Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (2024)

Action Summary | Traits Summary | Quests | Rotation | Stat Priority | Consumables | Gear

Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (1)

"Hailing from the war-torn lands of the Far East, the secret arts of the ninja were born of necessity, and have since given rise to a unique breed of highly-trained combatants. Able to manipulate the vital energies of the land, the air, and living beings, they manifest their power through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against their foes. Master the arts of the ninja and learn to bend the tide of battle to your will."

Ninja is a job made available on patch 2.4 (Dreams of Ice) in Final Fantasy XIV. They are a disciple of war that wear leather armor and primarily use daggers. Both Ninjas and Rogues are primarily used for melee DPS and specialize in art of assassination. Ninjas learn the secret arts of Ninjutsu and adds a different style of gameplay compared to other jobs in the game. This job is not recommended for new players as it is more difficult to learn off the bat.

Rogue (ROG) is the class used to obtain the Ninja (NIN) job. They focus more on DPS with short arms and daggers and excel at martial arts. The Rogues's Guild is located in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks. At level 30, Rogues can specialize in the Ninja job - which will unlock the powers of Ninjutsu. The Ninja HQ is located in Eastern La Noscea just south of Wineport.

Ninja (NIN) is a job unlocked by leveling a Rogue (ROG) to level 30. Ninjas are a fast paced and potentially high-damage DPS job that has a lot of special combo moves to memorize. Ninjas use a combination of Mudras to do special attacks.

How To Unlock
Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (2) Player must complete the following quest: Sylph-management located in The Solar
Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (3) Player must complete the following quest: Cloying Victory
Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (4) Class Required: Rogue (Level 30)

Action Anchor

1Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (5)1Spinning EdgeWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 220. Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
2Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (6)2Shade ShiftAbilityInstant120sCreate shadows that nullify damage up to 20% of maximum HP for 20s
3Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (7)4Gust SlashWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 100. Combo Action: Spinning Edge. Combo Potency: 330. Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
4Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (8)10HideAbilityInstant20sBlend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on enemies 10 levels higher than your own, or certain enemies with special sight.
5Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (9)15Throwing DaggerWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers a ranged attack with a potency of 120. Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
6Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (10)15MugAbilityInstant120sDelivers an attack with a potency of 150 Additional Effect: Increases the chance of additional items being dropped by target if Mug is dealt before, or as, the finishing blow.
7Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (11)18Trick AttackAbilityInstant60sDelivers an attack with a potency of 350. 500 when executed from a target's rear. Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5% for 15s. Can only be executed while under the effect of Hidden.
8Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (12)26Aeolian EdgeWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 100. 160 when executed from a target's rear.
9Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (13)30Shadow FangWeaponskillInstant70sDelivers an attack with a potency of 200. Additional Effect: Damage over time. Potency: 90 for 30s.
10Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (14)30TenAbilityInstant20sMake the ritual mudra hand gesture for "heaven." for 6s. Maximum Charges: 2
11Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (15)30NinjutsuAbilityInstant1.5sExecutes a specific ninjutsu action coinciding with the combination of mudra made immediately beforehand.
12Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (16)35ChiAbilityInstant20sMake the ritual mudra hand gesture for "earth." for 6s. Maximum Charges: 2
13Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (17)38Death BlossomWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5
14Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (18)40ShukuchiAbilityInstant60sMove quickly to the specified location. Maximum Charges: 2
15Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (19)45JinAbilityInstant20sMake the ritual mudra hand gesture for "man." for 6s. Maximum Charges: 2
16Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (20)50JinAbilityInstant60sAllows the execution of a single ninjutsu without consumption of mudra charges. Additional Effect: Increases damage for the next ninjutsu action by 30% for 15s
17Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (21)52Hakke MujinsatsuWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies
18Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (22)54Armor CrushWeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers an attack with a potency of 100. 160 when executed from a target's flank.
19Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (23)56Dream Within a DreamAbilityInstant60sDelivers a threefold attack, each hit with a potency of 200. Additional Effect: Grants Assassinate Ready for 15s
20Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (24)60AssassinateAbilityInstant1sDelivers a critical direct hit with a potency of 200. Can only be executed when Assassinate Ready.
21Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (25)62Hellfrog MediumAbilityInstant1sDeals fire damage with a potency of 200 to target and all enemies nearby it. Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
22Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (26)68BhavacakraAbilityInstant1sDeals unaspected damage with a potency of 300. Ninki Gauge Cost: 50
23Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (27)70Ten Chi JinAbilityInstant120sTemporarily converts each of the three mudra into a ninjutsu action. Executing one of these actions will convert the remaining mudra into different ninjutsu actions until all three have been executed or the Ten Chi Jin effect expires for 6s
24Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (28)72MeisuiAbilityInstant120sDispel Suiton, increasing the Ninki Gauge by 50. Can only be executed while in combat.
25Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (29)80BunshinAbilityInstant90sGrants 5 stacks of Bunshin, each stack allowing your shadow to attack enemies each time you execute a weaponskill. Shadow attack potency varies based on the attack executed, but is not affected by combo bonuses


1Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (30)30Fuma ShurikenAbilityInstant1.5sDelivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 500. Mudra Combination: Any one of the Ten, Chi, or Jin mudra
2Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (31)35KatonAbilityInstant1.5sDeals fire damage with a potency of 500 to target and all enemies nearby it. Mudra Combination: Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten
3Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (32)35RaitonAbilityInstant1.5sDeals lightning damage with a potency of 800. Mudra Combination: Ten→Chi or Jin→Chi
4Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (33)45HyotonAbilityInstant1.5sDeals ice damage with a potency of 400. Additional Effect: Bind for 15s. Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin
5Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (34)45HutonAbilityInstant1.5sReduces weaponskill recast time and auto-attack delay by 15% for 70s. Mudra Combination: Jin→Chi→Ten or Chi→Jin→Ten
6Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (35)45DotonAbilityInstant1.5sCreates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 100 to any enemies who enter for 24s. Additional Effect: Heavy +40%. Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin→Chi or Jin→Ten→Chi
7Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (36)45SuitonAbilityInstant1.5sDeals water damage with a potency of 600. Additional Effect: Grants Suiton for 20s. Suiton Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect. Mudra Combination: Ten→Chi→Jin or Chi→Ten→Jin
8Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (37)76Goka MekkyakuAbilityInstant1.5sDeals fire damage with a potency of 750 to target and all enemies nearby it. Mudra Combination: Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten
9Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (38)76Hyosho RanryuAbilityInstant1.5sDeals ice damage with a potency of 1,200. Mudra Combination: Chi→Jin or Ten→Jin

Role Actions

1Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (39)8Second WindAbilityInstant120sInstantly restores own HP. Cure Potency: 500
2Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (40)10Leg SweepAbilityInstant40sStuns target for 3s
3Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (41)12BloodbathAbilityInstant90sConverts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP for 20s.
4Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (42)22FeintAbilityInstant90sLowers target's strength and dexterity by 10% for 10s.
5Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (43)32Arm's LengthAbilityInstant120sCreates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects for 6s. Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
6Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (44)50True NorthAbilityInstant45sNullifies all action direction requirements for 10s.

Traits Anchor

1Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (45)14All FoursReduces damage taken when falling.
2Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (46)20Fleet of FootIncreases movement speed.
3Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (47)62ShukihoIncreases Ninki Gauge by 5 upon successfully landing certain weaponskills or completing certain combos.
4Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (48)64Enhanced ShukuchiResets the recast timer for Shukuchi upon executing Katon, Raiton, or Hyoton on most targets.
5Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (49)66Enhanced MugIncreases Ninki Gauge by 40 upon successfully landing Mug.
6Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (50)74Enhanced Shukuchi IIAllows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Shukuchi. Maximum Charges: 2
7Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (51)76Enhanced KassatsuUpgrades Katon and Hyoton to Goka Mekkyaku and Hyosho Ranryu while under the effect of Kassatsu.
8Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (52)78Shukiho IIIncreases Ninki Gauge by 10 upon successfully landing Shadow Fang, or completing a combo with Aeolian Edge or Armor Crush.

Quests Anchor
Job Quests

Quest NameLevelQuest GiverLocationCoordinatesUnlocks
1Peasants by Day, Ninjas by Night30JackeLimsa Lominsa Lower Decksx6,y6Ten
2My First Mudra30OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6
3Killer Combinations35TsubameEastern La Nosceax21,y26Chi
4Once Upon a Time in Doma35OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6
5Pirates versus Ninjas40OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6Shukuchi
6Ninja Bathin'40OboroUpper La Nosceax30,y22
7Tough Guys45OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6Jin
8The Crow Knows45OboroMiddle La Nosceax13,y7
9Master and Student50OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6Kassatsu
10Strangers in a Strange Land50OboroEastern La Nosceax21,y27
11The Impossible Girl52OboroEastern La Nosceax21,y27Hakke Mujinsatsu
12Ninja Assassin54OboroEastern La Nosceax21,y27Armor Crush
13Medieval Espionage56OboroEastern La Nosceax21,y27Dream Within a Dream
14Staying Alive58OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6
15In Her Defense60OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6Assassinate
16Search for the Stolen Scroll60OboroEastern La Nosceax21,y27
17Ninja Bathin' Redux63YomeiEastern La Nosceax21,y27
18A Game of Life and Death65OboroKuganex14,y10
19True Enlightenment68JackeYanxiax30,y20
20When Clans Collide70OboroYanxiax30,y20Ten Chi Jin
21Oboro's Big Idea80OboroEastern La Nosceax5,y6

Stats Anchor
Character statistics mean different things depending on what class you are. Below is the general stat priority to follow for Ninjas. Keep in mind that when leveling getting a higher iLevel is usually better in most cases.

Critical Hit > Direct Hit > Determination > Skill Speed

  • Critical Hit: Affects the amount of physical and magical damage, as well as HP restored
  • Skill Speed: Affects bot casting and recast timers as well as auto-attacks
  • Determination: Affects the amount of damage dealt as well as HP restored
  • Skill Speed: Affects both the casting and recast timers, as well as the damage over time potency for weaponskills and auto-attacks.

Where does Ninja stand compared to other DPS classes?
First off, it doesn't really matter unless you are playing top-tier, savage raids and are looking to get the most out of your job. It is always recommended to play the job you are most comfortable with and can play well.

Using aggregate data from all 10 DPS jobs - Ninjas rank 4 out of 10 in DPS for damage output with a score of 91.48. Ninjas have the 8th most parses in Eden raids, meaning it is probably one of the least likely DPS job to raid with at the moment. More info.

Rotations Anchor
Unlike other jobs, the actions available for Ninja are determined greatly by your Ninjutsu combos and the Ninki Gauge.

Performing actions in a specific order increases potency and applies combo bonuses which will help greatly for damage output. Below you will see the very basic approach to get combo bonuses and then a more advanced list which includes casting your oGCDs.

Single Target


High damage:

Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (53) Spinning Edge => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (54) Gust Slash => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (55) Aeolian Edge.

Extends the duration of Huton:

Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (56) Spinning Edge => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (57) Gust Slash => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (58) Armor Crush.

A more complete rotation or priority list is the following. Unbolded actions are oGCDs that should be hit sometime before moving to the next part of the rotation:

  1. Pre-Opender: Huton > Doton > Hide
  2. Suiton > Kassatsu
  3. Spinning Edge > Grade 3 Tincture of Dexterity
  4. Gust Slash > Mug > Bunshin
  5. Aeolian Edge > Spinning Edge > Trick Attack
  6. Shadow Fang > Dream Within a Dream
  7. Hyosho Ranryu > Assassinate
  8. Raiton > Ten Chi Jin > Fuma Shuriken > Raiton > Suiton > Meisui
  9. Gust Slash > Bhavacakra
  10. Aeolian Edge > Bhavacakra > Raiton

Multiple Targets
Ninjas have an easy AoE rotation and don't have to worry about your position. Each final combo of each form/stance is an AoE, so you can follow your normal rotation and get good AoE damage.

This is good for 3+ targets
Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (59) Death Blossom => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (60) Hakke Mujinsatsu => Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (61) Katon

Use your combos! Be mindful of your positioning as being behind or to the side of a target help increase potency for most of your attacks. The most important one being to use Trick Attach while behind the target and Aeolian Edge. You can use True North to help find the exact rear location of the target.

Be sure to use Hide and then bust your Trick Attack behind the enemy to get increased potency.

As a melee DPS with a Leg Sweep you may be expected to Stun/Interrupt during boss fights, so be mindful.

Always stay on the boss as much as you can for maximum DPS output.

Trick Attack is one of the most powerful raid buffs in the game if timed with other buffs/abilities of the raid. Be sure to communicate with the rest of your party/raid if you are progressing or having trouble on a fight to get that extended DPS.

Huton Gauge
The Huton Gauge will be displayed upon learning the ninjutsu Huton (acquired at level 45). This gauge shows its remaining duration.

Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (62)

Upon learning the trait Shukiho (acquired at level 62), the Ninki Gauge will be shown. This guauge shows the amount of Ninki you have accumulated.

Ninki is gained from using weaponskills and can be used to execute special ninjutsu such as Hellfrog Medium (acquired at level 62) or Bhavacakra (acquired at level 68).

Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (63)

Consumables Anchor

  • Potion - Grade 3 Tincture of Dexterity
  • Meals - Stuffed Highland Cabbage, Sausage and Sauerkraut

Gear Anchor

Submit Anchor
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Rogue/Ninja Job Guide (2024)


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