lUnited States

CTAcommon table of allowances

DADepartment of the Army

DA CirDepartment of the Army circular

DA GODepartment of the Army general order

DA MemoDepartment of the Army memorandum

DA PamDepartment of the Army pamphlet

DCSIMD e p u t y C h i e f o f S t a f f f o r I n f o r m a t i o nManagement

DD FormDepartment of Defense form

DIADefense Intelligence Agency

DLADefense Logistics Agency

DODDepartment of Defense

DODAACD e p a r t m e n t o f D e f e n s e A c t i v i t y A d d r e s sCode

DODACDepartment of Defense Ammunition Code

DODDDepartment of Defense directive

DODIDepartment of Defense instruction

DOEDepartment of Energy

DOIMDirector of Information Management

EAAExport Administration Act

EARExport Administration Regulation

EODexplosive ordnance disposal

FMfield manual

FMSforeign military sales

FPMFederal Personnel Manual

FSCFederal supply classification

FSGFederal supply group

FTfiring table

FTRfiring table regulation

GTAgraphic training aid

HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army

HRhand receipt

IDinitial distribution

ILidentification list

IMOinformation management officer

ITARInternational Traffic In Arms Regulation

JANAPjoint Army-Navy-Air Force publication

JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff

JCSPUBJoint Chiefs of Staff publication

JTAjoint table of allowances

LMFlanguage media format

LOlubrication order

LOALetter of Offer and Acceptance

MAAGMilitary Assistance Advisory Group

MACOMmajor Army command

MCTLmilitary critical technology list

MLmunitions list

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MNWPSM u l t i - S e e r v i c e N u c l e a r W e a p o n s P u b l i c a -tions System

MQSmilitary qualification standard

MSCmajor subordinate command

MTPmission training plan

MWOmodification work order

NCOnoncommissioned officer

NGBNational Guard Bureau

NSANational Security Agency

NSNnational stock number

NTISNational Technical Information Service

ODCOffice of Defense Cooperation

OFoptional form

OSTorder ship time

PACpersonnel and administration center

PBprofessional bulletin

PCOpublications control officer

POIprogram of instruction

PSMpublications stockroom manager

QTOquantity to order

ROPreorder point

RPSTLrepair parts and special tools list

ROTCReserve Officers’ Training Corps

SBsupply bulletin

SCsupply catalog

SFstandard form

SOPstanding operating procedure

SSAFsingle standard account file

STARPUBSstandard Army publications system

STPsoldier training publications

TAPATotal Army Personnel Agency

TASCTraining and Audiovisual Support Center

TBtechnical bulletin

TCtraining circular

TCCtelecommunications center

TDAtable of distribution and allowances

TJCtrajectory charts

TMtechnical manual

TOEtable of organization and equipment

TRADOCU.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

USAPICU.S. Army Personnel Integration Command

USANCAU.S. Army Nuclear Chemical Agency

USAPDCU.S. Army Publications Distribution Center

USAPPCU . S . A r m y P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d P r i n t i n gCommand

USARU.S. Army Reserve

USASACU.S. Army Security Assistance Command

Section IITerms

Allied Communications Publications(ACPs)A publication that contains communications-e l e c t r o n i c s p o l i c y , p r o c e d u r e s , a n d i n s t r u c -tions. The guidance in ACP’s is also used byAllied nations.

Army regulationA directive that sets forth missions, responsi-bilities, and policies and establishes proce-d u r e s t o e n s u r e u n i f o r m c o m p l i a n c e w i t hthose policies.

Army training and evaluation program(ARTEP)A DA publication that contains guidance andi n s t r u c t i o n s o n h o w t o t r a i n a n d e v a l u a t eTOE units. ARTEPs consist of either missiontraining plans (MTPs) or drills.

Automated data systems manualA manual that is part of the complete techni-cal documentation for an automated data sys-t e m . T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n s t a r t s w i t h t h ea u t o m a t e d d a t a s y s t e m f u n c t i o n a l r e q u i r e -m e n t s f o r t h e p r o p o n e n t a n d c o n t i n u e sthrough the system design, programming, tes-ting, evaluation, operation, and maintenance.

Circular (agencywide or command-wide)A publication of agency-wide or command-wide application that contains information ofgeneral interest and instructions that are tem-porary or of a one-time nature.

DA circularA temporary directive or informational publi-cation that expires 2 years or less after dateof issue.

DA general orderA w r i t t e n d i r e c t i v e c o n t a i n i n g m a t e r i a l o fgeneral interest (permanent or semi-perma-nent in duration) on establishment, redesigna-tion, inactivation, or discontinuance of Armycommands, installations, agencies, and activi-ties; announcements of awards, decorations,and unit citations; and similar subjects.

DA memorandumA permanent directive with limited distribu-tion. It applies only to the HQDA agenciesand, if applicable, to the MACOMs in theWashington, DC, metropolitan area. Memo-r a n d u m s a r e e f f e c t i v e u n t i l s u p e r s e d e d o rrescinded.

DA pamphletA p e r m a n e n t i n s t r u c t i o n a l o r i n f o r m a t i o n a lp u b l i c a t i o n . T h e t w o b a s i c t y p e s o f p a m -p h l e t s a r e s t a n d a r d a n d i n f o r m a t i o n a l . Astandard pamphlet is organized and printed inthe same format as an AR. An informationalpamphlet has no set organization or format.

DA posterA decorative pictorial bill or placard for post-ing, often in a public place, and intendedprimarily for advertising.

DA publicationA publication that is published by the order

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of the Secretary of the Army in the name ofthe Chief of Staff, Army and authenticatedby the Administrative Assistant to the Secre-tary of the Army. The authentication repre-sents the acts, orders, and directions of theSecretary of the Army.

Departmental Doctrinal and trainingpublicationsPublications that contain the doctrine, tactics,techniques, and procedures adopted for use int r a i n i n g i n d i v i d u a l s a n d u n i t s o f t h e U . S .Army and that provide guidance to Armyunits operating in the field.

Equipment publicationsA publication that deals with the installation,o p e r a t i o n , m a i n t e n a n c e , t r a i n i n g , a n d p a r t ssupport of Army materiel, including firingtables and trajectory charts. Equipment tech-nical manuals, technical bulletins, lubricationorders, and modification work orders are DApublications media used to provide these es-sential instructions.

Field manualA DA publication that describes Army doc-t r i n e a n d t a c t i c s f o r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n . F M salso implement ratified international stand-ardization agreements and are normally thebasis for development of training materials.

Firing table and trajectory charta. Firing table. A table that contains exte-

rior ballistic data, based on range firings forspecific types of weapons and combinationsof projectiles, fuses, and propelling charges.It is classified according to types of weaponsas follows:

(1) Abridged. Minimum data needed todetermine the elevation for the desired pointof impact for tank guns, light mortars, andsimilar weapons.

(2) Anti-aircraft. Exterior ballistic tabula-tions that provide data along the trajectoryf o r c o n s t a n t e l e v a t i o n o u t o f t h e t i m e o fflight for which the fuse is set.

(3) Field artillery. Exterior ballistic tabu-lation giving the trajectory characteristics att h e p o i n t o f i m p a c t . T h e y p r o v i d e d a t aneeded to determine the elevation for a de-sired point of impact.

b. Trajectory chart. A chart prepared forall artillery and tank weapons. It shows theentire trajectory extended to 500 feet belowgun. It is supplied in sets for each FT.

FormAn officially prescribed document with pre-pared space for the insertion of information.Items such as labels, stickers, tags, and filecover sheets do not require insertion of infor-mation; however, they may still be consid-ered forms if they meet the standards fors i z e , i t e m s e q u e n c e , w o r d i n g , d e s i g n , a n dconstruction.

Hand receipt manualA publication that is designed to improve

p r o p e r t y a c c o u n t a b i l i t y a n d t o p r o v i d e aready reference for equipment.

Identification listA list of identification data for equipmentand supplies in those Federal supply classifi-cation classes not assigned to the DefenseL o g i s t i c s A g e n c y f o r i n t e g r a t e d m a t e r i e lmanagement.

Joint Army-Navy-Air Force publicationA publication prepared for use by the U.S.A r m e d F o r c e s . J A N A P s c o n t a i n d e t a i l e dc o m m u n i c a t i o n s - e l e c t r o n i c s p o l i c i e s , p r o c e -dures, and instructions not included in anyAllied Communications Publications series.

Lubrication orderA publication that contains information ona u t h o r i z e d l u b r i c a n t s , l u b r i c a t i o n i n t e r v a l s ,work measurement standards for each lubri-cation interval, and mandatory lubrication in-s t r u c t i o n s f o r a l l e q u i p m e n t i s s u e d t h a tr e q u i r e s l u b r i c a t i o n b y m a i n t e n a n c epersonnel.

Military assistance advisory groupU.S. military group located in a foreign coun-try that receives U.S. military assistance. Thegroup may be a military assistance advisorygroup, a military mission, or any other Armyelement that has a comparable mission.

Modification work orderA publication that contains technical require-ments for accomplishing mandatory modifi-c a t i o n o r n o n - m a n d a t o r y a l t e r a t i o n s o fequipment.

Professional bulletinsA publication that contains instructions, guid-ance, and other material that serves to en-hance, on a continuing basis, the professionaldevelopment of individuals within a specificfunctional area.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps ManualA publication that contains material in sup-port of Army training programs to be used byROTC students when suitable material is notreadily available in other publications.

Soldier training publicationsA t a s k - s p e c i f i c p u b l i c a t i o n t h a t s u p p o r t straining and evaluation of individual (officerand enlisted military occupational specialtyor common critical tasks).

Supply bulletinsA publication that contains information relat-ing to the mission objectives of military sup-ply operations.

Supply catalogsAn equipment publication that contains sup-ply management and item identification datanecessary for the maintenance of Army sup-plies and equipment.

Technical bulletinsA publication that contains information, pro-c e d u r e s , a n d t e c h n i q u e s o f a t e c h n i c a l o rprofessional nature relating to equipment andgeneral subjects. A TB does not contain ad-ministrative material or material pertaining totactical training or tactical operations.

Technical manualA publication that is one of the two typesbelow.

a. Equipment technical manuals. A man-ual that contains instructions on the installa-tion, operation, maintenance, and repair partsand special tools support of related equip-ment. It also contains related technical infor-mation and procedures such as preventativemaintenance checks and services, handling ofa m m u n i t i o n s , s h i p m e n t , a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v estorage.

b . G e n e r a l s u b j e c t t e c h n i c a l m a n u a l . Am a n u a l t h a t c o n t a i n s t e c h n i c a l i n s t r u c t i o n sprepared on various subject areas (other thanspecific items of equipment or groups of re-lated equipment) such as communications orelectronics fundamentals, painting, welding,and demolition to prevent enemy use.

Section IIISpecial Abbreviations and TermsThis section contains no entries.

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IndexT h i s i n d e x i s o r g a n i z e d a l p h a b e t i c a l l y b ytopic and by subtopic within a topic. Topicsa n d s u b t o p i c s a r e i d e n t i f i e d b y p a r a g r a p hnumber.

Abbreviations,E x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d t e r m s ,

GlossaryPublication and form categories, table 3-3

A c c o u n t a b l e a n d s e n s i t i v e f o r m s . S e eForms, accountable and sensitive

Accounts,Blank forms, 2-2, 2-4Closing, 2-10Contracting officers, 2-9Establishing an account, 2-2Foreign Military Sales, 2-1Interservice, 2-6Management file, 2-2National Guard, 2-7ROTC, 2-8Test control, 2-5Upgrading for classified service, 2-3Who is authorized, 2-2

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e p u b l i c a t i o n d i s t r i b u t i o nlevels, 4-2

Changes, consolidated, 3-11, 4-3Classified publications,

Compromise of loss, 5-10Disposal, 5-13Managing, 5-9Safeguarding, 5-10

DA PAM 25-30. See IndexDistribution, initial

Changing distribution requirements, 3-3Clarification of ID system, 3-8Explosive ordnance disposal publications,

3-4Establishing initial distribution,FMS customers, 3-6, 8-5How the ID system works, 3-1Initial distribution number (IDN), 3-3, 4-4JCS publications, 7-8Maintaining requirements, 3-3Nuclear weapons publications, 3-4Submitting forms, 3-5Subscription list, obtaining, 3-7Use of DA Form 12-99-R, 3-3

Distribution restriction statement, 8-2

Excess publications, 1-5, 5-12Export Control

Determination, 7-3Distribution restriction, 7-4TM markings, 7-2

Foreign military sales (FMS),Account management, 8-12Accounts, who can have, 8-2Advice of supply actions, 8-9Classified publications, 8-6Establishing an account, 8-3Initial distribution, 8-4, 8-5Reject error reports, 8-8Resupply system, 8-6, 8-7Requisition status codes, 8-10, table 8-3

Forms, blank,Requisitions, tracking, quantities, 5-4Stockage, operational, 5-5

Forms, accountable and sensitive, 5-11

Index, publications and blank forms,Understanding, 4-1Notations, 4-1Consolidated reprints and changes, 4-3Initial distribution data, 4-4

Management and maintenance,Account, 5-1, 5-3Account validation, 5-8Indexes, specialized, 5-2Initial distribution requirements, 5-6Obsolete items, 5-13

Major management roles,CONUS installation stockrooms, 1-5DCSIM, DOIM, IMO, 1-5N a t i o n a l T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e

(NTIS), 1-5O C O N U S P u b l i c a t i o n s D i s t r i b u t i o n C e n -

ters, 1-5USAPPC, 1-5

R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , s e e M a j o r m a n a g e m e n troles

Resupply/replacement copy systemAccounts, classified, 2-3Accounts, publications, 2-1Advice of supply codes, 3-13, table 3-6Authorized abbreviations for publications/

forms, table 3-3Blank forms, 2-4DA Form 4569-R, 3-10Data fields, DA Form 4569, 3-11Electronic ordering, 3-12How the system works, 3-9Processing requisitions, 3-13Recruiting publicity items, 3-10Reject error codes, 3-13, table 3-5S T A R P U B S D D N I n t e r f a c e S y s t e m

(SDIS), 3-12Submitting requests, 3-10Test control material, 3-10Unit of Issue Codes, table 3-4

Special Procedures,A l l i e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s p u b l i c a t i o n s

(ACPs), 6-2Catalogs, Federal Supply, 6-4Center for Military History publications, 6-

7DIA publications, 6-11DLA publications, 6-10Handbooks, 6-5Instructional material, 6-1J o i n t A r m y - N a v y - A i r F o r c e p u b l i c a t i o n s ,

6-2Joint, JCS, 6-8Local reprint authority (LRA), 6-1Microfiche, Army and DOD, 6-3M u l t i - s e r v i c e N u c l e a r W e a p o n s P u b l i c a -

tions, 6-9Other government agency publications, 6-

12Professional Bulletins, 6-6School requirements, 6-1Using extracts, 6-1

S t a n d a r d A r m y P u b l i c a t i o n s S y s t e m(STARPUBS),Description, 1-4Management roles, 1-5

Technical/equipment publications,

Letter suffixes, table 3-2Maintenance levels, 3-1, table 3-1Quantities, determination of, 3-2

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.