Information about the V1.2 update. | Fandom (2024)

As V1.2 is now actively being worked upon, I think it would be useful for people to know what is coming in said update. Everything mentioned in this message is obtained from the Trello, which is located below

Along with that link, there is the document on The Merchant's Guild concept


The entire game is getting a UI rework, making the game look much, much nicer. some of the UI can be seen in the sneak peaks on the discord (join it already if you aren't, they have some boats and other things)


5 brand new legendary weapons are coming in this update, maybe they're all remodels of the current ones, but I don't know!

(none of these are the real names)

  1. Calamity

  2. Nail

  3. 🐟 (what is this bro???)

  4. Lucky

  5. Starburst


3 new confirmed exotic weapons are coming. Only 1 has a real name and that's Nogasu

  1. Nogasu (an acid katana, dropped by a mini-boss

  2. Candy Corn

  3. Zippity Zappity (please give more hints on this d3)


In the 4th sea, there will not be much islands, most of the sea is taken up by mainland.

Mainland areas

  1. Sunny Plains ( a large plain of grass)

  2. Genesi (a bustling town full of people

  3. Tropical Plains (a large plain of a beach, most likely where the ports lie)

  4. Cultivation Plains (The farmers area)

  5. Clawed Desert Oasis (an oasis located in the clawed desert)

  6. Mainland’s Deep Forest (a forest deep within mainland, most likely uncharted from people)

  7. Hooked Peninsula (a peninsula area that looks like a hook, maybe another port)

  8. Golden Grasslands (a section of mainland where lies a large plain of yellow grass)

  9. Pearly Tundra (the 2nd coldest place of mainland)

  10. Mainland's Chilled Mountains (the coldest region of mainland, a large mountain that towers over the people. with dazzling lights above it)

  11. Justice Outpost (an AG outpost, next to the sea for easy escapes perhaps)

  12. The light curse dungeon (the dungeon that contains the light curse...)

  13. Boss room #1 (most likely inside of the dungeon)

  14. Boss room #2 (perhaps a side-quest boss, or a much larger threat...)

4th sea areas

  1. The Merchant's Guild HQ (where most merchant's stay, discussing trade and current situations about economy, you also join The Merchant's Guild here)

  2. Glooming Enclave (a island within another island.. maybe for hiding..?)

  3. Acid Mire (where the Acid Samurai lives, covered in acidic materials...)

  4. The War Phoenix Island (perhaps a memorial to Theos... or a large fight took at the place)

  5. Caprice Island (a small wilderness)

  6. Ravager's Sea (apart of the 4th sea... where the Kraken resides)

  7. Forsaken sanctuary (a forgotten sanctuary, made by unknown people)

  8. Fort Celia (Perhaps an AG base, or even a OSP one

  9. Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck (somewhere in the ocean, where a large ship lays underneath the destructive waves)

2nd sea island

The fire island, unknown what it truly means. perhaps a return of the island where VetexGames and Techlevel80 fought (though this island isnt canon to any lore) Or an island where Rupin and Tringo fought, like the one in 3rd sea.


There are 2 new factions coming to the game, the One Shot Pirates and The Merchant's Guild

One Shot Pirates

A total of 10 ranks are coming with the One Shot Pirates (OSP) it will include the same system as the Arcane Government, except its the points required for rank ups are called "Glory" instead of "AGR."

Divisional Captain

  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 1000 Glory

Senior Divisional

  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 750 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 500 Glory



  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 225 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 150 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 100 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 25 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied, 10 Glory


  • NPC / Player-Occupied

The Merchant's Guild

The Merchant's Guild is to act as a friendly faction, only required to trade to rank up. You will require at least 4 rare items in the trade, and a "good" trading quality. After the rank, "Merchant" You will be forced to gain Trading Experience (TE) by trading posts (not much information was said in the concept)


Greenhorns are the basic, starter rank, upon joining the Merchant's Guild the game will take whatever color you have as a shirt and import it onto a merchant coat, this will be the uniform. [0 TE]


Salesmen are essentially the "corporal" of the Merchant's Guild with not much difference from the starter rank. [10 TE]


Essentially the "Lance Corporal" of the Merchant's Guild, only cosmetic differences at this rank, the uniform switches to wealthy merchant coats with the same styling as the merchant coats, copying the default shirt color. [25 TE]


Merchants unlock base building and "trading posts", trading posts are shops built on capturable islands and Caravel+ sized boats, these shops sell items and set items for trade from the player's inventory, even when the player who placed them is offline. You can specify whether or not the item is bought with lamina or aurem but you cannot set the price, you also cannot set legendary weapons for sale. Trading posts persist through clan captures, and have to be manually destroyed, you can only place one trading post on one island and when they are destroyed, it gives a separate notification informing you which one broke. You are able to set items for specific trades (Such as: Blessed Quartermaster Chestplate for: Hood of the Winter Master, Jacket of the Winter Master and Blessed White Magic Pants), trades sent through this system are auto accepted. Legendary Weapons are only able to be traded for other Legendary or seasonal tier items (Such as: Durandal for Aethereal Ornament, Shining Halo, Blue Twinkle Star and Blessed Sunken Champion Chestplate). [75 TE]

Rookie Specialist

Specialists are "Professions" within the Merchant's Guild, they include: Charmers, Weapon artisans, Alchemists, Armorsmiths and Designers allowing members to craft (weapon and armor), enchant (Charmers) and collect (Alchemists and Designers) items to use for their shops allowing others to enchant and buy weapons and armor (Excluding most drops, with the exception being XL cutlass, bandit and highland bandit armor, and Alalean Guard armor, if it's added in v1.1). These ranks share uniforms with slight cosmetic differences, these differences should be easily noticeable, but are able to blend seamlessly into the uniform. [150 TE]


Weapon artisans and Armorsmith chances to create rare (or arcanium/magic based) items increase, enchant cool down decreases and unlocks the next tier of enchantments (or however they are classified in 1.1), Alchemists cost less fruits to make potions, Designers cost less materials to change appearance and give more variety than standard traveling designers now (Perhaps allows access to a variety of shirts used exclusively by NPCs?). [225 TE]

Administrative Specialists

Chances to create rare items increase, allowing for Armorsmiths to create exotic items as well (Once again boss drops cannot be crafted), enchants now encompass all rankings/tiers, changing a person's appearance now costs even less to do (Or perhaps simply allows even more custom shirts?) Alchemists can now create all potion variants. [350 TE]


Supervisors will be where uniforms become truly unique instead of merchant coat variants, Supervisors along with all further ranks will carry on the abilities earned from the specialist ranks (They will not be further boosted) and give a singular unique gauntlet with the color of the merchant coat. [500 TE]


This rank allows for members to send out a ship to collect and earn more resources and materials, these ships are paid with aurem and will bring back any items in the chest loot pool that is uncommon and above, a minimum of 45,000 Lamina or more and one item in the gold chest loot pool (Enchant chance of this item is the same as items from the normal chest loot pool). Items get better the farther out you send the ship from your current sea, however ships on occasion do not return due to the threats in that sea, you can lower the chance by spending a large amount of aurem to fit the ships with defenses such as cannons and a stronger hull. [750 TE]

Divisional Manager

This rank allows for members to send out a fleet of ships to do the collecting, giving a maximum of 5 ships, however only 1 boat is able to be upgraded with the others relying on the main ship for defense, the main ship becomes a frigate automatically at this rank, all other boats are small non upgradeable sailboats that bring back only a fraction of the main ships contents. [1000 TE]


You MUST have a positive reputation to join the Merchant's Guild. There is a less strict reputation system when compared to the A.G., allowing for members to stay in the Merchant's Guild until hostile or more, during this time, if you obtain a bounty before you reach hostile however, you are automatically kicked out.

For non merchant guild players

Prices at player made trading posts increase noticeably if you kill a Merchant. Killing more than six in a short period will cause shops to refuse to sell to you for a while (around 5 to 10 minutes).


Arcane Government

The system of the Arcane Government will be getting a slight rework (not AGR)

AG Outpost Control

High ranking A.G. will be able to access a panel at the A.G. outpost in each sea which will be a control panel for everything A.G. related on the ocean.

The panel will switch their camera to a birds eye view of the sea and allow them to move the camera around along with zooming in and out. Any A.G. ships controlled by NPC's can be sent to different locations to patrol with the panel, and maybe even be sent towards a player with a high bounty as a target.

The panel should also allow anyone using it to spawn A.G. ships and send them towards a specific location / player.

Could also make it all based off of a point system in which the actions you can take with the panel (spawning ships, sending ships to a player or island, etc...) will cost server-outpost points, which change depending on the A.G's influence in the server.


There could be pirates raiding random islands and defeating them could give reputation, random drops, and Lamina. (Aurem could be a bonus too). For Alalea it would be the A.G. instead of other pirates, and defeating them would lower your reputation / give bounty instead of raising it.

The same could be applied to the sea, where fleets of pirate / A.G. ships would spawn instead of isolated ship spawns (Or just have both happen, with fleets being rarer). Defeating the fleets would spawn appropriate loot, and if it isn't taken then it could just turn into a shipwreck (See the other shipwrecks concept for more information)

Wandering trading ships could also be a thing, mainly coming from Mainland selling goods that would move across the sea (Miss Molly's ship could also do this in the 2nd sea; the Sailing Bazaar could also move around sometimes)


Not much can be said about the storyline that's going to be taking place, all of this is speculation.

  1. Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget is very unknown, What I personally will think what happens is that the Unknown, Freedrock, will scope the area looking for survivors, seeing the explosion that destroyed Prometheus. They will encounter the peacekeeper and question them.

(Inspector Gadget is a hint to a inspector, from the show "Inspector Gadget")

2. RIP

Mourning the death of Theos, the peacekeeper will most likely head back to Sabura, or in hiding. if we were to follow the storyline from the webtoons, arcane adventures, this will span over 2 years, hiding near the edge of 4th sea.

3. Friend

The peacekeeper most likely will interact with angel, who we last saw at Cerulea. How the peacekeeper is obviously unknown, most likely getting hints from people around the sea.

4. Peak

Angel will take the peacekeeper, still mourning the loss of will be trained under Freedrock where they will unlock their third mind.

5.Third Mind

After grueling training from Freedrock, the peacekeeper unlocks their third mind, instead of it being at the Stormwall Dungeon in V1.1.

6. Reading

The peacekeeper will head into The Great Library of Alexandria, to research about Durza (Acheron??) or dead revival magic. Or this could just be a fun time and you learn about yourself, reading into the past of the peacekeeper.

7. Revenge

After the story is finished, you will head into the 5th sea, in revenge of Theos's death and vanquish Durza.


5 major side quest's are coming to the v1.2 update at mainland. Instead of side-quests being just one objective then returning to an NPC, some side-quests could possibly branch out, similar to how the main quests are.

You'd get a side-quest that would have multiple NPC's connected to it, creating its own story on the side.

  1. The Light Curse

The peacekeeper will join sides with Averill on a quest to locate the Light Curse, rumored to be held in a fortress. This a new dungeon coming to the game, like Stormwall.

"General Spade, The False Conveyor" Is the final boss of this dungeon, who guards the light curse. They will most likely have boss drops.

2. Acid Samurai

A request from Freedrock or another person will send you to fight a samurai which has a sword imbued with acid. It has one guaranteed drop, "Nogasu, The Acid Katana"

3. Kraken

You will set out an vanquish "The Kraken, Devourer of Seas." After it has been tormenting sailors in the first and second seas.

4. Sage

After the skirmish with "Sage, Emerald Empress" In the second sea, you find her once again in the 4th sea, where you will finally kill her.

5. Fire Wizard

After the very intense battle with Rupin, who was gravely injured from the Rupin fight, along with yours. He retreated to the 4th sea, where you encounter them again with possibly Tringo, and kill them.


"Queen Anne's Revenge" a unknown boat in the 4th sea, they most likely sank from a powerful foe. It may have been a boat sank by Rupin, Sage, or the Kraken. There has sadly been no information on this boat, or the sunken item obtained from it.



Impact fist is getting a rework. No information has been given to this rework.

Radius fist is also getting a rework. Once again, no information has been given to this rework

Strangely Enough, Magic fist is also getting a rework, most likely because of its superiority compared to the other Fighting Styles



A strange new fighting style coming in the 4th sea update, with new mechanics.

  1. Hook

It comes with a new movement system, "Hooking" where you press "E" to hook to your mouse.

2. Shuriken Throw

You throw 3 small shurikens, which split into 3 ways and have a purple trail (coated with poison?)

3. Firecracker Festival

Much like a "R" move on a magic, you throw down small firecrackers around you, most likely burning them.

4. Punishing Blow

Most likely a heavy hitting attack, like the "strong hammer" move on boxing, without knockback.

Projectors Hand

Not much is known about this fighting style, since it hasn't been finished. It will have a total of 5 moves with a basic hitting move. What's strange about this fighting style is that you are able to activate a "fury" mode, which reworks all the previous moves, making them much stronger. I speculate its like a ultimate move, like those battleground games, done by hitting them and have a short boost of powerful moves.


Most tools are just for quality of life, but I would like to mention the "Modern Fishing Rod" it is a unbreakable rod, and overall has the same mechanics of all previous rods, being able to pull in fish faster, more likely to catch items, and rarer fish.


Lots of new weapons are coming in the update, Along with all the magic weapons getting a deluxe version. All weapons will have a custom walking animation, along with an idle animation.

1. Iron Rapier

The iron rapier is a small cutlass-like weapon having an ability to launch small projectiles across a small area.

2. Steel Rapier

Works the same as the iron rapier, but most likely stronger.

3. Viking Shield + Knight's Shield

Like the Doomwood shield and the Savaria shield, they are able to block weapons. They will most likely be stronger counterparts and will block magic.

4. Genisian Bow

Like the Doomwood bow and the magic bow, it will be a stronger counterpart.

5. Magic Cutlass

Like most Cutlasses that appear it will have a magic form of the whirlwind.

6. Magic Rapier

A stronger version of the iron and steel rapier, but has the visuals of your


7. Magic Greatsword

“It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw arcanium.”

This sword will be massive, and I’m praying that it will look like the dragonslayer from Berserk. I have 0 idea what the moves will be on it.

8. Claymore

A much more steady, small sword than a greatsword, but still quite big.

9. Bagh Nakh

Strange claws, like wolverine. No idea what this will be, it will be cool though.


Clan War System

Allow Clan Leaders to declare war on each other. When a war declaration is sent through messages to another Clan Leader, they will have the option to accept or decline the war. If accepted, the game will send a notice to all players that a clan war is starting, and they can join through the notice message. The Clan Leader should be able to remove players in the queue before the war starts. All players will then be teleported to an arena (Southwestern Sea?) and the war will happen there.

Clan Alliance System

Clan Leaders can send an alliance request to another leader, if this is accepted then infamy gain / loss is disabled between both clans, and they can also request to take ownership of an island that's captured by an allied clan, along with being able to build on said island. Alliances should be able to be terminated by clan leaders.

Clan Trade Market

Using the clan's fleets (Should be unlocked at a certain infamy tier), Co-Leaders+ can send at least 1 ship to a sea to export/import their items to get Lamina, Aurem or an item for it. The farther the sea you choose, the higher the risk for the ship returning damaged or not coming back at all, but the reward is greatly increased.


Upon entering the Mainland Mines, players will spawn in with their tools but also a pickaxe. An NPC will be at the spawn explaining what you can find inside the mines.

The mines should be randomly generated and start branching off into multiple sections as the player goes deeper. Areas closer to the entrance should have PvP disabled, however as the player goes deeper into the mines, PvP will be enabled.

Charms will spawn throughout the mines and a pickaxe can be used to obtain them. Common charms will spawn near the entrance of the mines, with rarer charms spawning the deeper the player goes. There should also be a chance of a cluster of charms spawning if the player goes deep enough into the mines, could also add mini-bosses / enemies in the area the player can fight before being able to loot the charm cluster. There should also be a max amount of charms the player can hold, unsure what it will be yet.

The enemies / mini-bosses could also use Mastered Magic’s / Mutations along with unique weapons that are droppable.


Alpha White Eyes

A brand new shark Alpha White eyes, it destroys boats in seconds and only spawns in the night time


A brand new boat that is unobtainable, and will only be seen by legendary ships (The Rumbling Caldera)


The new fastest boat in the game, powered by steam and bought in Genisi.

Boat Upgrades

Figureheads, Rams, Storage Upgrades, Canon upgrades, and new lanterns are things that you can add to your boat

Lootbag Rework

Lootbags from death are getting a rework, probably meaning that you can collect lost lamina if you get to the bag on time

Achievement System

Achievements are coming back to AR, from AA. 0 idea if these are going to give titles or not

New titles

New titles are coming to the game, whether that be for faction ranks, or a certain achievement.

Daily quests

New daily quests are coming to the game, possibly rewarding XP or items.

Treasure Maps

You can go around islands to find these and see locations of all chests on a certain island, like from AA

Improved environments

Seagulls flying in the distance, skybox changing every day, weather types such as clear days, foggy days, accurate sounds in nearby foliage such as cricket sounds emitting from a nearby bush at night, etc..


  1. Northern lights (across seas or islands)

  2. Skybox cycle

  3. Dynamic Lighting

  4. Remodeled waves

  5. Gun air-stall

  6. Moon cycle

  7. Cannon barrage move nerf

  8. Extended cooldowns on magic fist

  9. Overhead boss health bars

  10. Return to title screen button

  11. Tornadoes fling you instead of keeping you trapped inside of them

  12. Notification's when the player can continue the questline

  13. New icebergs

  14. Cargo & cargo tiers

  15. Note in bottles. Players could buy a Note + Bottle from an NPC, write a note in it and send it out to the sea. Eventually another player would catch it through fishing whether it be through different seas or at a much different time.

  16. Transcendent + Heavenly nerf

  17. Wandering traders

  18. Daily wheel spinner

  19. New compass

  20. Economy??

  21. Black magic chests + more chest types (greater rewards and black magic items are returning)

  22. Loadouts

  23. New books

  24. Displayed enchantments

  25. Aurem cap increase

  26. Balancing on the alchemist

  27. New hints

  28. More colors on boats gamepass

  29. Magic dagger move

  30. Night vision potion

Information about the V1.2 update. | Fandom (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.